Friday, August 3, 2012

I was about to break into a desperate fit of single virgin rage

I was on my way to Seattle and needed a book for the 7+ hours of travel I had ahead of me*. I had downloaded The Importance of Being Earnest and The War of the Worlds but as I was sitting in the airport I thought "I can't read those. I'm not in a classics mood" and I started scrolling through my "To Read" shelf on Goodreads. I came across one of the first books I added on there, Elna Baker's memoir The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance**. This was what I needed. Something light. Something funny. Something that would be good for a plane read.

The story mostly revolves around Elna's life as a Mormon living somewhere other than Utah, mostly New York City. Which just terrifies her mother.
'Elna,' she said nervously. 'The first thing that will happen when you move to New York is, you might start to swear.' I wanted to say, 'Oh shit, really?'
'And Elna,' she said, pursing her lips and looking directly into my eyes, 'what would you do if a lesbian tried to make out with you?'...'I'd say, "No, thank you...lesbian."'
Now Elna's story doesn't involve her moving to NYC and breaking away from her Mormon faith and going nuts and all that jazz. As a matter of fact, a lot of the book involves her defending her faith to people. And she does a good job, at least in my opinion. You feel her frustration with other people and her religion, but also the trust she has in her faith. And I learned little things about it.
They think I'm Mormon because I haven't read enough books yet.
Mormons don't believe in hell. We believe there are three different levels to heaven, like how they divide A-list, B-list, and C-list celebrities. 
But really the majority of the book is about Elna trying to find love. As a Mormon. In NYC. Really just finding love in general. She does make out with just, a lot of people and her drawings of who she made out with and where in Manhattan are hilarious.
Normally this [a co-worker saying he wanted to touch her boobs] would be considered sexual harassment, but since Jeff was average cute, I let it slide. The whole "Attractive Boy + Sexual Repression = Ethical Hypocrisy" equation.
when you're in a relationship without the possibility of sex it feels more like you're flirting with your personal assistant. 
The book is very funny. I found myself smirking a few times, though never outright laughing out loud. Of course part of that could be I was reading it on a plane and trying not bug too many people. But this wasn't my most favorite memoir. Maybe because I recently read the last memoir I read was The Bloggess one which had me crying I was laughing so hard. Maybe because I read the book all at once so I didn't have a chance to let it sink in. Maybe because I didn't have the same very religious upbringing so I didn't relate all that much. Whatever the reason, very funny book that I'm glad I read but (sorry Alice) not one of my most favorite books ever.

Update: I have left out a part of the book that doesn't really fit in with the main stuff (being Mormon, looking for love, living in NYC while being Mormon and looking for love, etc) but it was one of the best parts. For awhile Elna worked at FAO Schwartz in the section selling crazy expensive baby dolls of some certain type that I could look up but I'm lazy and won't. The dolls were featured on some realty show (again, could look up, but not) and got super popular and ALL the rich NYC ladies had to get them for their daughters. Specifically had to get the white babies, which the store sold out of. There were rows of Asian, Hispanic and Black babies but these people didn't want them. I mean what would the neighbors think?? (Seriously, one lady asked Elna this when she suggested the woman buy one of the Hispanic babies instead of waiting for a new shipment of the white ones to come in.) So yeah, it's mostly Mormon trying to find love in NYC, but also stuff like this sprinkled in as well.

*It was significantly cheaper to get to Seattle from New York by transferring in Dallas. I don't know why. That makes no sense, but that's what happened.
**Every time I write out that title I have to look it up. If I don't, I leave out an adjective.

Title quote from page 213, location 3306

Baker, Elna. The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance: A Memoir. Dutton Adult, 2009. Kindle edition.

Comments (16)

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Dude, that first thing you quoted is one of my favorites.

I already mentioned (on goodreads?) that a big reason I liked it was that the whole abstinence issue was huge for me for a long time, so it was nice reading someone else dealing with that in their 20s.

But I did totally enjoy the essays in it. Like the one about the FAO Schwartz babies. I read this before humorous memoir essay collections had gotten HUGE, so I hadn't read as many as I have now, but I think it still definitely ranks in my top five. Maybe top three.

I'm glad you read eeeet.
1 reply · active 657 weeks ago
That FAO Schwartz essay was the best and I can't believe I didn't mention it and now I think I need to update this to include a mention of that. There were so many good moments and I loved her voice but I think the end just sorta petered out for me. I guess I was expecting something more to happen and instead it was like "well and I'm done writing now". Which makes sense cos it's a memoir and real lives don't really work out like movies with a finale and everything. I guess that's my issue with memoirs in general.
Fun fact about me and mormons- whenever I try and type mormon, I always always type moron first, which isn't my fault, it's cause of Angels in America. Probably. Although I don't necessarily disagree, but then I basically feel that way about all religions.

Anyway! This sounds quite fun, if not necessarily life changing. I think I'd prefer the memoir of someone who goes to NYC and DOES stop being Mormon, but that's just me...
1 reply · active 657 weeks ago
Did you know Mormons have magic underwear? Or not really but apparently that's a stereotype. Another thing I learned from this book.
I don't know why, but this book makes me think of the book, "The Year of Yes" - a memoir of a girl who decides to say "Yes" to every date she's asked out on for an entire year. Maybe because it also takes place in NYC? I dunno why I'm even telling you this lol......anyway, I want to read this book now! The quotes and update make me want more.
1 reply · active 657 weeks ago
Funny you say that, cos there is a section in here where all Elna does is say yes to things. You're clearly psychic.
I'm pretty excited to read this one. I was really burnt out on memoirs for a while, but now I'm getting into the funny lady memoir again. I also picked up a used copy recently, so I'm ready to go.
1 reply · active 657 weeks ago
It was a fun and quick read. I started it at the airport and finished it on the flight. She never takes herself too seriously
I don't read a lot of memoirs but this does sound funny. The dolls you mention sound like the American Girls. The book Cinderella Ate My Daughter has a great description of these dolls as a way to make smart upper class parents feel they're buying something good for their daughters while the poorer parents buy things like Barbies and Bratz. But in reality these dolls are just a gigantic money pit (and yes, there's the race thing too).
1 reply · active 657 weeks ago
They weren't the American Girl dolls, which I only know cos I've heard of those and the ones she was selling were some brand I didn't know. Also they were new borns. Your comments makes me want to read the Cinderella book even more.
Sounds like the perfect travelling companion - engaging but easy to read.
1 reply · active 657 weeks ago
True, it was a very good plane read.
I've never heard of this before, but I'm suddenly absolutely dying to read it. I love when people post about vaguely obscure books, and this one looks like it'll be a gem :)

I'm pretty sure I've never called ANYTHING 'a gem' before in my entire life, but never mind...
1 reply · active 657 weeks ago
See, this book is causing you to say cliches you never before said. It's a powerful book. I wouldn't have heard about it had it not been for Alice and she obviously has good taste.
I heard about Elna Baker when she told a story on the Moth podcast - the story when she said "yes" to everything. It was very entertaining. I also read the book on a plane trip (and my trip involved switching planes in Texas too, though I believe it was Houston not Dallas.) I loved the FAO Schwartz essay, definitely the high mark of the book. I too thought it petered out toward the end, especially when she reconnects with that guy. I was left not loving the book as a whole, but again that doll story definitely sticks with me.
1 reply · active 656 weeks ago
Yes, it totally peters out at the end! I think that's why overall I wasn't crazy about the book. Or memoirs in general because there isn't always a clear beginning, middle, end. I needed SOMETHING to happen at the end, not for stuff to just keep going on.

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