- Reached out to local reps to call for bipartisan and independent investigations into the Russia link, especially given the nonsense this weekend around wiretapping.
- Reached out to local reps to call for an investigation into the Yemen Raid that led to the death of around 25 people, including the Navy Seal William "Ryan" Owens.
- Reached out to senators per ACLU about the second Muslim Ban
- Reached out to local reps about the garbage AHCA proposed. I believe the ACA has room for improvement but this nonsense is not it.
I need to reach out to my local rep Leonard Lance because at his town hall he explicitly opened it saying he didn't believe anyone there was a paid protester and that is ridiculous and blah. THEN he sends out a fund raising letter claiming that liberal groups are sending paid protesters to his events and WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE? And I know, politicians are full of shit, but I can still get pissed and voice said displeasure.
Still reading Sing, Unburied, Sing, which I sort of paused to read Feminist Fight Club cos I wanted something light and quick.
I will be watching The Force Awakens (finally) in a bit with my bro, who lent it to me a while ago but I never actually watched. Whoops. Oh and more stand up on Netflix (Jen Kirkman, please make more standup specials, kthxbai) and I thought instead of watching anything new I would just rewatch Futurama for the billionth time. #goodchoices
buriedinprint 64p · 417 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 417 weeks ago
Jen Kirkman has 2 specials on Netflix that were fun. I liked her on Drunk History so I've found myself leaning towards those comedians. And leaning away from white dudes who are FINE and some of them are great (John Mulaney, I heart you) but more often than not I feel like I'm burned by those.