Monday, February 11, 2013

I believe in happy endings

A few weeks ago deciding we should take advantage of the fact that he had a rare day off, Boyfriend+ and I decided to spend the day in the city. I go in regularly for work, but I never get to just hang out. After lunch we wandered over to The Strand because, I mean, it's right there. I was looking for a Butler book (specifically Fledgling) but no one seems to appreciate how awesome she is, so the only copy they had was Kindred. Boyfriend+ noticed a copy of The Silver Linings Playbook and, remembering Alice raving about it, I decided I should give it a try. We decided it was too cold to keep wandering around so we ended up going to a movie. And what movie did we decide to see? Silver Linings Playbook, obviously. Normally I like to read the book first, but it's not that big of a deal to me.

I really liked the movie. It's excellent, JLaw is excellent, and even Bradly Cooper (who I'm very meh about) is excellent. Because I enjoyed the movie so much and read the book not long after, I can't separate my review of the book and the movie. They're similar enough that it's obviously the same story, but different enough I can see how the movie was heavily adapted from the book. The characters are different in the movie, which means they react differently to things than they do in the book. And (I'm sorry Alice) but I preferred the movie.

I don't know if I preferred the movie BECAUSE I saw it first or because it's better. Unless I get a case of soap opera amnesia and decide instead of trying to get my memory back I should read The Silver Linings Playbook I'm never going to know for sure. Just keep this in mind as I go through the review.

So. The book is a man named Pat Peoples who's been in a mental health facility for some time, but has recently been released to his parents. While in "the bad place" he came up with the theory that his life is a movie and part of the movie means he has to improve himself (physically, mentally, emotionally) so he can reunite with his estranged wife. As soon as "apart time" is over and he returns to Nikki, he can get his happy ending. But when he's home no one will talk to him about Nikki. All of their wedding pictures are missing and his mother told him they were stolen because the frames were so nice. (All of the other pictures are still there because they were able to be replaced. Not the wedding photos though.) His father will hardly speak to him, not even when they're watching the Eagles play. He has his brother Jake and his best friend Ronnie talk to him, although not about Nikki or how long he was at the hospital. There's also his therapist and fellow Eagles fan Cliff. And Tiffany, Ronnie's sister-in-law. Tiffany is having her own problems after her husband's death and is scouting Pat for...something.

The book is funny and sweet and charming and bittersweet. Pat is back home and trying to make sense of his world and of course, get his happy ending. But he was in "the bad place" for a reason, even if he can't remember why. This isn't to say he doesn't deserve a happy endings, he is a good guy, but it means the journey is going to be difficult. And Tiffany complicates things.

Pat has no desire to be set up with anyone. He's still married and his happy ending involves him getting back with Nikki. Not that Tiffany seems to want him. She follows him on his jogs (even when he yells at her to leave) but she hardly speaks to him.

The biggest reason I preferred the movie to the book is Pat. In the book, he's simple. As I mentioned above, he refers to the mental health facility as "the bad place" and the fact that he isn't allowed to contact Nikki as "apart time". He orders a bowl of cereal at a diner, pays for it with 2 $20s, and tells the waitress to keep the change, because Nikki liked big tippers. He (at least initially) believes his mother's story about his wedding photos being stolen. I prefer the movie version of Pat, who is just as optimistic as book Pat not as simple. He's just as certain he and Nikki will end up together, but he doesn't refer to their current separation as "apart time". He says whatever comes into his head, appropriate or not, but he knows he shouldn't. Movie Pat has mental health problems he deserved to spend time in the mental health facility, but that doesn't mean he's slow.

I liked the book. But I preferred the movie. And because I saw/read them so close to one another, I couldn't help comparing the book to the movie the whole time I was reading it. Perhaps I'll give the book a try in a few years, when the memory of the movie has faded and see what I think. Of course I may end up buying a copy of the movie, so perhaps that will always be my definitive version.

Title quote from page 15

Quick, Matthew. The Silver Linings Playbook. Sarah Crichton Books, 2008.

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Hmm.. they had an advanced screening of this ages ago and I wondered what all the hubbub was about. I am really MEH about Bradley Cooper so I've been really skeptical. It sounds like it's actually a really interesting storyline and would be an entertaining movie. I kind of love Jennifer Lawrence, so there's that too. I'll have to check it out!
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
It was a really good movie. Still a romantic comedy but a romantic comedy for the Oscar audience. And Jennifer Lawrence is so good in it. Really everyone is, which is surprising cos I did not expect much from Cooper or Chris Tucker. The book was good, but the movie was better.
I knew hardly anything about this movie when I went to see it (and i've not read the book), other than who was in it and it was getting nominated for all of the major awards. which made me sit up and take notice 'cause the two movie posters i saw of it made it look very rom-com.

not being able to compare it to the book (and being fine with that), i thought it was well done, though perhaps better categorized as a rom-dram. cooper was excellent, much to my surprise. lawrence, while good, didn't turn in the same caliber of performance, i don't think.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
I like rom-dram for it. I didn't think anything of it either until it started getting all the Oscar buzz. Cos rom-coms are not normally my thing. I thought Lawrence was excellent in it, but I love her in general so I'm certainly biased. And of course I had way lower expectations for Cooper.
Hmm, I'm torn about what to think. I didn't realize this was a book before seeing the movie, and still haven't read it. I really liked the first half of the movie but then second half just fell apart for me. Starting with the scene when they get back from the football game, it just turned into your standard romantic comedy and completely lost the mental health theme. Pat was inconsistent to his previous self. I find it very hard that he would just accept Tiffany and his parents conspiring (which wasn't even believable) and just give up on his ex-wife. So now everyone's reviewing the book and I'm all confused about what to do. Because peer pressure! But if you say the movie's better and I don't love the movie, then I can just skip this one right? But I love the IDEA of the movie...sigh. My brain is a scary, scary place.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
You may like the book better than the movie? Maybe? Cos I preferred the movie ending to what happens in the book (even though it's cheesy) but the book version is more consistent with Pat's mental health state. Of course I liked movie Pat better than book Pat so...

I would say give the book a chance cos it was good and funny and a quick read.
I'm not even meh about Bradley Cooper, I think I just straight out Don't Like him, BUT JLaw means that I totally want to see this movie. I was supposed to go but then me and my friend were both ill and just never went, and now I'm kiiind of glad because I think I want to read the book first? Especially if the movie is better (which is an ok thing to say! I like some movies better than the books. It's fiiiiine.)

I'm waaaay amused that Alice said this was good so you bought it and yet you have (I believe) finished it before her. Lolage.
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
When I was first thinking about this movie I was thinking "I don't like Bradley Cooper" but then I couldn't come up with any actual reason. The closest I could come up with was "He played asshole characters in The Hangover and Wedding Crashers" but given that's what the character was, seems like a bad reason to dislike him. So I downgraded to "meh".

And I am TOTALLY fine with liking a movie more than a book. I'm just not 100% sure if I would still say I liked the movie more than the book had I read the book first. I think I would but who knows.

If I were spending as much time as Alice reading academia on classic authors, I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten through this. But since I'm focusing on one book plus HP, I have time.
I said in Laura's comment, at first I was going into this thinking "I don't like Cooper" but then when I tried to think of why I realized I couldn't come up with anything. But yeah, had it not been for all of the good press and JLaw with this movie, I don't think I would have bothered.

I haven't seen the Wallflower movie yet. I read the book but was sorta "eh" about it. I think had I read it in high school I would have LOOOVED it but I read it when I was either in college or had recently graduated and it didn't quite speak to me as it did other people.
I didn't unreservedly like this film, but I liked that it was basically a romantic comedy and yet is nominated for an Oscar. Its Oscar nominations made me certain that things were going to end badly for everyone, and when everything turned out okay I felt so relieved. :p
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
*spoilers kinda*
I was SO WORRIED it would end with everyone miserable and/or dead because of the Oscar nomination and was so happy it didn't. I know people complained that the end was cheesy but I liked it.
I'm very hesitant to read the book because I liked the movie so much. To be honest, it wasn't am incredibly brilliant movie - I'm not sure that it would hold up under really intense scrutiny. But, it just had charm and was thoroughly likeable. I'm afraid that, by reading the book, I'll be forced to overthink the movie and it will sort of collapse in on itself.
1 reply · active 631 weeks ago
The book is very likable and has a different kind of charm. But a charm that I liked better in the movie. So yeah...sticking with just the movie might be the best choice.

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