Monday, March 12, 2012

Things get kind of circular, when you're me. Cause and effect get muddled

I'm not a fan of romances. It's nothing against them and if you like them, awesome. But love stories and rom-coms are not my thing. But I decided to give The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger a try. It's out of my comfort zone, it's by a female author (and I've really been slacking on those), and it has come highly rated from Brenna at Literary Musings and she has good taste. Plus a few people said it was much better than the movie, which I have not seen but assume it's very mushy/melodramatic. Anyway, the book was on a remainder table at my local indie bookstore so I decided to give it a try. I am happy to say it is much better than I anticipated, even if my expectations were fairly low.

This is a love story. It's not the mushy, roll-your-eyes-at-every-sentence love story, but at least know that's what you're getting. It is a love story with time travel. And now that I typed that I'm thinking something like Kate & Leopold* with someone traveling forward from the past (or the other way) and then they have a love in this fish-out-of-water situation. The time travel is what causes and gets in the way of the love story. Henry DeTamble, the time traveler of the title, can't control his time travel. It's a genetic disorder that causes him to travel through time, usually visiting himself at various points in his life. Oh also, he can't bring anything with him on this travels, so he shows up naked and starving. He learns to steal (for clothes & money) to fight (because a naked man showing up randomly is not typically a welcome sight) and to run.

He often visits his wife (or to-be wife) Clare Abshire throughout her adolescence. The love story starts for Clare when she's 6 (I know it sounds creepy, but it's not Lolita-y) and for Henry when he's 28. Or when he's 36. Time travel is usually confusing to describe. The more you think about it, the less it makes sense. Which is the way time travel always works, so as long as the basic rules make sense, you're good.

Henry and Clare each narrate parts of the book, sometimes the same scene from each perspective, sometimes not. The two have equal time in the book, although the story is really Henry's. You hear a lot from Clare's point of view, but it's always about Henry. And Henry's been in her life since she was young, so in a way this makes sense. It also explains the title in that the book is about the time traveler and his wife. Neither character is particularly fleshed out apart from the relationship, although Clare has nothing without Henry. That was my biggest problem with the book. The title is apt because this isn't really about Clare. It's about Clare as the time traveler's wife.

That said, I liked the book. This isn't a new favorite but it was much better than I expected and I'm happy I read it. It takes a different look about relationships, about the sacrifices made, the happiness and the pain. There are also some questions on fate, but what time travel story would be complete without that?

*I said I didn't really like rom-coms. I didn't say I haven't seen them...

Title quote from page 315

Niffenegger, Audrey. The Time Traveler's Wife. Harcourt, 2003.

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I love romcoms. Love. I have a special section for them in my DVDs. And I hate this book. SO MUCH.

Here's my issue (the main one): When I saw this, I was expecting the time traveler to travel through time in a non-lame way. Meaning a more literary way, like "Oh look, I'm in the 17th century! How shall I deal with this!" But no. And the way she chose to do it might appeal to some people, but it was basically the biggest possible disappointment for me.

And then she seems to equate "love story" with "two people have sex a lot." And while I'm all for literary characters having sex, not when it replaces ACTUAL love, which I missed in this book.

But if you don't really care about either of those things, then I guess it could be a not-terrible book. And at least it has a bunch of Chicago locations.
1 reply · active 678 weeks ago
I assumed the time travel would be "I am far in the past and now I must find love" type way but I actually liked the change on time travel. Probably because I was expecting a Kate & Leopold type thing which would have made me sad.

Yes, totally agree that it does seem like love = sex ALL THE TIME and that was weird. Also those scenes were awk cos when is a sex scene in a book not awk. I did feel like there was something there between the 2 of them beyond sex (though sex made up a lot of it). I just didn't think there was too much beyond that relationship.
I enjoyed this book too, The book was way better than the movie. I agree with what you said about it being a love story without being mushy,
1 reply · active 678 weeks ago
I keep hearing the book is better than the movie, which I suppose is the norm with any book.
I"m glad you liked it Alley! It's definitely not a mushy-gushy romance novel. I really the structure of the structure and had so much fun going back and forth, learning Clare and Henry's story in non-linear format.

What did you think of the ending? Did you cry?

As far as the movie compared to the book, I think you're right the book is always better, but in this case the book is 20 times better. The movie was terrible. They changed the entire ending (no Clare as an old woman sitting in her chair...) and they didn't explain much about the time travel "rules" so anyone who didn't read the book was left out of the loop. They didn't really talk about why Henry was naked, or why he was so good at breaking into buildings. Almost everyone I talked to who didn't read the book was left very confused with the movie.
1 reply · active 678 weeks ago
It took a little time for me to understand the rules of time travel and get used to the structure, but once I did it made sense. I'm now super confused how the movie is structured cos how do you have time travel without explaining how it works. Especially time travel like this, which is different than typical time travel in sci fi.

I did not cry at the ending. I expected to, given what you had Tweeted and the fact that I'm usually a baby about those things but I didn't. I teared up a little but didn't get as sad as I thought. I dunno why. I think maybe cos of the whole foot amputation thing. I get (kinda) why that happened but I still thought it was stupid. So I was still sorta rolling my eyes at that part when the ending came up.
I remember liking this book quite a bit when I read it, lo, those many years ago. I thought the twist on the time travel was very interesting, and while I didn't love the movie, I didn't think it was a bad adaptation.
1 reply · active 678 weeks ago
I thought the time traveling twist was interesting and a different way than I've seen it done before. I would have liked this time traveling in a non-love story I think. But that's just personal taste.
I've seen bits of the film, and it really... was not good. So this sounds better! But I'm not really dying to read it or anything (I think my sister owns a copy, and nothing puts me off a book faster than that!)
1 reply · active 678 weeks ago
Haha so if you're sister likes a book you avoid it? Is her taste that bad?

I liked the book. I didn't love it, I won't be recommending it to everyone and their mother (like Zeitoun...) but I was entertained.
I read this book pretty much right after I got married, and all I could think was I'M NOT HAVING THIS MUCH SEX MY MARRIAGE IS DOOMED.
1 reply · active 678 weeks ago
I'm not exactly sure how Henry ever makes it to his job, between the sexy times and the time travel. Or how either of them can walk
I really liked this book and thankfully read it before most other people did, since I usually pass on the books that all the book club types read. Which is snobby of me but there you are. I thought this was a really cool story, even though the time travel bit is totally contrived (but when isn't it) and it makes for a good love story because their relationship is so damned difficult.
1 reply · active 677 weeks ago
I usually pass on book club type books as well. I don't think I would have picked this one up had Brenna not raved about it so often. I thought it was an interesting twist on time travel and it was odd that it was sort of an after thought. Like there was no "what can I do with this time travel ability". It was just "oh look I met my future wife way in the past".

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