One of the reasons I love book blogging so much is because I am introduced to books I would have never considered. Hell, I'm introduced to genres I normally wouldn't check out. In this case the book is Beat to a Pulp: Hardboiled, which is a collection of hardboiled short stories. The book was brought to my attention by Ben at Dead End Follies who wrote one of the stories in the collection.
Short story collections are always a challenge to review. Do you talk about every story? Just a few? The collection overall? I can never decide which way to go so I've decided I'm just going to babble instead of going into this with any sort of structure. You know, my usual method.
First up, this was a quick read. And not a quick as in "this was an easy read that required no thought". It was quick because I kept wanting to see what happened next. And then that story would end and I'd go "Well I just have time for one more..." I have a very short attention span so normally with short stories I read one then put the book down and wander away. Not this time though. Even the stories that weren't my favorite still made me want to read more. That was pretty sweet.
Short stories can be tricky. They need to tell a complete story, a complete arc, in the span of just a few pages. They can be a moment of part of a larger story (aren't all stories?) but it needs to be fully contained. Most of the stories in this collection succeeded but there were a couple that felt like they were chapters out of a larger novel. They told of a single event, but they didn't feel like a single story. Kent Gowran's "A Small Thing at the Devil's Punchbowl" and John Hornor Jacobs "The Death Fantastique" both had this problem. I liked both stories, I thought they were interesting and well-written, but they felt like I picked up a full novel and read a couple pages out of it. They didn't work as short stories.
On the other hand, some of the stories were especially good, both in terms of working as a short story as well as just being a good read. My two favorites are "Ric with No K" by Patricia Abbot and Ben's "Second Round Dive".
Before I say anything else, I want to say that when I first started Ben's story I told myself I wasn't going to review it. It can be nerve wracking to write any review, moreso when you know the author might read it and then that's tripled when the author is a blogging friend. So I was just going to avoid that whole deal by not writing about it. And then I ended up really liking the story. A story about a boxer. I don't like boxers or boxing or fighting, unless it involves Christian Bale acting like a crack head. But the fact is when the story is about the characters and is good, it doesn't matter what the details are. Plus this happens to be the only story that I stopped to highlight different parts*. So in the end, I couldn't help me say something about this story and I'm very happy that it is all good things.
I was also pleasantly surprised that my other favorite story of the collection is written by a female author. I didn't notice that until after I finished but it's nice to see ladies getting in on this genre. (They might be all over the genre, I really have no idea.) In this case there is little in terms of a plot, which was a change from so many of the other stories that were very plot driven. There is a plot there, but it mostly focuses on the main character, a naive young girl who sporadically sees her flaky mom in between foster homes and her criminal older "boyfriend" Ric. The story could have easily gone the route of a Law & Order: SVU episode but by focusing on the girl, it doesn't. It takes on an innocence that makes it endearing as well as disturbing.
As I've said, I'm not a hardboiled expert by any means, so I can't tell you if this collection is really indicative of the genre as a whole or what. I can't put it into a real context but I can tell you I really enjoyed this. It's a collection that kept me entertained and kept me going "just one more story."
*This isn't entirely true, as I did highlight a line in another story. But that highlight was because I went "what? That doesn't make sense at all." In "The Death Fantastique" a character wonders why the girl takes a shower but doesn't wash her hair and wonders what the point is. Then makes a comment about localized dirt between her legs. Really, my problem with this is I definitely don't wash my hair each time I shower because do you know how long it takes to wash and dry long hair? For me at least, while I have long hair, it's like an extra hour of work. It's a real pain in the ass. I know it's a stupid, little thing, but it took me out of the story.
Title quote from location 53
Crammer, David and Scott D. Parker (eds). Beat to a Pulp: Hardboiled. Amazon Digital Services, 2011. Kindle.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
True, hardboiled fiction is also escapist. It offers a low-risk walk on the wild side
Posted by
9:36 AM
True, hardboiled fiction is also escapist. It offers a low-risk walk on the wild side
Beat to a Pulp|
Comments (2)

Beat to a Pulp
Monday, November 28, 2011
Upcoming reviews OR a post to distract you from the fact that I have no real post
Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. At least those of you who are in the US. For my international readers, you should really get in on this holiday. Seriously, you hang out with family and think about what you're thankful for and most importantly PIE! It's pretty cool.
I spent my Thanksgiving in South Carolina because screw cold weather. I'm currently pet-less and my dad has a bit of a menagerie (6 cats and 3 dogs at the start of the trip*) so that's always fun. Plus it distracts me from the fact that, with the exception of my phone, I'm internet-less down there. Oh they have internet, but they're so far out they can't get unlimited access (I didn't realize that was a problem for things that aren't wireless phones) and they work out of the home so they need their interwebs. Also I'm way too lazy to set up anything. This paragraph is just a big excuse as to why a) I haven't posted anything in awhile and b) why I haven't read any blogs in a week. But I have been reading! So to tempt you with stuff I will be reviewing once I get my shit together, here are the books I've read that I need to write about:
Beat to a Pulp edited by Scott D. Parker and David Cranmer
On Writing by Stephen King
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
Also to distract you from the fact that I have no real post, here are some animal pictures!
*By the end of the trip it was down to 3 cats. See, most of the animals my dad gets are animals that wander over and don't leave. The house is an old plantation so it's in the middle of no where and there are stray animals roaming the area. There used to be a bunch of wildcats around, which was good because they took care of the mice and rats. That is until my dad got a couple dogs that just destroyed the cat population. If you're wondering what a dog would do if it ever caught the cat, kill it is the answer. So dad was feeding this a cat that started showing up, and one day noticed she looked a little larger than usual. And what do you know, she's pregnant. To keep the cat and her eventual kittens safe, they brought the cat inside. The cat is going the 16 and Pregnant route, but instead of time on an MTV show and a boob job, it gets to live inside and not get eaten by dogs. Clever girl. But 6 cats is a lot so they were going to give away all the kittens and managed 3 (2 to my step-mom's sister and one to a co-worker of hers). I'm trying to convince Boyfriend that we need one of these but so far he's resisting. Specifically the cat in the last picture that is like "I will destroy you, pine needle, but also I will nap!"
I spent my Thanksgiving in South Carolina because screw cold weather. I'm currently pet-less and my dad has a bit of a menagerie (6 cats and 3 dogs at the start of the trip*) so that's always fun. Plus it distracts me from the fact that, with the exception of my phone, I'm internet-less down there. Oh they have internet, but they're so far out they can't get unlimited access (I didn't realize that was a problem for things that aren't wireless phones) and they work out of the home so they need their interwebs. Also I'm way too lazy to set up anything. This paragraph is just a big excuse as to why a) I haven't posted anything in awhile and b) why I haven't read any blogs in a week. But I have been reading! So to tempt you with stuff I will be reviewing once I get my shit together, here are the books I've read that I need to write about:
Beat to a Pulp edited by Scott D. Parker and David Cranmer
On Writing by Stephen King
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
Also to distract you from the fact that I have no real post, here are some animal pictures!
*By the end of the trip it was down to 3 cats. See, most of the animals my dad gets are animals that wander over and don't leave. The house is an old plantation so it's in the middle of no where and there are stray animals roaming the area. There used to be a bunch of wildcats around, which was good because they took care of the mice and rats. That is until my dad got a couple dogs that just destroyed the cat population. If you're wondering what a dog would do if it ever caught the cat, kill it is the answer. So dad was feeding this a cat that started showing up, and one day noticed she looked a little larger than usual. And what do you know, she's pregnant. To keep the cat and her eventual kittens safe, they brought the cat inside. The cat is going the 16 and Pregnant route, but instead of time on an MTV show and a boob job, it gets to live inside and not get eaten by dogs. Clever girl. But 6 cats is a lot so they were going to give away all the kittens and managed 3 (2 to my step-mom's sister and one to a co-worker of hers). I'm trying to convince Boyfriend that we need one of these but so far he's resisting. Specifically the cat in the last picture that is like "I will destroy you, pine needle, but also I will nap!"
Posted by
12:48 PM
Upcoming reviews OR a post to distract you from the fact that I have no real post
Comments (10)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Pine Cove was a decorative town...only one degree more functional than a Disneyland attraction
After a few slow reading months I decided I needed something quick and fun to read next. You know, so I could bolster those total pages read each month that no one but me cares about. But lucky for me, I had an unread Christopher Moore book sitting on my shelf.
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove takes place in the same fictional town of Pine Cove that his first novel, Practical Demonkeeping, was set. And like PD, it also involves a supernatural monster, although this time it's the Sea Beast Steve instead of the supernatural demon Catch terrorizing the tiny resort town. On top of this there's a suspicious suicide, a ranch no one's allowed to step foot on and the local psychiatrist has just changed everyone's anti-depressants to placebos. Moore's skill is creating colorful characters and once again his cast is a lot of fun to watch. There's the pot-head constable Theo, the guilt ridden psychiatrist Val, the nerdy biologist Gabe (or Food Guy as he's known by his dog Skinner), the local crazy lady and ruined B-movie star Molly and of course the bartender of the local bar, who is now more machine than person (what with the replacement hips, pacemakers, etc), Mavis. How can you not want to read whatever they get into?
I was surprised after I finished reading The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove to find out that this wasn't the second novel he wrote. It's not only that it has the same setting and several same characters as his first novel, but it feels like an early novel. The book is funny but it doesn't have the heart of some of his other novels, like Lamb or Fool. There is a lot going on and the different story-lines feel like they're rushed at the end. The book constantly jumps from one point of view to another, which I actually like, but it means that there is a lot going on and it's easy to lose focus. And because there are so many characters (I didn't even mention Estelle the artist or Catfish the blues singer. Except now I did.) no one gets the attention they deserve and they feel unfinished.
It was still fun and certainly a quick read but I know he can do so much better.
Title quote from page 129
Moore, Christopher. The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove. Harper Collins, 1999.
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove takes place in the same fictional town of Pine Cove that his first novel, Practical Demonkeeping, was set. And like PD, it also involves a supernatural monster, although this time it's the Sea Beast Steve instead of the supernatural demon Catch terrorizing the tiny resort town. On top of this there's a suspicious suicide, a ranch no one's allowed to step foot on and the local psychiatrist has just changed everyone's anti-depressants to placebos. Moore's skill is creating colorful characters and once again his cast is a lot of fun to watch. There's the pot-head constable Theo, the guilt ridden psychiatrist Val, the nerdy biologist Gabe (or Food Guy as he's known by his dog Skinner), the local crazy lady and ruined B-movie star Molly and of course the bartender of the local bar, who is now more machine than person (what with the replacement hips, pacemakers, etc), Mavis. How can you not want to read whatever they get into?
I was surprised after I finished reading The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove to find out that this wasn't the second novel he wrote. It's not only that it has the same setting and several same characters as his first novel, but it feels like an early novel. The book is funny but it doesn't have the heart of some of his other novels, like Lamb or Fool. There is a lot going on and the different story-lines feel like they're rushed at the end. The book constantly jumps from one point of view to another, which I actually like, but it means that there is a lot going on and it's easy to lose focus. And because there are so many characters (I didn't even mention Estelle the artist or Catfish the blues singer. Except now I did.) no one gets the attention they deserve and they feel unfinished.
It was still fun and certainly a quick read but I know he can do so much better.
Title quote from page 129
Moore, Christopher. The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove. Harper Collins, 1999.
Posted by
9:48 AM
Pine Cove was a decorative town...only one degree more functional than a Disneyland attraction
christopher moore|The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove|
Comments (2)

Thursday, November 17, 2011
The Classics Challenge peer pressure spreads beyond the blogging world
This Classics challenge thing is really spreading. I was peer pressured into joining this thing (which I'm getting really excited for) and I decided to spread the peer pressure over to a friend of mine. The problem is my friend doesn't actually have his own book blog. But that doesn't stop this challenge/peer pressure thing so I have graciously offered up some of my blog space so he can post about his Classics reads.
Paolo Redbeard
Ok ok I'm impatient but I'll do this for reals and actually start in January and everything.
Any 19th Century Classic
The Three Musketeers (Dumas) - Gotta go lighthearted somewhere on here.
Any 20th Century Classic
Ulyss-hahahaha no, let's not even pretend.
I'll play this one by ear. Maybe The Sound and the Fury, maybe some Hemingway. And I've never read any Steinbeck. Definitely a modernist.
Reread a classic of your choice
Probably Slaughterhouse 5, for the same reason as Red, actually. I wonder if I still know how to spell Trafalmadorian. (Google says I misplaced the L. TraLfama...) Maybe Gatsby or On The Road.
A Classic Play
If I'm still on the horror kick the rest of these items are for, I'll probably read Faust (Goethe)
Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction
Never read any Lovecraft, so I'll throw in some of his stuff here. He counts as classic in my book, at least.
Classic Romance
I dunno. I just read P&P&Z, and that was enough romance for me for a while. This says something about me. I'm not sure if it's flattering or not.
Maybe Madame Bovary (Flaubert)?
A Classic translated from its original language to your native language
Probably Inferno (Dante)
Classic Award Winner
Well golly gee there's a lot of awards to choose from and a lot of books I haven't heard of. No clue. I want to sneak some Brit lit on here, so I guess I'll pull from the Man Booker? Possibly Midnight Children (Rushdie).
Or, I might cave and finally read Gravity's Rainbow (Pynchon), since it's already on my Kindle and everything.
Classic set in a country you (realistically speaking) will not visit during your lifetime
Thanks to Red, I've settled on, appropriately enough, "My Name is Red" (Orhan Pamuk). Takes place in 16th century Istanbul, which if I remember correctly, sets it concurrently with the American Revolution.
So let me introduce you to my friend, Paul, or as I have been referring to him while we talk about him writing about his books Paolo Redbeard (Paolo cos that's what I call him sometimes, and Redbeard cos he's also a red head. We stick together.) And here's his reading list, which is totally putting mine to shame:
Paolo Redbeard
Ok ok I'm impatient but I'll do this for reals and actually start in January and everything.
Any 19th Century Classic
The Three Musketeers (Dumas) - Gotta go lighthearted somewhere on here.
Any 20th Century Classic
Ulyss-hahahaha no, let's not even pretend.
I'll play this one by ear. Maybe The Sound and the Fury, maybe some Hemingway. And I've never read any Steinbeck. Definitely a modernist.
Reread a classic of your choice
Probably Slaughterhouse 5, for the same reason as Red, actually. I wonder if I still know how to spell Trafalmadorian. (Google says I misplaced the L. TraLfama...) Maybe Gatsby or On The Road.
A Classic Play
If I'm still on the horror kick the rest of these items are for, I'll probably read Faust (Goethe)
Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction
Never read any Lovecraft, so I'll throw in some of his stuff here. He counts as classic in my book, at least.
Classic Romance
I dunno. I just read P&P&Z, and that was enough romance for me for a while. This says something about me. I'm not sure if it's flattering or not.
Maybe Madame Bovary (Flaubert)?
A Classic translated from its original language to your native language
Probably Inferno (Dante)
Classic Award Winner
Well golly gee there's a lot of awards to choose from and a lot of books I haven't heard of. No clue. I want to sneak some Brit lit on here, so I guess I'll pull from the Man Booker? Possibly Midnight Children (Rushdie).
Or, I might cave and finally read Gravity's Rainbow (Pynchon), since it's already on my Kindle and everything.
Classic set in a country you (realistically speaking) will not visit during your lifetime
Thanks to Red, I've settled on, appropriately enough, "My Name is Red" (Orhan Pamuk). Takes place in 16th century Istanbul, which if I remember correctly, sets it concurrently with the American Revolution.
Posted by
8:52 AM
The Classics Challenge peer pressure spreads beyond the blogging world
Back to the Classics|Paolo Redbeard|
Comments (6)

Back to the Classics,
Paolo Redbeard
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Is the unwillingness to pay more for food really a matter of affordability or priority?
I love food. I love eating. I love cooking. After a vacation to Seattle which was filled with a lot of eating (including a food tour) I seriously considered moving out there, partly on the strength of the food. Hell, I'm still considering it cos I loved it out there and what, it's only ~3,000 miles from work, family and friends. But seriously, this Paseo sandwich was really good.
What I'm saying is, I'm a fan of food. So one day I was wandering a a bookstore and I noticed the book The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan and I was intrigued. I'd heard about the book and it was almost a book club selection one month, but I didn't really know much about it. I was hesitant because in general whenever there is a book about food it is so...judgey. Judgey and angry and hit-you-over-the-head with arguments about what you shouldn't and can't eat, lest you want everyone on the planet end up poisoned. I've read Fast Food Nation and I was worried this would be another "if you eat X, you may as well a) rape mother nature if you eat food from a factory farm b) single-handedly destroy the nation's economy by only eating locally/organically".* But I decided to take a chance and I'm glad I did.
Pollan's agenda for the book is just awareness. Be aware of where your food comes from. It seems simple and it's hard to argue that it's better to be ignorant of where you're getting something as fundamental as food. The "omnivore's dilemma" is that we can eat so many different things that it's not necessarily simple to know what to eat. To use his example, a koala eats eucalyptus. That is the end of the consideration a koala has to give to what it's going to eat. Are there eucalyptus leaves? Yes? Boom, dinner is figured out. Now the koala can get back to all the other stuff they do like sleeping and getting STDs.** People can, and do, eat lots of different foods so the question becomes what to eat. Now we have a good idea what we can eat but the question is where is our food coming from. Pollan focuses on traditional and organic factory farms (which are surprisingly similar), a local "grass-farm" and then he actually goes the hunter/gatherer route and finds a meal himself.
At no point does it ever feel like Pollan's hitting you over the head with an agenda. There are pros and cons to every method of getting your food and to claim that one way is perfect is ridiculous. Of course that also doesn't mean that industries couldn't use some revamping. You can understand that in a globalized and industrial world that completely getting rid of factory farms is unrealistic, but it's hard to say that feeding grains to animals that were never meant to live on it (and thus get sick and require lots of antibiotics) is a great system. Local farms certainly seem like the better choice, but could they really feed an entire nation?
We'll see how much reading this changes my eating habits. I'm hoping it makes me a more informed eater. I'm hoping it will make me stop and consider where is my food coming from, where could it come from, what's a realistic choice for me and what's a good choice for me? Eating should be more than a refueling exercise and it's important enough to give it serious thought.
*FFN is in the first category, although I actually enjoyed it when I read it and I haven't had McDonald's/Burger King/Wendy's type meal since then. Partially because of the book and partially because it's way healthier to just not eat it and it wasn't all that hard to cut out anyway.
** Koalas, I thought you guys were just bundles of cute, but little did a know so many of you are also riddled with chlamydia. Awesome. This isn't in the book, just a little factoid for you. The more you know.
Title quote from page 243/location 4007
Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Penguin Press, 2006. Kindle edition.
What I'm saying is, I'm a fan of food. So one day I was wandering a a bookstore and I noticed the book The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollan and I was intrigued. I'd heard about the book and it was almost a book club selection one month, but I didn't really know much about it. I was hesitant because in general whenever there is a book about food it is so...judgey. Judgey and angry and hit-you-over-the-head with arguments about what you shouldn't and can't eat, lest you want everyone on the planet end up poisoned. I've read Fast Food Nation and I was worried this would be another "if you eat X, you may as well a) rape mother nature if you eat food from a factory farm b) single-handedly destroy the nation's economy by only eating locally/organically".* But I decided to take a chance and I'm glad I did.
Pollan's agenda for the book is just awareness. Be aware of where your food comes from. It seems simple and it's hard to argue that it's better to be ignorant of where you're getting something as fundamental as food. The "omnivore's dilemma" is that we can eat so many different things that it's not necessarily simple to know what to eat. To use his example, a koala eats eucalyptus. That is the end of the consideration a koala has to give to what it's going to eat. Are there eucalyptus leaves? Yes? Boom, dinner is figured out. Now the koala can get back to all the other stuff they do like sleeping and getting STDs.** People can, and do, eat lots of different foods so the question becomes what to eat. Now we have a good idea what we can eat but the question is where is our food coming from. Pollan focuses on traditional and organic factory farms (which are surprisingly similar), a local "grass-farm" and then he actually goes the hunter/gatherer route and finds a meal himself.
At no point does it ever feel like Pollan's hitting you over the head with an agenda. There are pros and cons to every method of getting your food and to claim that one way is perfect is ridiculous. Of course that also doesn't mean that industries couldn't use some revamping. You can understand that in a globalized and industrial world that completely getting rid of factory farms is unrealistic, but it's hard to say that feeding grains to animals that were never meant to live on it (and thus get sick and require lots of antibiotics) is a great system. Local farms certainly seem like the better choice, but could they really feed an entire nation?
We'll see how much reading this changes my eating habits. I'm hoping it makes me a more informed eater. I'm hoping it will make me stop and consider where is my food coming from, where could it come from, what's a realistic choice for me and what's a good choice for me? Eating should be more than a refueling exercise and it's important enough to give it serious thought.
*FFN is in the first category, although I actually enjoyed it when I read it and I haven't had McDonald's/Burger King/Wendy's type meal since then. Partially because of the book and partially because it's way healthier to just not eat it and it wasn't all that hard to cut out anyway.
** Koalas, I thought you guys were just bundles of cute, but little did a know so many of you are also riddled with chlamydia. Awesome. This isn't in the book, just a little factoid for you. The more you know.
Title quote from page 243/location 4007
Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. Penguin Press, 2006. Kindle edition.
Posted by
9:18 AM
Is the unwillingness to pay more for food really a matter of affordability or priority?
Michael Pollan|The Omnivore's Dilemma|
Comments (18)

Michael Pollan,
The Omnivore's Dilemma
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Stop mocking me, TBR pile
I've skipped the last few Tuesday Top 10 posts because I really couldn't think of anything for those lists. This week however, I got it covered. This week's top 10, hosted by The Broke and The Bookish is the top 10 books that have been on my shelf for the longest time but I've never read. Oh, you mean books that are a sense of shame for me? Yup, I got this list...
1. The Once and Future King by T.H. White - I took this book from my grandparent's years ago when they were looking to downsize their books. It looked interesting and since then I have carried it around with me from apartment to apartment and I've never read it.
2. The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine and Selected Stories by H.G. Wells - Here's another book I took from my grandparent's library that I think I've had even longer than TOFK and I've still yet to read it. I'm hoping the Back to the Classics challenge will fix that.
3. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein - Maybe there's something about authors that use initials but I've had this one since my dad bought it for me when I was, I think, in middle school and still nothing. This is also on my Classics challenge list so maybe I can fix this.
4. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Lewis Stevenson - So many classics, so many good intentions. Now to just actually read them. This is also tentatively on my Classics challenge. It's one of the reasons I'm doing this challenge; I need to fix all of these books I keep dragging with me but I haven't read.
5. The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen - I bought this a little over a year ago in an airport bookstore so I haven't had it with me all that long. However, it is a sense of shame because I started reading it on the plane (I'd run out of the books I brought with me) but then when I got home I put it down and haven't picked it up again.
6. The Malcontents: The Best Bitter, Cynical and Satirical Writing in the World - A friend of mine in high school gave me this book because she said the title made her think of me. I am a ray of sunshine. It's a really great collection with some heavy names (Moliere, Cervantes, Shaw, Wilde) and while I've read some of the stuff in other settings, I've never read this book. Looking at this now I realize there are select works from Flann O'Brien, which makes me really want to read his stuff, since I used to go to a dive bar in college of the same name.
7. The Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters - I may have taken this from my brother after he had to read it for a class. It sounded interesting but I got about a page into it before I got distracted by something else and I've yet to pick it up again.
8. Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger - Another initial name! I've read Catcher but nothing else. Now technically this is one of boyfriend's books which I'm sure he has read but it's been sitting on our bookshelves for the last 4 years and I haven't read it yet so it counts.
9. Lying, Cheating & Stealing: Great Writers on Getting What You Want When You Want It - I found this on some discount table at a bookstore years ago and loved the writers included in it (Dorothy Parker, ee cummings, Dashiell Hammett, Mark Twain) but I've never made it further than the first short story by Woody Allen. Why haven't I been reading this?
10. All The World's A Grave by John Reed, adapted from the works of William Shakespeare - When I saw this book that says "A New Play by William Shakespeare" how could I not pick it up? It's the characters and the text from Shakespeare rearranged to form a new play. But it's intimidating. At least with Shakespeare-Shakespeare I can read a summary of the story or watch the play, so it's easy to follow along. I can't do that with this Shakespeare-Reed. I've given the play a few tries but I've always backed down.
So what have you had on your TBR pile for years?
1. The Once and Future King by T.H. White - I took this book from my grandparent's years ago when they were looking to downsize their books. It looked interesting and since then I have carried it around with me from apartment to apartment and I've never read it.
2. The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine and Selected Stories by H.G. Wells - Here's another book I took from my grandparent's library that I think I've had even longer than TOFK and I've still yet to read it. I'm hoping the Back to the Classics challenge will fix that.
3. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein - Maybe there's something about authors that use initials but I've had this one since my dad bought it for me when I was, I think, in middle school and still nothing. This is also on my Classics challenge list so maybe I can fix this.
4. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Lewis Stevenson - So many classics, so many good intentions. Now to just actually read them. This is also tentatively on my Classics challenge. It's one of the reasons I'm doing this challenge; I need to fix all of these books I keep dragging with me but I haven't read.
5. The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen - I bought this a little over a year ago in an airport bookstore so I haven't had it with me all that long. However, it is a sense of shame because I started reading it on the plane (I'd run out of the books I brought with me) but then when I got home I put it down and haven't picked it up again.
6. The Malcontents: The Best Bitter, Cynical and Satirical Writing in the World - A friend of mine in high school gave me this book because she said the title made her think of me. I am a ray of sunshine. It's a really great collection with some heavy names (Moliere, Cervantes, Shaw, Wilde) and while I've read some of the stuff in other settings, I've never read this book. Looking at this now I realize there are select works from Flann O'Brien, which makes me really want to read his stuff, since I used to go to a dive bar in college of the same name.
7. The Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters - I may have taken this from my brother after he had to read it for a class. It sounded interesting but I got about a page into it before I got distracted by something else and I've yet to pick it up again.
8. Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger - Another initial name! I've read Catcher but nothing else. Now technically this is one of boyfriend's books which I'm sure he has read but it's been sitting on our bookshelves for the last 4 years and I haven't read it yet so it counts.
9. Lying, Cheating & Stealing: Great Writers on Getting What You Want When You Want It - I found this on some discount table at a bookstore years ago and loved the writers included in it (Dorothy Parker, ee cummings, Dashiell Hammett, Mark Twain) but I've never made it further than the first short story by Woody Allen. Why haven't I been reading this?
10. All The World's A Grave by John Reed, adapted from the works of William Shakespeare - When I saw this book that says "A New Play by William Shakespeare" how could I not pick it up? It's the characters and the text from Shakespeare rearranged to form a new play. But it's intimidating. At least with Shakespeare-Shakespeare I can read a summary of the story or watch the play, so it's easy to follow along. I can't do that with this Shakespeare-Reed. I've given the play a few tries but I've always backed down.
So what have you had on your TBR pile for years?
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8:31 AM
Stop mocking me, TBR pile
Tuesday Top Ten|
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Tuesday Top Ten
Friday, November 11, 2011
The plague had a knack for narrative closure
I can't quite remember who I first heard about Colson Whitehead's Zone One from but I remember hearing the description "literary zombie novel" and I thought Sold! I actually even recommended the book before I read it (before it was out to the general public) to a friend of mine on that basis alone. Needless to say, I was excited so as soon as the book was available I downloaded it.*
I said in my last post I was procrastinating on getting this review written that's only mostly true. I had an episode of The Walking Dead sitting on the DVR so consider my decision to watch that instead of writing this research. But there's also the fact that Zone One lends itself to letting the book percolate for a couple days after you've finished it. The book is called a literary zombie novel and sure, it's technically a zombie novel, but that makes up such a small part of the story. It's really ruminations on things that have been lost in the new apocalyptic world.
This is a slow, meandering story as the main character Mark Spitz performs skel and straggler cleanup duty with the Omega team, as they try to make lower Manhattan habitable for people again. I kept forgetting that the story only takes place over 3 days. There are flashbacks and memories that made me feel like I'd spent years with the characters. Even the post-apocalyptic stress disorder (PASD) that almost every character suffers from in some way or another is pronounced "past." The constant flashbacks and side stories made it difficult to follow at times and I found myself re-reading sections going "Wait, where are we? Is a zombie still trying to eat his face? Cos that's where I think we left off before he noticed that the skel kinda looked like his 3rd grade math teacher and we were off on that tangent. Oh yes, now that I've turned back 40 pages, a zombie is currently (literally) trying to eat his face." This was frustrating at first because even though I heard that "literary" designation I was still expecting a typical zombie apocalypse novel, along the lines of World War Z. Once I got over the pacing and just let the prose wash over me, I was happy.
The prose. The prose is what makes this novel. I'm so happy I read this on my Kindle because I felt like I marked down a paragraph or phrase on every page.** The book has so many moments moments of comedy and poignancy and tragedy. Here are just a couple of the many (many) lines that I highlighted.
*I hate hardback books but I'm also impatient so the Kindle has been especially helpful.
** No really. I'm looking at my notes and I have stuff on page 142, 149, 150, 151, 158. I highlight ALL THE THINGS.
Title quote from page 130/location 2013
Whitehead, Colson. Zone One: A Novel. Doubleday, 2011. Kindle edition.
I said in my last post I was procrastinating on getting this review written that's only mostly true. I had an episode of The Walking Dead sitting on the DVR so consider my decision to watch that instead of writing this research. But there's also the fact that Zone One lends itself to letting the book percolate for a couple days after you've finished it. The book is called a literary zombie novel and sure, it's technically a zombie novel, but that makes up such a small part of the story. It's really ruminations on things that have been lost in the new apocalyptic world.
This is a slow, meandering story as the main character Mark Spitz performs skel and straggler cleanup duty with the Omega team, as they try to make lower Manhattan habitable for people again. I kept forgetting that the story only takes place over 3 days. There are flashbacks and memories that made me feel like I'd spent years with the characters. Even the post-apocalyptic stress disorder (PASD) that almost every character suffers from in some way or another is pronounced "past." The constant flashbacks and side stories made it difficult to follow at times and I found myself re-reading sections going "Wait, where are we? Is a zombie still trying to eat his face? Cos that's where I think we left off before he noticed that the skel kinda looked like his 3rd grade math teacher and we were off on that tangent. Oh yes, now that I've turned back 40 pages, a zombie is currently (literally) trying to eat his face." This was frustrating at first because even though I heard that "literary" designation I was still expecting a typical zombie apocalypse novel, along the lines of World War Z. Once I got over the pacing and just let the prose wash over me, I was happy.
The prose. The prose is what makes this novel. I'm so happy I read this on my Kindle because I felt like I marked down a paragraph or phrase on every page.** The book has so many moments moments of comedy and poignancy and tragedy. Here are just a couple of the many (many) lines that I highlighted.
"Rumor was they had two of the last Nobel laureates working on things up there -- useful ones, none of that Peace Prize or Literature stuff" (page 35)
"He stopped hooking up with other people once he realized the first thing he did was calculate whether or not he could outrun them." (page 115)
"Hope is a gateway drug, don't do it." (page 179)
"Would the old bigotries be reborn as well, when they cleared out this Zone, and the next, and so on, and they were packed together again, tight and suffocating on top of each other? Or was that particular bramble of animosities, fears, and envies impossible to recreated? If they could bring back paperwork, Mark Spitz thought, they could certainly reanimate prejudice, parking tickets and reruns." (page 231)The one thing about this book is I can't see myself re-reading it, at least not right away. I re-read a lot and usually when I really love a book, I want to re-visit it again. And while I can't say I'll never read this again, I can't see myself coming back to it anytime soon. I came, I saw, I enjoyed, I'm good. For awhile anyway.
*I hate hardback books but I'm also impatient so the Kindle has been especially helpful.
** No really. I'm looking at my notes and I have stuff on page 142, 149, 150, 151, 158. I highlight ALL THE THINGS.
Title quote from page 130/location 2013
Whitehead, Colson. Zone One: A Novel. Doubleday, 2011. Kindle edition.
Posted by
9:13 AM
The plague had a knack for narrative closure
Colson Whitehead|Zone One|
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Colson Whitehead,
Zone One
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Back to the Classics - My tentative reading list
While I procrastinate on writing my review of Colson Whitehead's Zone One, I figured I'd start putting together a list of books to read for the Back to the Classics challenge. This has proven to be more difficult than I thought. Below is my tentative list of choices. The ones that have a little story around them (because I can't stop talking) are the ones I'm fairly sure of. The ones that are a list of titles are some suggestions so I don't forget them, but those are very much up for debate. And yes, I know there's only one option under Romance but it's still tentative. I can't think of any romances so suggestions are welcome.
Any 19th Century Classic
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
The War of the Worlds by HG Wells
Any 20th Century Classic
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Reread a classic of your choice
Slaughterhouse-Five by Vonnegut. I read this when I was about 16, loved it, and then read a bunch of other Vonnegut (Breakfast of Champions being a favorite). But I haven't read the guy in awhile and it seems to make sense to go back to the beginning. Well beginning for me.
A Classic Play
Twelfth Night by Shakespeare. I was originally thinking of reading Midsummer but realized I should probably pick something I haven't read, not something I've read a bajillion and 12 times.
Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction -
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I read a few pages of this when I was trying out the iBooks app on my iPod. Now seems like a good opportunity to actually finish it.
Classic Romance
Emma by Jane Austen
A Classic translated from its original language to your native language
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. I would have never come up with this one except my good friend has been bugging me to read this for awhile and he offered to lend me his copy for the challenge. So how could I pass that up?
Classic Award Winner
The Confederancy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk
The Hours by Michael Cunningham
Classic set in a country you (realistically speaking) will not visit during your lifetime
The Hobbit by Tolkein. I might hate myself for this. I read the first 2 LotR books and really tried to make it through RotK and couldn't do it. But I've had The Hobbit sitting on my shelf for years so I should just suck it up and read it.
Any 19th Century Classic
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
The War of the Worlds by HG Wells
Any 20th Century Classic
The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Reread a classic of your choice
Slaughterhouse-Five by Vonnegut. I read this when I was about 16, loved it, and then read a bunch of other Vonnegut (Breakfast of Champions being a favorite). But I haven't read the guy in awhile and it seems to make sense to go back to the beginning. Well beginning for me.
A Classic Play
Twelfth Night by Shakespeare. I was originally thinking of reading Midsummer but realized I should probably pick something I haven't read, not something I've read a bajillion and 12 times.
Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction -
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I read a few pages of this when I was trying out the iBooks app on my iPod. Now seems like a good opportunity to actually finish it.
Classic Romance
Emma by Jane Austen
A Classic translated from its original language to your native language
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. I would have never come up with this one except my good friend has been bugging me to read this for awhile and he offered to lend me his copy for the challenge. So how could I pass that up?
Classic Award Winner
The Confederancy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
The Caine Mutiny by Herman Wouk
The Hours by Michael Cunningham
Classic set in a country you (realistically speaking) will not visit during your lifetime
The Hobbit by Tolkein. I might hate myself for this. I read the first 2 LotR books and really tried to make it through RotK and couldn't do it. But I've had The Hobbit sitting on my shelf for years so I should just suck it up and read it.
Posted by
8:58 AM
Back to the Classics - My tentative reading list
Back to the Classics|reading challenge|
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Back to the Classics,
reading challenge
Friday, November 4, 2011
Classics challenge or where I give in to (more) blogging peer pressure
Since starting this blog I have avoided challenges. I'm bad at doing stuff when I'm supposed to do it. I ever wrote a blog post titled Why I avoid challenges. I'm going to get over this or else fail spectacularly and learn my lesson but either way I'm going to be joining Sarah's Back to the Classics challenge. I have a few reasons for joining:
A lot of book bloggers I liked have decided to play along and I wanted to play too. (Hey you guys! Wait up!)
The challenge runs for the whole year. I can finish 9 books in a year.
My last 2 reading months have been pathetic and I need to fix this. And apparently me telling myself "do this better" isn't cutting it.
I haven't picked the books out yet but here are the categories. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know! Also you should join in the challenge. PEER PRESSURE
Any 19th Century Classic
Any 20th Century Classic
Reread a classic of your choice
A Classic Play
Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction
Classic Romance
A Classic translated from its original language to your native language
Classic Award Winner
Classic set in a country you (realistically speaking) will not visit during your lifetime
I really hope I don't get to December of next year and realize I've hardly done any reading. Fingers crossed!
A lot of book bloggers I liked have decided to play along and I wanted to play too. (Hey you guys! Wait up!)
The challenge runs for the whole year. I can finish 9 books in a year.
My last 2 reading months have been pathetic and I need to fix this. And apparently me telling myself "do this better" isn't cutting it.
I haven't picked the books out yet but here are the categories. If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know! Also you should join in the challenge. PEER PRESSURE
Any 19th Century Classic
Any 20th Century Classic
Reread a classic of your choice
A Classic Play
Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction
Classic Romance
A Classic translated from its original language to your native language
Classic Award Winner
Classic set in a country you (realistically speaking) will not visit during your lifetime
I really hope I don't get to December of next year and realize I've hardly done any reading. Fingers crossed!
Posted by
3:40 PM
Classics challenge or where I give in to (more) blogging peer pressure
Back to the Classics|reading challenge|
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Back to the Classics,
reading challenge
Literature: are you an analyzer?
I'm so bad at keeping tracking of things, including The Blue Bookcase's Literary Blog Hop schedule so I didn't get this posted the other day. But luckily the hop is the 3-6, so technically I didn't miss it. I'm just fashionably late.
Anyway the question is (or technically questions are): To what extent do you analyze literature? Are you more analytical in your reading if you know you're going to review the book? Is analysis useful in helping you understand and appreciate literature, or does it detract from your readerly experience?
To what extent do I analyze lit? Not as much as I'd like to. Or rather, I wish my analysis was better. My degree is in English Lit, so I can't help but analyze the stuff I read now. But even while I was in school I remember I'd hear someone's insight about a book or a character or a scene and I'd think to myself "Yes! That is so obvious how did I miss it" and then I can never read the book again without hearing that analysis. Maybe there's something about the confidence in the other person's assertion. I might look at a scene and pick it apart, but I'm never sure if I have completely missed something or not. So I guess I miss other people's analysis and the whole classroom discussion thing.
Are you more analytical in your reading if you know you're going to review the book? Since I started this blog I've reviewed every book I've read so at this point how much I analyze a book has nothing to do with if I'm going to review it. I know I'm going to. As to how much analysis do I put into a review, that really depends on the book and the review I plan on writing. In general, if I'm just reviewing a book, I won't go into an analysis of it. I did more analysis earlier in my blog when I would write multiple posts on a single book. Because I've been writing more straight reviews, I write less analysis so I probably read with a less analytical mindset. I'd like to get back into writing these types of posts but they tend to take me much longer to write. I'll start off a post making one point and then half way through writing I'll realize I actually think the opposite is now the case, and I have to rewrite it. Repeat 3 more times.
Is analysis useful in helping you understand and appreciate literature, or does it detract from your readerly experience? It is helpful when understanding and appreciate lit that has something there to analyze. And I guess that is assume with the term "literature" instead of just general books. There are some books that just don't have much there to analyze. And that's fine. Sometime a simple, transparent story is what I want and trying to analyze something that doesn't have the depth for analysis is going to detract from the experience. However if it is a real piece of literature than I think analyzing can help you understand it better and from different points of view.
So what do you think? Are you an analyzer?
Anyway the question is (or technically questions are): To what extent do you analyze literature? Are you more analytical in your reading if you know you're going to review the book? Is analysis useful in helping you understand and appreciate literature, or does it detract from your readerly experience?
To what extent do I analyze lit? Not as much as I'd like to. Or rather, I wish my analysis was better. My degree is in English Lit, so I can't help but analyze the stuff I read now. But even while I was in school I remember I'd hear someone's insight about a book or a character or a scene and I'd think to myself "Yes! That is so obvious how did I miss it" and then I can never read the book again without hearing that analysis. Maybe there's something about the confidence in the other person's assertion. I might look at a scene and pick it apart, but I'm never sure if I have completely missed something or not. So I guess I miss other people's analysis and the whole classroom discussion thing.
Are you more analytical in your reading if you know you're going to review the book? Since I started this blog I've reviewed every book I've read so at this point how much I analyze a book has nothing to do with if I'm going to review it. I know I'm going to. As to how much analysis do I put into a review, that really depends on the book and the review I plan on writing. In general, if I'm just reviewing a book, I won't go into an analysis of it. I did more analysis earlier in my blog when I would write multiple posts on a single book. Because I've been writing more straight reviews, I write less analysis so I probably read with a less analytical mindset. I'd like to get back into writing these types of posts but they tend to take me much longer to write. I'll start off a post making one point and then half way through writing I'll realize I actually think the opposite is now the case, and I have to rewrite it. Repeat 3 more times.
Is analysis useful in helping you understand and appreciate literature, or does it detract from your readerly experience? It is helpful when understanding and appreciate lit that has something there to analyze. And I guess that is assume with the term "literature" instead of just general books. There are some books that just don't have much there to analyze. And that's fine. Sometime a simple, transparent story is what I want and trying to analyze something that doesn't have the depth for analysis is going to detract from the experience. However if it is a real piece of literature than I think analyzing can help you understand it better and from different points of view.
So what do you think? Are you an analyzer?
Posted by
9:11 AM
Literature: are you an analyzer?
Literary Blog Hop|
Comments (13)

Literary Blog Hop
Thursday, November 3, 2011
October Reading Wrap-Up
I know I'm a little late with this. But just like with the last post, I have a good excuse. See I was going to write this yesterday and instead of doing that I watched the latest episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia that was sitting on the DVR. So yeah, I'm super busy over here.
I didn't do that great with my reading last month and decided to continue the trend. I don't know where the time is going, but I'm clearly not paying enough attention. Maybe I'll participate in a read-a-thon at some point so I can do a little better with the whole reading thing.
For my author stats I was going to look at each of the short stories authors in Horrorscape separately. And then I realized how much more work that would be when one of the authors (Juleen Brantigham) didn't have a Wikipedia page, which is how I check on most of that information.
Number of books read
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Choke On Your Lies by Anthony Neil Smith
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
Horrorscape edited by Gary Goshgarian
Total pages read
Percentage of fiction read
Percentage of female authors
0% except for at least one and possible 2 of the authors in Horrorscape
Percentage of white authors
Percentage of US authors
Percentage of eBooks
Percentage of rereads
Books written by decade
1950s - 25%
1980s - 25%
1990s - 25%
2010s - 25%
very even...
So still kinda pathetic, although my goal from September for the month was "read more" and I did that so mission accomplished. Maybe my goal for this month will be "OK, now read even more!" Let's see how I do.
I didn't do that great with my reading last month and decided to continue the trend. I don't know where the time is going, but I'm clearly not paying enough attention. Maybe I'll participate in a read-a-thon at some point so I can do a little better with the whole reading thing.
For my author stats I was going to look at each of the short stories authors in Horrorscape separately. And then I realized how much more work that would be when one of the authors (Juleen Brantigham) didn't have a Wikipedia page, which is how I check on most of that information.
Number of books read
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Choke On Your Lies by Anthony Neil Smith
I Am Legend by Richard Matheson
Horrorscape edited by Gary Goshgarian
Total pages read
Percentage of fiction read
Percentage of female authors
0% except for at least one and possible 2 of the authors in Horrorscape
Percentage of white authors
Percentage of US authors
Percentage of eBooks
Percentage of rereads
Books written by decade
1950s - 25%
1980s - 25%
1990s - 25%
2010s - 25%
very even...
So still kinda pathetic, although my goal from September for the month was "read more" and I did that so mission accomplished. Maybe my goal for this month will be "OK, now read even more!" Let's see how I do.
Posted by
8:56 AM
October Reading Wrap-Up
Month end stats|
Comments (2)

Month end stats
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
He might try to help you, in his way. And that could be pretty horrible. If he didn't like you...well, that could be worse
OK, so it took me awhile to get this next post written, but I had a good reason: I'm lazy. Also I'm going to blame this on the recent snowstorm that hit the Northeast, even though that happened way after I finished reading Horrorscape. But seriously, we got a foot and a half in Jersey and it wasn't even Halloween yet, so I think that excuse can work retroactively.
Since I have been lazy getting these posts written I figure I'll just combine the last two sections of Horrorscapes together in this single entry, and instead of reviewing a couple stories, like I did in my last post, I'll give you a quick comment about each of them.
Part 3: Belief and The Supernatural
Pickman's Model by H.P. Lovecraft - This is the first Lovecraft I'd read and it is what makes me want to read more of the guy. Plus it takes place in Boston's North End, which I lived in for awhile, and could totally believe that evil things are crawling around just below the city.
The Roaches by Thomas Disch - A good though somewhat forgettable creepy crawly horror story and what happens when someone is a lonely clean freak.
The Boogeyman by Stephen King - You can always tell a King story without even knowing he wrote it. He has a certain tone and no matter how crazy things get the characters sound real and flawed. It's fun to see him take on the creature that hides in children's closets.
Part 4: Avenging Angels and Faustian Devils
They Bite by Anthony Boucher - Locals tell outsider of the haunted house. It's a simple premise that every horror writer has taken on at some point and this one has a little lesson worked into it. Granted the lesson is along the lines of don't be an ass or you'll get bitten but still.
The Black Lake by Tony Richards - I always have to remind myself that this isn't a King story. It feels like it could be. Who knew a lake could be such a successful predator?
The Raft by Stephen King - OK, so this one is actually a King story. It has those believable characters and then a crazy (and gory) attack. I probably mix up The Black Lake with this one because they're next to one another and they're both about malevolent lakes, which really isn't a horror category I thought would exist, but there you go. I saw a short film version of it but like a lot of King things, go for the book instead of the movie.
Sweets to the Sweet by Robert Bloch - First up, I love the Shakespeare reference. Second, it's another story where children are terrifying. This time the kid's behavior is more justifiable but still, don't mess with kids. If you call someone a witch often enough, will they become one? Bloch is also the guy that wrote Psycho, so you know he can do some quality writing. This is no exception.
If Damon Comes by Charles L. Grant - Another horror story about a kid. See how scary kids are? Although this is more like Bloch's tale where the kid being a super creepy is kind of justified. Kinda creepy but not outright scary like some of the other stories in here.
Ceremony by William F. Nolan - It's kind of like the Boucher story, where someone gets punished by these "avenging angels". Also it's a good reason to avoid taking long bus rides because those always seem to invite creepy things to happen.
Dark Angel by Edward Bryant - Don't think that this is like that Jessica Alba TV show. It's a question of how far should revenge go and how do you know when you've gone too far?
The Playground by Ray Bradbury - Again! children are the creepy factory here. How much can you really protect your children? How far will you go? What do your childhood memories mean for your kids?
Goshgarian, Gary ed. Horrorscape. Kendall Press, 1993.
Since I have been lazy getting these posts written I figure I'll just combine the last two sections of Horrorscapes together in this single entry, and instead of reviewing a couple stories, like I did in my last post, I'll give you a quick comment about each of them.
Part 3: Belief and The Supernatural
Pickman's Model by H.P. Lovecraft - This is the first Lovecraft I'd read and it is what makes me want to read more of the guy. Plus it takes place in Boston's North End, which I lived in for awhile, and could totally believe that evil things are crawling around just below the city.
The Roaches by Thomas Disch - A good though somewhat forgettable creepy crawly horror story and what happens when someone is a lonely clean freak.
The Boogeyman by Stephen King - You can always tell a King story without even knowing he wrote it. He has a certain tone and no matter how crazy things get the characters sound real and flawed. It's fun to see him take on the creature that hides in children's closets.
It's a Good Life by Jerome Bixby - You (probably) know this one, even if you don't know you know it. Twilight Zone and Simpsons did it. Little kid can read thoughts and control things with his mind and hates when people are unhappy or think bad things. What happens when someone with a 5 year old understanding of morality has complete control over everyone? It just confirms that kids are terrifying.
Part 4: Avenging Angels and Faustian Devils
They Bite by Anthony Boucher - Locals tell outsider of the haunted house. It's a simple premise that every horror writer has taken on at some point and this one has a little lesson worked into it. Granted the lesson is along the lines of don't be an ass or you'll get bitten but still.
The Black Lake by Tony Richards - I always have to remind myself that this isn't a King story. It feels like it could be. Who knew a lake could be such a successful predator?
The Raft by Stephen King - OK, so this one is actually a King story. It has those believable characters and then a crazy (and gory) attack. I probably mix up The Black Lake with this one because they're next to one another and they're both about malevolent lakes, which really isn't a horror category I thought would exist, but there you go. I saw a short film version of it but like a lot of King things, go for the book instead of the movie.
Sweets to the Sweet by Robert Bloch - First up, I love the Shakespeare reference. Second, it's another story where children are terrifying. This time the kid's behavior is more justifiable but still, don't mess with kids. If you call someone a witch often enough, will they become one? Bloch is also the guy that wrote Psycho, so you know he can do some quality writing. This is no exception.
If Damon Comes by Charles L. Grant - Another horror story about a kid. See how scary kids are? Although this is more like Bloch's tale where the kid being a super creepy is kind of justified. Kinda creepy but not outright scary like some of the other stories in here.
Ceremony by William F. Nolan - It's kind of like the Boucher story, where someone gets punished by these "avenging angels". Also it's a good reason to avoid taking long bus rides because those always seem to invite creepy things to happen.
Dark Angel by Edward Bryant - Don't think that this is like that Jessica Alba TV show. It's a question of how far should revenge go and how do you know when you've gone too far?
The Playground by Ray Bradbury - Again! children are the creepy factory here. How much can you really protect your children? How far will you go? What do your childhood memories mean for your kids?
Title quote from page 132, from the story It's a Good Life.
Goshgarian, Gary ed. Horrorscape. Kendall Press, 1993.
Posted by
9:06 AM
He might try to help you, in his way. And that could be pretty horrible. If he didn't like you...well, that could be worse
Gary Goshgarian|Horrorscape|
Comments (6)

Gary Goshgarian,
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