Tuesday, June 3, 2014

May Reading Wrap-Up

Another month down and time is flying. Especially as we get closer to wedding day and now all kinds of things are rushing by and oh man, there's still a lot to do. I managed to get less reading done this month in small part because of wedding things. And by that I mean I spent time hanging out with friends this weekend for bachelorette & bridal shower instead of finishing up The First 20 Minutes. I know, how could I?

Let's see how May went, shall we?

Number of books read
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
The Blue Blazes by Chuck Wendig
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin

Total pages read

Percentage of fiction
100% - this has been the year of fiction for me. If this continues I will come up with a better title for the year. Or just read more non-fiction.

Percentage of female authors

Percentage of white authors
100% - damn

Percentage of US authors

Percentage of ebooks

Percentage of rereads

Percentage of review books

Books written by decade
1960s - 33%
2010s - 66%

Books by genre
Historical fiction (kinda) - 33%
Urban fantasy but also noir - 33%
Horror - 33%

So the genre thing is getting to be a mess. I think I'll keep it up and watch it continue to degenerate. We'll see how June reading goes but given all of the prep for the wedding in July, I'm not going to be surprised if my stats stay low. It's cool. I'm OK with this.