First up, Sandy update! Boyfriend+ and I are fine. No flooding and the only real casualty we faced in the storm was our grill cover. It didn't blow away, but it held on so fiercely that it ripped in half. RIP friend. We did however lose power Monday afternoon and according to reports we shouldn't expect to get it back for 7-10 days. Apparently something like 90% of Long Island is without power, so there's a lot of commiserating on the island, as well as plans to burst into the locations that do have electricity. At least I've been making those plans. Watch out, bagel place down the street.
Boyfriend+'s work has power AND they got their internet up today, hence how I can post this. I believe my office does actually have power today. However my office is also in Manhattan, which I cannot get to as the trains aren't running. FUN TIMES.
Really though, we're very lucky that other than inconveniences from not having power, we're fine. We even have hot water (knock on wood, fingers crossed that's still the case). The biggest annoyance is realizing we're going to have to empty our entire fridge.
It's the final Grapes of Wrath readalong post! And I gotta say, I'm not sad this is done. Don't get me wrong, Grapes is an excellent work of literature with some truly beautiful moments. It's also insanely depressing and also Steinbeck needs to get off of his soapbox sometimes and realize things were shitty all over, so maybe quit painting the non-farms as evil soulless douchecanoes.
As with the other readalong posts, there will be spoilers. Be warned.
So you know how for some of my other Grapes posts I just did some random thoughts? That's happening again because I'm too drained to do anything coherent. Also I luckily wrote this on Sunday, or else you'd just have a post that says "I finished this. Yup".
- After pretty much everything Ma says to Pa in the beginning of chapter 26 I want to yell "Ooo buuurn". I should be in a '90s talk show audience
- So, I know there's no work and everyone's starving, but I still think leaving the Government camp is a bad idea...
- Whoa Casy's back! Aww Steinbeck thanks! This is aweso-OH MY GOD, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM? WHY DID YOU CAVE HIS HEAD IN?
- And Tom killed another guy. Sorry, I used up all of my shock on Casy coming back and leaving again.
- Rosasharn, I know you're young and pregnant and scared and starving and your husband left you. But still, STFU

- Ma is the best. Just in general. I'm going to need to repeat that a few more times.
- I was on the edge of my seat the whole time the family was leaving the camp with Tom hidden in the back. Thank you Steinbeck for not having Tom dragged off, as I assumed.
- The Joads found more work! I figured Steinbeck would have them wander the roads until they all starved, got run over by trucks. They even have a boxcar to live in instead of a tent, but they lost the hot water. And naturally the people at the farm are all "how dare you ask for hot water? Why would you think you're entitled to that?" because they're assholes.
- Good for Tom, deciding that he should work to help the migrant workers. However, given his temper he's displayed throughout the whole book, his plan is probably going to work for roughly five minutes before he bludgeons someone to death again.
- Pa, I know you're sad that Ma is making all the decisions and you're supposed to be the Man of the house and blah blah blah. Maybe if you took charge at all, you could still be the one to lead. But when times are tough you just get quiet so Ma takes over. Because she is the best.
- Oh good, torrential rain. Nice contrast to the endless droughts that started the book. Now the family will get to drown instead of starve.

- After telling the other kids about Tom (kinda) I was going to get mad at Ruthie. But then I realized she and Winfield (who haven't starved to death as of the end of the book! Small victories!) are sort of the only hope left. At least they still act like kids the whole time. If they had been broken, sort of like the kids at the Hooverville, then I don't know if I could have taken anymore.
- Of course the baby was born dead. Of course. Because Steinbeck hates us all.
- I'm having mixed feelings about the ending. Because on the one hand, Rosasharn completely makes up for anything annoying she did by feeding this dying old man. On the other hand wtf Steinbeck? I totally blocked that ending from memory in high school.
- So I guess Alfred the American spirit turtle isn't making a reappearance. Because the American spirit is dead. Thanks for that uplifting ending.
I'm happy I read this again (Thanks Laura!) because if nothing else, I'm now less intimidated to give East of Eden a try.
Rayna · 647 weeks ago
I'm also really shocked that both the kids lived to the end. Steinbeck must have some feeling in his cold, cold heart after all.
Good luck down on Long Island! Up here (near Poughkeepsie) we lost power during the storm but I just got mine back this morning. I was leaving for work and I heard this humming and was really confused until I realized it was the fridge being reborn. I'm sending you speedy-power-back-on thoughts.
What Red Read 121p · 647 weeks ago
Yay you got your power back!!! I keep waiting for the power to come back on and all the lights to scare the hell out of me when they're back. I didn't realize how quite the house is when there's NOTHING running.
readingrambo 112p · 647 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 646 weeks ago
readingrambo 112p · 647 weeks ago
RIGHT? Like, what're you thinking, Tom?
Also, THE AMERICAN SPIRIT LIVES ON. Because 1) we never saw Alfred die, and 2) They just keep going...and going. Etc.
(p.s. I'm glad you're alive; you can mourn your grill after the power comes back on)
What Red Read 121p · 647 weeks ago
Alfred is the precursor to the energizer bunny. But instead of fuel cells he's powered by THE AMERICAN SPIRIT *fireworks go off, eagle soars*
The poor grill cover. It held on so valiantly.
Laura · 647 weeks ago
Anyway... YES to allll of Ma's responses to Pa, cause I was exactly the same! I took some notes and they basically just say 'shut up Pa!' 'Stop being a DICK!' Etc. Cause that WAS really annoying!
The Casy thing is totally traumatising. I don't think I've dealt with it after the first time. CASYYYYYYYY! :(
I'm gonna have to steal that Bridesmaids gif. Just so you know. And I'm so relieved that you're ok! I had to keep checking twitter yday to see if you were, you know, alive and all! So YAY! And I'm way impressed that you had a post ready, frankly!
Ps You now like Grapes better than when you were in High School, right? Cause that's all I wanted! Haha
What Red Read 121p · 647 weeks ago
I will admit, I did not see Casy getting bludgeoned to death. So good job Steinbeck on the surprise. But negative all the points for doing that to Casy. Not cool, man.
We're all ok here and hopefully I'll even have power back soon (Please on please, powers that be, turn my lights back on. I misssss them)
I do like Grapes better. Or I at least remember it now. However, I still don't understand the guy saying this was one of his desert island books cos no. Being stranded is depressing enough.
briefraser 73p · 647 weeks ago
briefraser 73p · 647 weeks ago
I can't even imagine reading this ending in high school! How do teachers handle it/explain it? It's just so WEIRD. And I'm pretty sure I'll never get the image out of my head. Have you seen the movie? Do they show this scene just as it's written!? Is the American spirit dead? Or is the whole breastfeeding an older man part proof that spirit is alive? But I know what you're saying...I need more than Rosasharn using her otherwise wasted breast milk to save a man to give me hope that the Joad's will persevere.
What Red Read 121p · 646 weeks ago
I've never seen the movie and I never thought about how they would shoot that scene but HOW WOULD THEY SHOOT THAT SCENE? Especially at that time.
Things could have been worse for Rosasharn. Her baby could have been born healthy and then gotten eaten by a pig cos the neighbors left the gate open. (I want to know what the symbolic meaning of THAT scene is.)
briefraser 73p · 646 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 646 weeks ago
diane · 646 weeks ago
Glad u did fine with Sandy -- us too thankfully.
What Red Read 121p · 646 weeks ago
Jennifer · 646 weeks ago
Jennifer · 646 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 646 weeks ago
Katie LW · 646 weeks ago
Seriously? You forgot this? This is probably the only thing I remembered from high school. I was totally creeped out by this whole image, which I understand is supposed to be a wonderful scene where someone lives because the baby dies and blah blah blah. But I was 16 and this freaked me out.
I actually also remember my English teacher telling me everything I thought about this book was wrong. There might be a reason Steinbeck and I have never gotten along.