So the Northeast got hit with blizzard Nemo over the weekend, which meant I had a lot of time to sit around the house and read. It also meant that while I was reading I was sitting near my computer and could write down my thoughts as I went, instead of trying to remember them all at the end. Which is the reason I have actual quotes this time. And also why I spent so much time thinking of Hogwarts math. As with every other readalong post, thar be spoilers ahead. Be warned.
I love the Patronus charm and the idea that the spell is based on happy thoughts. However, Harry's motivation for learning the charm, so he can make sure he doesn't fall off his broom and thus lose the Quidditch Cup, is very lame. And Ron said Hermione's priorities were messed up in the first book.
I do think the best part about Harry's Patronus lessons is the fact that he sort of doesn't want to successfully produce the Patronus because then he won't be able to hear his parents, even though he's hearing their dying words. That is so heartbreaking. I just want to hug him.

Overall I'm not a fan of any of the Quidditch scenes. Then again, I'm not a huge sports fan anyway so this is nothing against Rowling. However I do enjoy Lee Jordan and McGonagall's arguments during his commentary.
"I thought you two'd value yer friend more'n broomsticks or rats." Damn straight! You tell 'em, Hagrid. Stupid Ron and Harry need to BE NICER TO HERMIONE.
"Everyone from the Minister of Magic downward has been trying to keep famous Harry Potter safe from Sirius Black. But famous Harry Potter is a law unto himself. Let the ordinary people worry about his safety! Famous Harry Potter goes where he wants to, with no thought for the consequences." Snape may be an asshole, but he makes a very good point. Obviously Lupin makes the same point that actually gets through to Harry, but still, the idea is the same.
Earlier in this readalong we guessed there are about 10 kids per house per grade, based roughly on how many Griffindors there are in Harry's year. So there are 7 grades at Hogwarts so each house would have about 70 students. Except during the Quidditch match Griffindor vs. Slytherine it says there are 200 people wearing green. The scene at breakfast suggested that Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are also rooting for Griffindor (cos everyone hates Slytherin) so who is making up all 200? So I asked the internet for an answer and apparently Rowling gave an interview in 2000 and said there are 1,000 students at Hogwarts. The folks at Beyond Hogwarts argue that this makes no sense, and they guess closer to the 10 students per house per grade. So I know since Rowling wrote the books her answer should be the correct one, but since most of the other stuff she wrote doesn't support that (except maybe this scene with 200 Slytherins) I'm choosing to believe the smaller number.
Doing the math: how many kids are at Hogwarts
I don't deny that Hemione is super clever, but is she really THAT smart for figuring out Lupin is a werewolf? Given all of the clues that were handed out, a few of Lupin's students should have guessed what he was. Considering so many of them saw what the boggert turned into. Did all of them REALLY thing it was just a white glowing ball he's afraid of?

Speaking of Lupin as a werewolf, I mentioned in my last post I had a problem with Lupin's name. I didn't think the history about Lupin becoming a werewolf came out until the 5th book, but it looks like it's here. Therefore, here is my problem:
Remus Lupin says he was bit by a werewolf as a young child. Yet his name has two wolf references in it: Remus one of the twins that founded Rome, raised by a she-wolf and Lupin or "Lupine" which is relating to a wolf. That is either a) insanely coincidental, b) Lupin changed his name at some point (perhaps to give people some warning of what he is) or c) he was actually born a werewolf and this is actually a family thing. Or most likely, Rowling named him this because it's a clever little play on words and assumed no one was going to look this closely at a children's book. Silly Rowling.
"Is a schoolboy grudge worth putting an innocent man back inside Azkaban?" Snape is TOTALLY fine with this. Which is why he's a pretty big asshole. But then (at least in the movie) he makes sure to push Harry, Ron, and Hermione behind him so he's between them and werewolf Lupin, and it makes up for some of his asshole behavior. Some.
This is totally a Cracked point, but I think it should be made cos, ew. So Pettigrew was Scabbers and has been hanging out with the Weasley family for 12 years. First he was Percy rat, then later he was given to Ron. On the Marauder's Map, it doesn't matter if he's hidden as a rat, he still shows up as himself. And the twins had that map for awhile before giving it to Harry. So if they were to look at that map to see what their brother is up to, they'd see him sleeping with a man named Peter Pettigrew. So yeah, wtf?

"You're the only person who has the right to decide [what to do with Pettigrew], Harry." What? Why? Why is Harry the only one who has the right to decide? Sirius has a pretty good right to decide, considering he lost his best friend AND has been in Azkaban for 12 years because of it. Gives him at least some right to decide.
I'm not going to go on about the Time Turner because there are so many problems with it there is no way to go over all of them. Time travel in general doesn't work if you think about it too hard. Including the fact that in order for Hermione to get the Time Turner McGonagall had to get permission from the Ministry to get it for her, so there's a good chance Fudge would know she had it.
Sirius is innocent and free (although still on the run), Lupin is sadly no longer their DADA professor, and Harry will be going back to the Dursley's for the summer. And if Rowling felt like writing a book detailing the Marauders time at Hogwarts, that'd be neat.
Title quote from page 427
Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Scholastic, 1999.
Kayleigh_M 92p · 631 weeks ago
When Harry gets the map there's a mention of a tiny dot named Harry popping up on the map. So does this mean Harry wasn't on the map earlier? I say this because I've heard the 'ewww, how come the twins didn't question the bed sharing thing' before and it's the only thing I can think of that might make sense. Perhaps, since the map is for mischief, it only pops on the necessary or nearby names, which is why he sees where Snape and Dumbledore are, but perhaps why the twins never realised the Peter Pettigrew thing. Or, maybe this is like the numbers thing and just a big ol' *shoulder shrug* who knows?
You know, I never thought about Lupin's name before!? I always knew the wolfish connections, but it never occurred to me how little sense it actually makes for him to have that name. I'm going to go with d/ JK wanted to look clever/put in a couple of hints - since she does seem to love to sign post things with historical and/or latin names.
Jennifer · 631 weeks ago
A book about the Marauders would be kind of cool, except that they seem like such unredeeming assholes that I don't know if I could stand it. I'd like to read books about Harry's forgotten classmates so we can see what adventures they get up to because the crap Harry stumbles upon can't be the only exciting stuff going on in a magical castle.
jennysbooks 89p · 631 weeks ago
Someone else in this readalong made the much more disturbing (to me) point that Ron has probably masturbated in front of that rat. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Sarah · 631 weeks ago
The Marauder's Map is SO COOL, but it kind of raises a lot of plot holes too. SO MANY THINGS should have been noticed or prevented just by that map being around. I blame it on Filch, he should really have given that parchment to Dumbledore instead of storing it in his office. Dumbledore I'm sure would have figured it out and it would have been SO useful for all headmasters ever.
I would love a book about the Marauders! :-)
Emily · 631 weeks ago
Incidentally, I was watching CoS last week. Not that I think that movie canon trumps book canon, but in the DADA class with Lockhart, there were about 40 students and they were from all of the houses taking that class Same thing with transfiguration--all of the second years were taking all of their core classes together.
I thought that map showed everybody in the castle or on the grounds, regardless of whether the users were up to mischief or not. And you're so right about the twins noticing at some point that Peter Pettigrew spent a lot of time in Gryffindor Tower. They don't have the Harry Filter -- I'm pretty sure they get around enough to know the names of everybody in their house. So how could they NOT have seen pettigrew? Again, it comes down to logic and Rowling and holes in said logic.
Loni · 631 weeks ago
Also, a book about the Marauders would be very cool.
readingrambo 112p · 631 weeks ago
Surely approval from the Ministry of Magic doesn't mean Fudge would necessarily know about it? It could be a department or something. Man's got shit to do! He don't got time for that.
Laura · 631 weeks ago
I'm not usually a huge fan of Quidditch-ness because ditto the sports thing, but I DID enjoy the match against Slytherin with the CLEARLY illegal fouls (come ON Malfoy, pulling on Harry's broomstick?!) and McGonagall getting all angry for once!
I don't think that *I* figured out that Lupin was a werewolf the first time. So... Hermione's just really smart, ok? I seeee what you mean about his name though! I mean, last week I was like 'what is she talking about, I think his name is PERFECT for a werewolf' but YEAH if he wasn't born one then what's that all about?! I feel like JK should have just made him a werewolf by birth and then that would have made perfect sense!
Kayleigh V · 631 weeks ago
I don't know you guys, I really don't have a problem with the student population being 800-1000. She doesn't show us everything, that JK.
Meg · 631 weeks ago
raychraych 52p · 631 weeks ago
I don't think I could read a book about the marauders because I'm already sort of like, Ugh, James, and I don't think there's any way JK could redeem him for me. I would end up just hating him MORE.
etudesque 73p · 631 weeks ago
Harry's struggle for wanting to hear his mother's voice is so heartwrenching :(
All that tween drama really gets to me - I try to skip those pages, ughhh.
I love that since Lupin is infinitely kind and sincere with Harry, his one little guilt trip is also infinitely more effective that 100 of Snape's criticisms.
Wow the pettigrew "sleeping" with ron really bothers me - I never thought of that! ahhhhh!
Rayna · 631 weeks ago
Man, Hagrid really brings the truth in Azkaban. Ron and Harry are mostly idiots, but as they're 13 I can usually forgive them.
And YES YES YES to the weird etymology of Lupin's name. Rowling must think her readers aren't up to googling.