Friday, March 22, 2013


Happy Harry Potter Day! (Or normal Friday for those of you not playing along with this readalong even though you TOTALLY SHOULD). Let's get the basics out of the way:

1. Thank you Alice for hosting this readalong, and all of it's awesomeness
2. There will be spoilers. And also some shouting. And gifs.
3. Enjoy

OK, so this is it. This is the Harry Potter book I've never made it past when re-reading. I've read the whole series through once and then I've re-read the first 4 books a few times. But I get to this book and I stop. I can't go on. Except this is also my favorite book of the series. So go figure. This time I'm going to have to just accept that bad things are coming.
This is Harry at his teenage angsty-est. He has very good reasons for being so moody, considering the whole "seeing Voldemort come back" thing, and the "no one will tell me what's going on and I'm stuck at the Dursley's" thing, and finally the "I'm 15 and teenagers are terrible" thing. He has good reasons for snapping at everyone, and yet I still want someone to smack him upside the head and tell him to shut up. They can hug him after. But Mr. Shoutypants is sounding like a douche. (Especially in Umbridge's class when he's all "Hmm let's think...maybe Lord Voldemort!" and you just want to be like "Really Harry? That the scathing line you went with? Maybe...ugh just sit down.")

Why do I like this book the mostest? Cos we get MOAR SIRIUS.
Not just Sirius, but also Lupin and Tonks and actual Mad Eye, and all the best characters. How much do you want to be friends with Tonks? So much? So much. The order is now hanging out at the Black family home, using it for all important Order business. Poor Sirius can't leave, now that the Death Eaters know his Animagus form (dammit Wormtail, you asshole), and he (quite understandably) HATES his family home. Remember when I said I wanted to smack Harry for his moodiness? I'm more forgiving of Sirius's. Probably because I love him, but also because his moodiness doesn't manifest itself in snapping at his friends. And also cos he has gone through way more. Not to downplay Harry's anguish but Sirius spent 12* years being mentally tortured in Azkaban, so the fact that he's not a raving lunatic is pretty incredible.

How great was the Mrs. Weasley/Sirius parenting styles duel? "Harry must be protected from all nasty things around him!" vs "Harry needs to know what he's up against!" Boom! Pow! And Harry gets to be in the middle of all these people fighting over who's going to be his parent the hardest and HOW GREAT IS THAT?
"He's not your son," said Sirius quietly
"He's as good as," said Mrs. Weasley fiercely. "Who else has he got?"
"He's got me!"
AWWWW. Harry deserves people fighting about who loves him the most. Especially after last week and we were all weeping over the fact that he'd never been hugged "like by a mother" and was so sad Sirius had to leave.

That said, Mrs. Weasley's comment about how Sirius hasn't been a parent to him cos he's been locked up for 12 years is a low blow.
Not cool, Mrs. W
"Sirius, how dare you be unfairly locked up for a crime you didn't commit! Didn't you think of who would watch after Harry while you were being framed and then locked up without trial?"

Speaking of the whole Molly/Sirius battle, Mrs. Weasley may have a (slight) point when she tells Sirius to remember Harry isn't James. Of course she's also overlooking how much Sirius did to watch out for Harry in the fourth book. Unless her comment was building on an on-going argument they had been having that we didn't get to see, because we were hanging out with Harry at the Dursley's.

Kreacher is terrible. I forget how awful he is. I know, I know, Sirius is mean to him. Probably because Kreacher spends the whole time talking about how awful everyone is and calling them names that have been established are REALLY BAD. "Mudblood" is sort of "the m-word" of the wizarding world, yes? 

So the O.W.L.s are super important. What happened to the students who were supposed to take their exams but didn't because if the Triwizard tournament? Do they have to make them up? Those kids are just screwed and can never get jobs now.

Also how you do on your O.W.L.s determines what jobs you can apply to? That...that is so scary. You have to make these decisions when you're 15? What do I think of that, you ask?
We get to meet Luna. Luna, Luna, you're so great. Sure, you can be a little tactless sometimes, but I prefer that to you being worried about people thinking you're weird. 

UMBRIDGE IS THE WORST. Remember how bad Rita Skeeter was? Umbridge is about a billion times worse. And the best villain of the series. Sorry, Voldie. And her Hem Hems? I'd like to set he on fire each time she does that. Plus how scary is it when McGonagall is afraid for Harry and his detention? I do not like it when the adults I trust in the series are afraid. It's not quite as bad as when Dumbles is afraid, but it's close.

I'm afraid of/can't wait for next week's chapters. The feels. THE FEELS.

*Was Sirius in Azkaban for 12 or 13 years? Cos he escapes in the third book, which suggests 13 years cos that's how old Harry is in this one. But wasn't Harry a year old when Voldie killed his folks?  What's that? I could just ask the internet? I did, and the one thing says 13 years and doesn't explain.

Title quote from page 40

Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Scholastic, 2003

Comments (26)

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That Gerry gif was perfection. Bravo lady, you won the internets.

Harry Potter and the TOO MANY PARENTS (except actually the right amount, but they fight a lot and have different parenting styles and actually in a way make the perfect pair to parent him)

Mrs Weasley's blow is rather low - it's not like Sirius was all "dude I'm bored, my best friend is dead I might just go get framed for murdering a bunch of muggles and my ex-best-friend-now-dark-wizard-dude and spent some leisurely time in Azkaban. What a trip!"

But I am not so forgiving of Sirius in this book, but also I'm actually more annoyed at JKR than Sirius, because it felt a little out of character to have him swing from this fatherly figure in book 4 to a wildly irrational wildcard in this book. I guess it's not being able to help+ hated family home, but it still doesn't feel...right. Especially that line when he says to Harry, really snarkily, that James would have done it (maybe in the next section? I can't even remember what it's about? Sirius coming to Hogsmeade or something maybe?).

Only Harry and Cedric were excused from exams, everyone else was still doing them. And since you had to be 17, OWL participants wouldn't have been interrupted at all.
5 replies · active 626 weeks ago
"Remember when I said I wanted to smack Harry for his moodiness? I'm more forgiving of Sirius's."

Hahahaha Annnnd I am the opposite. I want Sirius to go away. Because I don't like him. But I'm also not the biggest Tonks fan, so my opinions can probably be ignored. (I don't DISlike her, but she could never show up again and I'd be fine)

Yeeeah, Mrs. Weasley's point about Sirius being in Azkaban was not the nicest. Or making the most sense as an argument. More like a painful reminder of those 12 years of living in a state of solid depression when you did nothing. Not that ok, Mrs. Weasley.

And hah, one of my older brothers used to want to take our little brother to inappropriate-for-his-age movies and I saw him as using Little Brother as a stand-in for Oldest Brother and I'd be like "He's not JAMES, Sirius" and we'd be on the same page because HARRY POTTER.
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
He was in for twelve years. Because yup, Harry was definitely a year old when his parents were killed. I have spoken. :p

Molly is mean! I am going to say SO MANY THINGS in week 3 of this readalong about Sirius and the Harry-isn't-James business that everyone keeps saying.
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
I love Tonks so much I would just like to be her.

Ah, the parenting battles. Molly gets tunnel-vision ferocious when it comes to what she thinks is best for her kids. What is with that Azkaban comment? That's just hurting to hurt. Basically everyone's going through some Stuff and reacting in ways that make it worse for everyone.
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
UGH, I am much more forgiving of Harry than Sirius! But, like, you know, Snape. Also I'm pretty sure Sirius was in Azkaban for 12 years, and by sure I mean I think I read it IN THE BOOK the other day...

Awwww, now I love the Sirius/Molly battle! 'I love Harry best!' 'No, I do!' :)

LUNA AND TONKS! I think I like Tonks better, just in a 'I'd like to be around her all the time' kind of way, but Luna is just awesome. Especially at being a teenage girl who doesn't care what people think about her. But TONKS!
3 replies · active 626 weeks ago
The only thing worse than Angry Harry is Sarcastic Angry Harry. Sarcasm is the tool of the lazy and mean.

All your gifs are particularly on point this week. Well done.
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
As everyone has already complimented your GIFs, this will just be piling on but


And I totally love that Harry gets to see Sirius and Molly fight over him. It's such a great moment, even though they're arguing... It does give me some Sirius feels, which usually I brush aside because in general I don't love him. (I don't hate him, either. I just am mostly ambivalent about him and don't actually find him too interesting after the third book is over. Maybe if JKR actually had him tell Harry some useful things about his own family history... But no.)
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
Because I love Mrs. Weasley's face off, I'm gonna TRY to explain away her not-cool Sirius comment:

When she started getting really panicky was when Sirius wanted to involve Harry in the Order of the Phoenix by filling him in on their plans. She wants to shield all the kids from the Terrible Awful (even WORSE than poo pie in this case), but in learning any information they're pulled in by association. When Sirius was sent to Azkaban, it was as a direct result of his being a member of the Order of the Phoenix. So when she says "REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE OUT OF HARRY'S LIFE FOR YEARS BECAUSE OF AZKABAN? REMEMBER?" is it possible that she's reminding him that being in or even around the Order comes with GREAT risks and it's irresponsible to involve anyone underage if they can be spared from that risk?

Or maybe she was just on her witch period that day.
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago
The GIFs. My God! They're beautiful!
1 reply · active 626 weeks ago

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