Friday, November 2, 2012

Reading by flashlight

Do you have a lot of fond memories of sneaking a book and flashlight under your covers and reading?
What about taking a book and flashlight camping with you and reading in the wilderness (or your backyard)?

How do you people have fond memories of this? Or the better question is, how do you hold a stupid flashlight AND comfortably hold a book without having to reposition yourself 4,000 times before you give up and just stare at nothing because at least that doesn't require coordination.

As I mentioned before, Hurricane Sandy knocked out our power. Which is, at the time of writing, still out. When the power first went out on Monday I figured I'd at least have lots of uninterrupted reading time. How great will that be? And then there was the realization of "I need light to read" and "boy it sure gets dark during a hurricane". I tried to use this lantern thing, which says it provides "room filling light". It is a liar. If I had been able to build a contraption to suspend it right above where I was reading, maybe it would have worked. I tried to use a flashlight but couldn't figure out how to position it. For a while I held the book in one hand and the flashlight in another. But eventually both my flashlight arm and my book thumb were getting sore. Then I tried holding it under my chin but trying to get it to stay where you need so it's neither blindingly bright nor too shadowy to read proved a challenge.

There has to be a trick to this. Cos I was starting to think that those miner helmets with the lights on them aren't such a bad idea.

I did get some reading done. But it was mostly uncomfortable and distracted.

I wish I hadn't started my book right before the storm. I was all set to reread Pet Semetary, which I have as a dead-tree book. Had I not started it, I would have been fine reading a book on my Kindle. Before the storm I saw a few tweets from people who were very clear that they were stocking up on non-e-books. Which makes sense because ebooks must be read on a reader that must be charged by electricity, and the threats were there would be none. However, I can't help but think the people who made these proclamations (as opposed to those who just said they were stocking up books) don't actually own an ereader.

I can't speak for all of the options out there, but I have a Kindle. My Kindle has like a month's worth of battery on a single charge. So I made sure it was charged before the storm, which means I'm not really in danger here of running out of reading material. I also have a case with a built in light, which means I don't have to juggle the flashlight or sit dangerously close to candles in order to see.

Now, I only read a little of the book on my, but that's because I'm stubborn and had just started Pet Semetary and didn't want to change. I'm not saying an ereader is better in this situation or normal books. I'm just saying, could you quit being tools about ereader vs normal books. They both have advantages and disadvantages so can't we just enjoy all of them?
Didn't really mean for this to turn into a rant. This is what happens when you take away someone's heat for long periods of time and make them throw out all of the food in their fridge, even though some of those condiments were BARELY USED and it's going to cost a fortune to restock.

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While our power was out, my husband and I initially only had one flashlight so I didn't try to read because that would have left him sitting in the dark. Then we got a second one and I was all YAY WE CAN READ NOW. And he was all HOW? I DON'T GET IT! EXPLAIN IT TO ME! And then he read a whole book by flashlight and I read a short story and pondered how it is possible that I don't have a book light. I hope you're able to read comfortably again soon!!
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
How did he hold the flashlight?? I'm so baffled by this. And all the pictures I found showed kids like the one above, with the book smooshed down. My book doesn't smoosh like that!

I've had booklights and they've always broken in like a month. Helmet lights I'm seriously considering...

(that probably didn't need to be yelled, but when do things really?)

I thought it was gonna be all nostalgia-y, and then it was like "Hey, fuck you, eReader haters" and I was like "YEAH."

The thing that seriously annoys me about people who do that is that they seem to think if you have an eReader, you CEASE to use print books. Which is patently false. It's just another way of reading. Aghhhhh.
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
I was just as shocked as you at the turn this took. I wrote this with the idea that I'll just bitch about flashlights and it apparently spun out of control.

But SERIOUSLY, I heart all book types. Can we stop bitching about eReaders or how true book lovers would never use them or any other ridiculousness.
You don't need a helmet... just go to a camping equipment store and get a head lamp. It has a strap that you wear like a Native American's headband. My daughters' introduced me to this from their many summers at Girl Scout camp. I tried it during one of our infrequent power outages and you can read really well because the light points at whatever you are looking at. At REI (outdoor retailer) they run about $35, but I'm sure you can get them cheaper. LED lights last a long time too.
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
I totally for got about those. Which is silly cos I almost got one of those in a Yankee swap (White Elephant, whatever they're called) a few years go but I sadly traded it away. What a fool I was.

I should really check out REI or EMS for one of those so I'm prepared for the next outage.
I'm not sure how I managed the whole flashlight and book under the covers thing when I was young. I just know I did. Evidently, I was much more talented/dexterous or had an extra hand or something....

And I'll try not to take the anti-Anti-E-Readers rant personally. :-) Although I'm not really anti-e-readers. I'm just anti-e-readers for me.
2 replies · active 646 weeks ago
"much more talented/dexterous...etc" when I was younger. Is what I meant.
No, no, I didn't have you in mind with this. Cos while you choose not to use an ereader yourself (which is totally cool), you don't harp on people who do use them as being lesser readers (which would be super not cool).

I never did the whole flashlight thing as a kid and I definitely can't do it now. At least not well. Ah well.
This post got so dark so quickly... I fear for what will happen to your brain if the electricity doesn't come back soon!

Nah, really, you'll be alright. I TOTALLY agree with the reading by flashlight (or, you know, torchlight) because it is so achy and annoying holding a book AND a torch and just UGH horrible. So I has a sad face for you.

And yeah. Boooo e-reader hate. Which I say now because I'm totally thinking about getting one. So there you go.
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
I know! And I didn't mean it too. It just happened. BUT my power is back!! I MAY have done a few victory dances about this. Having heat again has been awesome. Hopefully they get the rest of the island back on the grid soon.

I heart my ereader. It's just another option for reading and why would we be mad at having more of those? And I find I still read more physical books. I just can't stay away from the bookstore.
I did flashlight reading all the time! I had my stash of American Girl books and starting with Meet Kirsten, clumsily switch hands to turn the page and hold the flashlight with my chin :)
Now that I'm all grown up and want to buy fancy gadgets, I'm -GASP- looking into an e-reader and am all indecisive about kindle vs nook, hmmm.
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
How did you manage it? I think I'm both not coordinated enough and not motivated enough to do it.

I heart my Kindle. I went with it mostly cos, at the time, the Nook has a crazy slow refresh rate and waiting for the pages to turn was annoying. I love being able to highlight stuff (since I don't highlight in physical books). But I still read more physical books than ebooks.
I remember reading Archie comics under the covers after "lights out", but I do not for the life of me remember using a flash-light. But I must have...DUDE, do you not own a book light? It's the only way hubby will let me read "one more page" after "lights out". He's mean though.

I would be PISSED about throwing away food too. One time our freezer stopped working and we didn't notice until everything had defrosted and was startin to go bad. WHAT A WASTE. But I'm not complaining, because your situation is/was obviously worse than us being too dumb to notice the melting ice running out the freezer door.

And hey, what about candles?
2 replies · active 646 weeks ago
I've had book lights in the past and they always worked really well for about a month and then not at all. I don't actually do too much reading in bed anymore. Even if I did Boyfriend+ can sleep through a hurricane, as he proved on Monday.

I totally left the freezer door open one night and ruined a bunch of stuff so don't worry, you're not alone there. LUCKILY my mom found out our insurance (she and I have the same) lets you file a food spoilage claim and they'll give you money to help pay for new food. Now we just need to get to the store.

We had candles lit but they didn't provide quite enough light to read by. I kept thinking they would. It seemed bright enough until I actually opened the book. Ah well. At least we have power now.
YAY for power!! And awesome news about the insurance!
I hope you get your power back soon! Not being able to read would be the worst part of a power outage -- well, after no heat and no hot food. Hope you're doing okay!
I have to say I would have shelved the paper book and used the Kindle. You're right, they are perfect for this kind of situation. Reading by flashlight sounds cozy and nostalgic but I bet that doesn't last long. Not to mention, Pet Sematary in the dark has to be a little creepy...
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
Luckily we got our power back sometime on Friday after I wrote this. Having heat back has been amazing. That and being able to see after 6pm.

I probably should have put away the paper book. I was hoping to finish another book before the end of the month cos I haven't done well. Alas, I didn't succeed. And yeah, Pet Semetary was not the best choice when there's no power...
As a kid, I forwent the flashlight and just tried to hold my book towards the lit hallway. During the hurricane, I used some candles. It wasn't great, but it sort of worked....
I'm glad you finally got your power back! We got ours back on Thursday night.
3 replies · active 646 weeks ago
Glad you have your power back too!! Are you in the path of the nor'eastern we're supposed to get tomorrow?

I was sort of afraid to use candles. I mean they weren't really bright enough (which was deceptive cos when I wasn't reading, they seemed like they would be) but also I thought I might set myself on fire by leaning too close.
I can certainly understand that fear. I thought (dangerous, I know) that it was safer for me to use the real candles and our son to have the fake battery operated ones. I stuck several candles of various sizes in a glass dish and put it next to my side of the bed. It wasn't terrible, but I'm not going to be rushing to do it again now that the lights are back on.
Yes, I'd say it was def a good idea for you to take the candles and your son to take the "cannot easily start a fire with these" ones.

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