It was roughly a million years ago I started reading A Clash of Kings, the second in the A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones series. I downloaded it as part of my I'm-going-abroad-and-need-to-make-sure-I-don't-run-out-of-books frenzy. I thought maybe it was overkill and then finished my other books and started this on the flight back. So it all worked out for me. Actually getting around to reviewing the book has been less successful. Because I am lazy. I'm also not quite sure what to say.
Do I describe the plot? I did a bit with the first book but that was different. If you're starting the series, you should know what you're getting into. By the second book, you know what's up. A bunch of characters are all vying for the crown and I kept thinking of the song Why Can't We Be Friends because I think it would have solved a lot of problems. Or at least made a funny soundtrack to all the fighting.
This book was all battles. And battles. Then there was another battle. Then when you're like "Wow, there have been a lot of battles so I guess we should probably have something else...oh another battle. So. That's neat." At one point I realized I wasn't quite skimming the battle scenes but I found myself hoping the fighting would hurry up so I could get on with the story. Then I realized that the fighting was the story and I was going to need read the next book to (hopefully) hear something different.
I also realized far too late that the book has an appendix in the back that explains who all the characters are and what their connections to each other are. The whole time I'm reading I kept thinking "I need to be taking detailed notes about who the hell all these people are". I blame the Kindle and the fact that I can't just flip through the pages and notice that OH HEY, there's exactly what I need just stuck in the back. So dammit me. I'm sure I will forget when I get around to the next book. I still wish there had been a little "Last time on..." before the chapters because sometimes you go hundreds of pages in between one character's POV chapter and it would take me awhile to realize where we left them.
But there were things I liked about the book:
Arya's story is just getting more and more interesting and she rules.
Sansa no longer makes me eye-roll myself to a headache and her story is actually pretty tragic.
Tyrion continues to kick ass and it was a good thing he kept talking about his sister or brother or father because I kept forgetting he was part of the Lannister family. Because see, they suck and he rules.
Catelyn continues to be strong and tries to hold things together. Plus she pairs up with Brienne who is a fearsome knight AND a lady, so love that
Dani still has her dragons. I like dragons
OK so, I didn't really realize this until now, but despite the fact that I question how much GRR knows about lady-bits, he does have some interesting, fleshed out female characters. It almost makes up for lines like this: "Her small breasts moved freely beneath a painted Dothraki vest." This line is from one of Dani's chapters. As in from her point of view. If I may paraphrase a Cracked list* obviously ladies are constantly thinking about what their boobs are doing..well, all the time. It's sort of two steps forward, one step back, but at least we're still moving forward with female character development.
I enjoy the series. I do. I mean, it would suck if I didn't considering I've read something like 1,700 pages of it so far and I'm only two books in. But this book didn't exactly get me excited to continue on. Whatever the hell happened on the most recent GoT episode that got Twitter and Facebook all hot and bothered makes me want to hurry up and read book three so I can figure out WTF just happened.
So, overall, the book is meh. If this had been the first book, I probably wouldn't continue on. But I shall continue on. Not right away. Perhaps the next time I'm sitting at an airport and I realize that I better download another behemoth so I won't run out while I'm travelling.
*You know, as I do. 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained To Hate Women
Title quote from page 37, location 857
Martin, George R. R. A Clash of Kings. Bantam Books, 1998. Kindle edition
Thursday, June 6, 2013
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Comments by IntenseDebate
All sorts of people are calling themselves kings these days
A Game of Thrones|Clash of Kings|George R R Martin|
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Kerry · 614 weeks ago
That said, Tyrion and Arya and Dani are THE BEST. Just the best. And Sansa is totally tragic, in a heartbreaking kind of way. Are you watching the show at all?
Oh, and one last thing -- the appendix at the end of big, honking fantasy novels is the most useful thing ever. It's the only way I made it through the Wheel of Time books.
What Red Read 121p · 614 weeks ago
Don't worry about being a naysayer cos I wouldn't be surprised if I don't make it all the way through the series. I don't LOVE it the way I know some people do. I like it enough to read it, but not enough that I'm tearing through it. And if I stop liking it, I'm fine putting it down.
I really wish I realized there was an appendix before I finished the book. Except it's not the easiest thing to just flip to it on a Kindle. Unless there's some secret way to do this that I am unaware of.
readingrambo 112p · 614 weeks ago
This is why we are friends, Alley.
What Red Read 121p · 614 weeks ago
Laura · 614 weeks ago
I am still not the biggest fan of fantasy so I'm probably never going to read these books, BUT I am glad this was ok enough that you don't mind reading the next book in the series? Yes, that.
What Red Read 121p · 614 weeks ago
jennysbooks 89p · 614 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 614 weeks ago
Kayleigh_M 92p · 613 weeks ago
(but before that I hope she gets the chance to do the awesome things you mentioned)
etudesque 73p · 614 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 613 weeks ago
Sarah Says Read · 613 weeks ago
And for as much crap as people give G.R.R.M., his lady characters aren't the worst - Arya is SUPER bad-ass, Cersei is crazy and horrible but she's also really smart, Brienne is all sorts of kick-ass and honorable... some of the females in the series just get a bit too sexualized, I think. And there's some crappy females, like Catelyn... but honestly, I think it's pretty half and half for good female characters compared to the crappy ones. This just seems like one of those times when people want something to complain about, and people started complaining about it a lot more after the show came out, which makes me think that HBO's tendancy towards racy scenes is doing some damage.
And hehehe, I know what people were raving about the other night! And I was all "Oh, that? Big deal." cause I'm already past it in the books. It was an "oh shit" moment when I read it though. I should really start book 5...
What Red Read 121p · 613 weeks ago
Kayleigh_M 92p · 613 weeks ago
90% of the time I think Martin writes really well regarding his female characters, but the fact that the best characters in the series are the females (and legit, like all of them, even though I hate Cersei her storyline is fascinating) makes up for the less than excellent 10%. He really should get more credit, since most of the other fantasy novels I read are *terrible* at 1) writing women well and 2) making the male and female readers like a female character best.
What Red Read 121p · 613 weeks ago
I agree that the things he does right with his female characters makes up for the things he does wrong. I'm still going to point out the things he does wrong because it's funny to point out the whole "And Dani's boobs did this, also she entered the room" stuff.
Kayleigh_M 92p · 613 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 613 weeks ago