Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Ten Bookish Confessions

I haven't done one of these in awhile, but given this one seems like an easy one for me to crank out, I figured I'd play along with this week's Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week they're asking for our Bookish Confessions. Here goes

1. I don't go to the library - I know I should. But I don't. I had a library card for the Boston Public Library back when I was a freshman at school. And not since. I like owning my books instead of borrowing them, though I'm considering trying out the library for Kindle books. We'll see if I get around to that since step one is "finding a library and getting a card".

2. I've read the entire Twilight series - Not only did I read it. I own it. It sits on a shame shelf, sorta hidden, on a bookshelf in the hallway. I read it in a week. Because everything that has been said about it (it's got horrendous writing, stupid characters, an AWFUL moral lesson especially for girls) is true and it's also addictive as hell.

3. I never get rid of books - Hence the whole hiding the Twilight books thing. I'm just about out of bookshelf space (not space on my bookshelves, but places to put more bookshelves) so perhaps I'll have to do a book purger sooner rather than later.

4. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to a book series - If I have a series of books, I want them to all look the same. Know why I didn't read Catching Fire right after finishing The Hunger Games? Cos it wasn't out in paperback yet and I have HG in paperback so OBVIOUSLY they must match. My Harry Potter set is cobbled together but still makes sense to me. So books 1, 3, 5 and 7 are the normal American cover trade paperbacks. Book 4 is American cover hardback. Book 2 is some mass market paperback I got in Rome. Which mean I had to find book 6 in a similar vein so I bought a used copy of the "adult" cover, which luckily just has a spell book on it and isn't actually HP porn.

5. Sometimes the movie is better than the book - Sarah said this too, but I'm repeating it because it's true. Lord of the Rings books, I wanted to love you, but sorry, the movies stole my heart.

6. I don't dogear pages. Or write in books. But I'm jealous of those that do - Sorta jealous anyway, because it's way easier to just fold over the page instead of always making sure you have a bookmark (or ticket stub, or whatever) on you. And it would be way easier if I underlined quotes in the book so I could find them later instead of just trying to remember where they were. And inevitably forgetting.

7. If I can't pronounce a character's name, I make up my own - I do this for pronounceable names as well, though usually it's a case of misreading it once and deciding I like mine better.

There's probably more but I can't think of them at the moment. What are your bookish confessions?

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I'm with you on number 7. I can barely pronounce English never mind made up names with random vowels.
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
BWAHAHA! Twilight WAS addictive but I contented myself with reading Wikipedia summaries of the rest of the series because I couldn't bring myself to devote more of my life to it. And then I gave the first book to my mom to pretend it never happened. I also want to be the kind of person that writes in books, and every so often I manage it (but only with a pencil!) but I can't stick to it. I've taken to putting a post-it in the front cover of books I'm reading to list my reactions on and record quotes... it's actually working quite nicely. And I understand your compulsion about book series, though for me it goes to authors in general too. I give myself a break when the books are used though...
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
It's ok that you've read Twilight cause you can justifiably go 'UGH, Twilight', which I'm technically not allowed to do. But they should probably be the first to go in your book cull (which will be fun! Sort of...) Also, I do not get this matching series thing! My Harry Potters are a jumble of paperback and hardback and adult and child editions, and my Dark Tower collection is just completely non-matching... And I've never really thought about it at all! Maybe cause I don't have book OCD ;)
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
This is the best list of confessions. I am almost exactly opposite of everything you've listed.

And I tried to find some like really hilarious cartoon of Twilight shaming but nothing. The Oatmeal still has my heart on that one.
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
#7: YUP. Rickon from Game of Thrones is still Rickson to me, and I've been reading it for, like, a year. Also I thought Hermione was Her-moyne until the movie came out.

#2: We've all been there, sister. Mine is on the bottom shelf of my bedroom bookcase, closest to the wall and behind a pencil case. SOMETIMES YOU CAN STILL ENJOY TERRIBLE THINGS.
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
When I read Twilight, I loved it too. I don't care. It's awful and I don't recommend it to anyone. But I read it in two weeks.
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Totally agree about #5. I mean, not usually, but sometimes the movies are just as good or better! I loved both Atonement the book and the movie, but for very different reasons. They were both fantastic!
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I love number 7. Sometimes I don't even realize that I have no idea how to pronounce the character's name until I try saying it out loud. I also read Twilight and enjoyed it, but didn't keep the books. I do have a "bookshelf of shame" though.
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Okay we may be the same bookish person. I don't go to the library and I feel really guilty about it. *whispers* I read the first two Twilight Books, but then gave up on the rest and I never get rid of books! I also don't dog-ear books (though I do write in them).

However, I am not OCD about series like you are, though I do understand your reasoning behind it.
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Hello, soul-sister. I don't go to the library either, I like to OWN ALL my books, although I have been better at getting rid of the wants I really didn't like, I also read and loved the Twilight books and own them all in hardcover ;) - and I think it goes without saying that I too like my series to be in the same format, preferably hardcover. No, not preferably, MUST be in hardcover. I only read the first Lord of the Rings, and that was a very painful time - movie is definitely better imo. And yes, I want to write in my books too!!

1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I go to the library, check out a stack of books and then let them sit in my house until they are 6 months overdue and owe a buttload of money to the library...so much that it would have been cheaper to have bought the books I checked out. After I pay the fine and return the books, I have no money and no books. And. that. sucks.
I completely left this one off my list :/
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Omg. Too any comments. It's too early in the day.

The LOTR movies are wayyyyyyyy better than the books. Also Tolkien cannot write for ladies. Sorry, Tolkien. But I was still way into Galadriel in high school, because GALADRIEEEEL.

Get yourself to the library, woman.
2 replies · active 654 weeks ago
I'm OCD about series too. And pretty much books by the same author. I want them all to look the same on my shelves. :) Lol. I hate the dogearing of books too! I work in a library and so many of our books get returned like that and it annoys the crap out of me!
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
I make up character names too. Well, at least my own pronunciation. I'm always wrong though.
I love that you have a shame shelf and hide Twilight. That cracks me up.
1 reply · active 654 weeks ago
Here's one of mine: I borrow a lot of books from the library, but I take back more of them unread than I return books that I actually have read. Sometimes this is okay, I think, because I wasn't wanting to read the whole book. You know, maybe just a couple of essays, or sample the first couple of chapters, so you get the flavour of it. But, mostly? Mostly I just manage the whole thing terribly and can't handle the math that means that I'd have to read 800 pages/day to finish them all by their duedates. 800 is probably a conservative figure in this context. Doesn't this transform your first confession into bragging rights?
1 reply · active 653 weeks ago
I love that you have a shame shelf. And I'll cop to liking some movies better than the books they were based on. And sometimes, I like when movies change what happened in the book, or draw out a theme that wasn't very present in the book. I notice this in adaptations of classic novels especially, say, when a Dickens heroine is given a bit more spine.
2 replies · active 652 weeks ago

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