So let's see what I got up to this week:
- Reached out to local reps and Sessions to support Title IX and help protect transgender students
- Reached out to local rep to thank him for actually showing up to a Town Hall (which I couldn't make), for saying he would stand up and push for independent investigation into Russian connections, support the free press, and stand up against the crazy spending from the Pres, while also sort of reminding that we would be watching to make sure he actually does these things.
- Watched the next Town Hall (because there were so many people they had to have two). There was lots of yelling from the audience, some good stuff from the Congressman, some less good.
- Booker signed a letter along with other senators about an investigation into the Russian connections, but since Menendez didn't, I contact him again about supporting these efforts.
- Reached out to local reps to push back against the White House's press ban and general rhetoric about fake news
Just finished up The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl, still listening to Order of the Phoenix (I seriously may re-listen and then do my own readalong about it, because OMG I want to discuss the stupidest smallest details as well as bigger things such as Ron being swell), and going to start Between the World and Me that a co-worker is lending me.
Work is hosting a private screening of Hidden Figures along with a panel discussion about the importance of STEM, and I am PRETTY EXCITED about that. Otherwise, it's the usual stuff. I have sort of soured on The League in its last season(s). I've learned that where I have trouble DNF-ing books, I am 100% cool with dropping a TV show the second it no longer interests me. So while I'm cool stopping right now, we're still finishing it cos Tom is a completionist. I also watched the first episode of The Santa Clarita Diet and I am undecided if I'll watch anymore. I didn't hate it, and I am a FAN of most of the cast, but eh.
I essentially keep going back and forth between My Favorite Murder and the Moana soundtrack, which makes for strange bedfellows, but there you go.
jennysbooks 89p · 419 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 419 weeks ago
I was (somewhat) impressed that my rep had a town hall, since he's apparently the only GOP member in NJ to do so. On the other hand, LOW BAR. But I am feeling better seeing this local meeting (2 town hall meetings, each with over 900 people in attendance where usually there's maybe 100) as well as the meetings happening all over. Maybe everything isn't entirely terrible