Wednesday, February 1, 2017

January Reading Wrap Up

First month of 2017 down. Just 11 more to go and then 36 after that. No, I'm kidding. Not about how time works, but about doing a countdown. I mean, it can't just be a countdown. Countdown plus action. I've joined a couple groups that will hopefully help with the action part as I feel like I need a lot of direction there so I'm not just flailing.

But anyway, this is about reading, so let's talk about reading. I finish so many books in January. And this is 100% because of audiobooks, which I didn't do AT ALL last year. I did a lot of podcasts last year, which obviously don't get counted here. But I finished all the back episodes of How Did This Get Made and I've made it a good way through Stuff Mom Never Told You when I got a copy of Trevor Noah's Born a Crime. Then I made a trip down to D.C. with my mom (not for the March, unfortunately. I went to a local sister March in my area the following weekend) and we listened to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone because HP is GREAT for road trips. And then once I started HP it seemed silly to not keep going, so I've been making my way through the series while cooking and cleaning and working.

Enough talking, let's see those stats.

Total books read
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman by Lindy West
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah
It's Up to the Women by Eleanor Roosevelt
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
John Dies at the End by David Wong

Total pages read


Female authors
White authors

US authors

Book formats
audiobook: 50%
ebook: 50%

Where'd I get the book:
Gift: 38%
Kindle/Audible: 50%
Netgalley: 13%




Review book

Books by decade
1900s: 13%
1930s: 13%
1990s: 38%
2000s: 13%
2010s: 25%

Books by genre
Childrens: 13%
Essays: 13%
Horror: 13%
Memoir: 25%
YA Fantasy: 38%

Resolution books
New year, so a reminder for what counts as a resolution book
By POC author
By non-US author
Published before 2000

My success this month has a lot to do with Rowling, being from the UK and all. Plus the first three books were published (just) before 2000. Outside of the 3 HP books
Anne of Green Gables was both published pre-2000 and the author is Canadian
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood is by a non-POC and non-US author (South Africa, you know, if the title wasn't clear)
It's Up to the Women was published pre-2000

Not to shabby. Let's see what next month brings.

Comments (8)

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Yayyyyy for resolution books! Do you listen to the Jim Dale audiobooks or the Stephen Fry ones? There is a correct answer!
1 reply · active 423 weeks ago
Jim Dale. I'm not sure if that is the correct answer BUT he is also the narrator from Pushing Daisies so I am happy with this arrangement
Audiobooks make cooking and cleaning almost bearable, don't they? An awesome one for me was Jesmyn Ward's Salvage the Bones. I was looking for more things to do in the kitchen just to spin it out a little longer!
3 replies · active 423 weeks ago
There have been times I'm like "Wait, what else should I clean?" so I can finish a book. I mean, I usually end up just going screw it and sitting on the couch to finish the end but still!

I'll need to look out for Salvage the Bones! just got a copy of Ward's Sing, Unburied, Sing that I'm pretty excited for!
Well, I should say that my cooking time outweighs my cleaning time by a LOT, so if it'd really been down to extending my listening time by cleaning I'd've been elbowing you to make room on the couch.

How'd you get the Ward novel? Should I be brushing the dust off my NetG account?
Lots of room on the avoiding-chores-listening-to-audiobooks couch!

I sure did get it from NetGalley. Saw someone else got it there and wanted to get in on that party
I have always wanted to listen to the Jim dale reading of HP, so I will aim to hunt them down and listen to it this year :)
I can't wait to read Trevor Noah's book. Even better if it's an audiobook. God I love that voice!
1 reply · active 422 weeks ago
I have listened to maybe like 5 min of the Fry version and am interested to hear that version. If only cos, you know, more HP.

And OH MAN, his voice. The book was good in any case and I'm sure if you read instead of listened it would still be great, but him reading it? SO GOOD. (Also his mom is a SUPER badass and it is almost as much about her as it is him, so that's swell too.)

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