Friday, June 21, 2013

Harry Potter Readalong Wrap-Up - How can this be over?

You guys, this is it. The last Harry Potter Friday. The final wrap up post after this 6 month readalong. How nuts is that? 6 months of reading and writing about Harry Potter. That is crazy impressive. Especially when I think way back to when this readalong was first suggested and the thought of committing to anything for 6 months was crazy. How am I going to stick with it? Now I don't know what I'm going to do next Friday. Who is going to listen to thoughts about wizarding plumbing? WHO I ASK YOU?

Alice, super big thanks and hugs for hosting this thing because it has been insanely fun.
Hug or awk Bill dance. Whatevs
Last minute questions/thoughts that weren't included in the readalong posts (where they belong) and instead I'm going to awkwardly shove them here. Because I'm not ready to admit this is over
  • Charlie riding into the Hogwarts battle on a dragon. I know it would have been ridiculous and the tone would have been wrong but SIRIUSLY how badass would that have been? I mean, he was there fighting right?
  • Firewhiskey, so is this magic whiskey? Or just like normal whiskey but it has to be wizarding so it's just a brand? Except the Harry Potter wiki tells me there are dif brands of firewhiskey but not what makes firewhiskey different than Jameson or something. I need answers to the important questions.
Keeping with the theme of I'm not ready for this to end yet, here's a few GIFs that I tried to shoehorn in to the normal readalong posts but never managed
wizards should use more fairy dust

Thank you not only to Alice but to everyone else that played along with this readalong. We had laughs and cries and arguments and it has been SO MUCH FUN. Best book club ever.

What's that, you wanted to see a list of ALL the Harry Potter readalong posts? Of course you do

Intro Post
Harry Potter readalong - IT BEGINS

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry - yer a wizard
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts
It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Nasty temper he's got, that Sirius Black
Your father is alive in you, Harry

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Moody, we never use Transfiguration as punishment
Twitchy little ferret, aren't you, Malfoy?
We are only as strong as we are united, weak as we are divided

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I must not tell lies
The thing about growing up with Fred and that you sort of start thinking anything is possible if you've got enough nerve
HP & OotP final post - all the crying

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
HP & HBP part I - still no quote title
I knew I was different. I knew I was special
Dumbledore's man through and through

The Tales of Beedle the Bard
Magic causes as much trouble as it cures

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I don't think you're a waste of space
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death
It's so unfair that you had to die, when you were so good and brave
Do not pity the the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love

And finally, I leave you with this, care of Awkward Family Photos - Pregnant Edition
Someone Slytherin-ed to her Chamber of Secrets

Comments (22)

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Ugh that is the awkwardest. Also, what are Fridays now? I don't ever KNOW!
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
I'm going to have to start smooshing random HP references into other posts. What will I do without HP Fridays?

Also what is the fairy dust thing from?

ALSO thanks for being in this readalong, dude. It would have been differenty and not as awesome without you. Plus it would've been just AWKWARD for you on Fridays.
2 replies · active 611 weeks ago
I wanted to use that otter gif every week. I can watch it for hours (or like minutes but WHATEVER A LONG INTERNET TIME)

I have no idea what the fairy dust thing is from. Umm Tumblr. A Tumblr. A Tumblr that did not cite it. I just know I love it.
"Someone Slytherin-ed to her Chamber of Secrets" *high fives you*

Ok, yeah, WAS Charlie there in the final battle? Because I think he was NOT, which leads me to believe that JK just kind of forgot about him? Poor Charlie.
3 replies · active 611 weeks ago
How am I going to slide these awkward puns into my posts now?

I think Rowling totally forgot about Charlie in the end. Poor forgotten Weasley.
Yes, Charlie was there! He and Slughorn led the surge of parents at the end of the battle!
PHew. I was worried Rowling forgot about him. Even if she did miss the opportunity to have him ride in on a dragon
I'm away on vacation and couldn't do a wrap-up post, but I just had to say how sad I am that it is over.

Plumbing and fire whiskey--we need entire CONFERENCES to do all of the good discussion that these two topics, among many, would require.
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
It's so sad that this is over. I'm all for randomly starting email chains where we bring up some obscure HP point we wish to discuss.
That awkward picture is the most awkward. Also, that's a wig, right? It's totally a wig. And that otter gif is also wonderful.

ALLEY THIS IS THE VERY LAST HARRY POTTER POST WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DOOOO??? Impromptu Harry Potter movie watchalong with reviews? Yes? Anyone? DON'T LET THIS BE OVER.
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
I think they might both be wigs. Thank you, awk family photos.

OMG YES LET'S DO A HP MOVIE WATCH ALONG! Except I don't yet have any of the movies. I think I could convince my mom I need to borrow her collection for this is VERY IMPORTANT
I am sad that Fridays are no longer Harry Potter Day. I miss Harry Potter Day already, partly because I am a dope who forgot to post today even though it was postin' day. Anyway it has been a lovely readalong! I enjoyed it greatly! Everyone has said so many things, and I have felt so many feelings.
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
I'm still sort of in denial that this is the very last post. Next Friday is going to be rough.
Re: awkward photo, why is his head so small? Is it the angle? Is her wig just really big/full of secrets?

OMG I can't believe this thing is over. I will no longer get to tell people I am doing a six-month book club read of Harry Potter and get to watch their reactions to finally know the truth of whether they are cool or not...

Because what's cooler than a six-month readalong of Harry Potter? NOTHING. Except maybe the twelve-month readalong we'll have in a few years when JKR writes all those prequels/sequels we've requested, obv.
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
I think the oversized wigs on both of them are causing some odd head size issues. There are so many problems going on in that photo.

NOTHING is cooler than a 6 month Harry Potter readalong. And if Rowling ever does get around to writing all of the prequel/sequels we requested, I'm pretty sure the readalong will have to be a couple years long. So, Rowling, GET WRITING
This is a GOOD question about firewhiskey. Let's just make something up. How abouuuuut it's naturally warm, so it's even MORE perfect for sore throats. And also it's good to drink in the snow because it warms you from the inside out. And ALSO it has vitamins.
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
Yes to all of this. Mmmm delicious, warming, bursting with vitamins firewhiskey. This makes up for some of the stupider things the wizarding world has done. Like no therapy for people who CLEARLY have PTSD. But it's cool cos firewhiskey.
But if Charlie had ridden in on a dragon (which he definitely should have) everyone would have been so amazed and in awe (also, because he's so super handsome) that they'd all be like "Harry who? He did what in the forest? Who cares CHARLIE RODE IN ON A DRAGON!"
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
Ah EXCELLENT point. Everyone would have been so distracted because of how badass & handsome that would have been. Harry and Voldie would be doing their thing and everyone else would be like "I'm sorry, could you keep it down over there. Charlie just rode in on a dragon"

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