Last week Alice posted about Cinderella Ate My Daughter and included a video of Anita Sarkeesian of the Feminist Frequency talking about Legos and Gender. Not sure why exactly but then I decided to watch ALL THE VIDEOS Sarkeesian made, or at least the ones posted on her site. And if you go to her site (or Google her name or follow the links I keep retweeting) you'll see there was some battle going on.
Some background if you don't already know:
Sarkeesian made a series of videos called Tropes vs. Women that are pretty sweet and look at certain tropes liked The Straw Feminist and The Mystical Pregnancy. Since those were pretty awesome, she decided to make a series that focused on Tropes vs. Women in Video Games. Normally she asks for donations to help pay for the research, production and general site upkeep but this time she decided to try Kickstarter to raise money. She was hoping to raise $6,000. And she reached that goal within 24 hours. And then the happy feelings ended. In her Kickstarter video she talks about wanting to look at different stereotypes in video games around female characters. She didn't say what those opinions were, just that sometime, in the future, she would like to voice an opinion about them. And a group of people flipped right the fuck out at this idea.
She has received comments ranging from basic "get back in the kitchen" jokes to death threats, rape threats and all manner of hate. For having the audacity to suggest at some point she would like to talk about women in video games. Her Wikipedia page is still locked because of vandalism. The group keeps flagging her YouTube videos as "terrorism". And Sarkeesian responded in the best possible way.
First of all, I want to reiterate that she was hoping to raise $6,000 and wasn't sure she could get that. The Kickstarter campaign closed today and she raised $158,917. I know she didn't do that so much as her 6,967 backers did but that is still awesome and needs to be pointed out. She's now expanded the scope of her project from 5 videos to 12.
But even better than that is Sarkeesian's reaction. First of all, she didn't back down. She didn't let the hate silence her, which was ultimately the group's goal. She didn't (from what I can see anyway) attack the people back. She responded to a couple comments but she didn't attack. What she did do was document the hate. She wrote a few posts about the harassment and they're up on her site. She has screencaps of the YouTube comments and her Wikipedia page. It's easy to dismiss awful comments (especially those on YouTube) as par for the course online, as a number of news sites point out. But it's another thing to actually read those comments. And by sharing those comments, she brings to light how bad it can be.
Not only did she not back down, but the whole incident has been brought to the attention of several publications including Slate, Guardian, Globe and Mail, Wired, and Forbes. A number of blogs have written about her story as well. Because she didn't stay silent. Because she didn't delete the comments and take down the campaign.
So this isn't a post about books. I realize I'm not even adding to the conversation by posting this. But I've been reading pretty much every story about this and A) I wanted to share the story and B) I wanted to say how amazing Sarkeesian is for not backing down. I can't wait to see the videos.
Updated: to include a link to a story my friend Paolo posted in the comments. It's not about this case but another instance of PR people (for shame!) assuming boobs=does not like video games
I Can Be Just As Capable. Let Me Be
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
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Not bookish but important
Anita Sarkeesian|Feminist Frequency|
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etudesque 73p · 664 weeks ago
readingrambo 112p · 664 weeks ago
etudesque 73p · 664 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
Ryan · 664 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
Ryan · 664 weeks ago
Paul 37p · 664 weeks ago
Edit: sweet, my picture is live
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
readingrambo 112p · 664 weeks ago
The thing is, when she first announced the Kickstarter for Tropes vs Women in Video Games (I follow her on twitter -- you totes should if you don't) -- I was like 'Eh, I don't really play video games anymore, so I'm not so into it', but I was glad she got funded so quickly.
THEN when all the news about the harassment started being reported, I was like "FUCK YOU HATERS GO FEMINISM" and donated my tiny monies. Which I'm assuming is what a lot of people did, men and women. Or not even go feminism, but go A Refusal to Be Bullied. She's handled this magnificently. One of my former profs said Sarkeesian is one of the rolemodels chosen by her eight-year-old daughter, which just makes me happy A.S. exists.
Awesome job posting about this.
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
I do follow her on Twitter after watching all the videos. And when I first saw her post about doing the video games thing I was sort of "I'll watch those when they come out" but didn't watch her Kickstarter video or anything because like you, I'm not big on most games so whatever. But then when I went back to her site to watch more videos I saw her post about the harassment and then got angry. So after watching ALL THE VIDEOS I read ALL THE STUFF around this brouhaha because what the hell is wrong with people???
Awesome for you for donating the monies. I debated it and debated it and then was going to and by the time I made that decision it had closed. I did see some comments about people donating money because of the backlash, including one mom who was donating on behalf of her 11year old son who was complaining to her one day about ladies in video games and how mistreated those characters are. And my heart swelled when I read that.
Laura · 664 weeks ago
So yeah, I found out about this cause Alice posted about it on facebook and I was HORRIFIED. Not just at the like 'get back in the kitchen' comments (which make me want to MURDER things) but also at the guys who were like 'oh, but men aren't represented well in video games either, how are we supposed to match up to these buff dudes,' to which I say, firstly, do your own fucking research project then, and secondly, NO. Men are represented as strong and powerful and women are represented as objects and you STILL want to complain about how men are represented. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
Ahem. And also, booo bullying, and YAY Anita for not backing down, which is obviously what was expected of her cause she's just a delicate little woman. She fucking rocks.
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
And yes, why are people all like "shut up cos guys aren't realistic in video games either!!" Cos one, you're right! They're not. Not really the point here and AS never claims guys are all nuanced and realistically portrayed. Probably because she hasn't made any claims yet given the whole VIDEOS ARE NOT YET MADE thing. You want to do a video about that (and I heard there's one in the works after this) then go for it. However it's probably going to gloss over the whole "guys get to be the hero" part of the equation and all the awesome ways guys are portrayed. I hope it's better than that but I don't have a lot of faith it will be, if it ever gets made.
booknympho 32p · 664 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
Meg · 664 weeks ago
Obviously, I've always been sensitive to gender issues, because you can't NOT be at this point in history (or any point in history, probably), but I'm so much more in tune to it in books and movies now. And I blame YOU. And Alice. And Laura. And Rayna. I love you ladies.
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
Also same thing here. Or at least I'm more at the level I was in college when I was taking a LOT of sociology classes and pretty much doing gender/feminist reading for all my papers.
libereadingrayna 58p · 664 weeks ago
Also -- awww, the feeling is mutual! <3
Paul 37p · 664 weeks ago
I'll let you guys (gals?) play spot-the-difference. In fact, go ahead and guess what's changed before you click on the link. It's more fun that way.
I shouldn't need to point out that the original is on the left. (Note: offer of more fun is not guaranteed.)
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
Also I guess right about what was changed before clicking on the link. Well partly right. I guessed size increase but not definition (must be cold). also I didn't know what her eyes looked like originally so I didn't know they would be changed.
christinasr 34p · 664 weeks ago
And btw, that main character from Mirror's Edge actually looked really cool - on the before pic. And yeah, I had guessed what they changed...
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago
christinasr 34p · 664 weeks ago
libereadingrayna 58p · 664 weeks ago
I'm so glad she didn't give in to the hate and pressure -- she's even more admirable because of the way she's handled this. We need more people like her in the spotlight, tbh.
What Red Read 121p · 664 weeks ago