Thursday, May 10, 2012

The day you take on a real job with real responsibilities, that's the day you're done writing

When exactly did the beta-male, as Christopher Moore dubs them, become a thing? In books, I mean. Is this a backlash against the capable, competent manly men of years past, with some examples that I can't think of at the moment. Walter in The Woman in White was sort of that. At least that's what Collins was going for. Whatever the reason, I like the beta-male characters. Those alpha males are too confident for me. Give me the insecure, self-deprecating guy. I mean, there's a reason I love Jesse Eisenberg.
Nerd suave
With this in mind I'd like to talk about Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman. Tom Violet is a wanna be author currently working a job he hates, writing company press releases. He's having some bedroom problems with his wife, who currently wants to have another kid. And on top of all of this his dad just won the Pulitzer for Fiction. Le sigh.

I really enjoyed this. Sure, it's somewhat predictable. Marital trouble? Check. Unsatisfied at work? Check. Dysfunctional relationship with a parent? Check. But it's the characters themselves that made the story. Tom is hilarious, which is good because the book is from his point of view so if I didn't like him the book would have been a slog. And his father is a force, running through marriages and liquor. I thought there would be more tension between father and son, but while their relationship isn't very conventional there is a lot of love there. Maybe not exactly "talk about our feelings" love, but more of "break into my ex-wife's/my house to pick up a change of clothes" type love.

There are moments of drama that were surprisingly touching. When so much of the is so sarcastically funny the serious moments can seem insincere, or at least melodramatic but they worked here. I wasn't tearing up but the scenes felt honest. And this was a quick read, one that drew me in. I didn't want to have to put the book down and head into the office*.

I was going to say my primary complaint is that the female characters aren't as fleshed out as Tom ans his father Curtis. However I realized none of the other characters are that fleshed out so I suppose the complaint his only the two main characters are fully realized. And this is really a small complaint because I didn't really think of it until I started typing this up. Besides my favorite character his Curtis's agent's son Brandon, who isn't much more than the sassy gay New Yorker but I loved whenever he was on the page.

I can see this being a book I re-read. It's a funny, quick read, a good book to read in between some of the more draining books. If you like the beta-male trope, along the lines of a Jonathan Tropper or Nick Hornby, this is worth a look.

*There's a part in the book where Tom describes how his job has these interns whose job is just to constantly monitor Google alerts to see if their company is mentioned. He talks about how ridiculous and boring this job must be. A good portion of my job involves helping people do EXACTLY that. And I have to say, I'm happy I'm not the one who has to actually do the monitoring.

Title quote from page 65

Norman, Matthew. Domestic Violets. Harper Perennial, 2011.

Comments (13)

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Speaking as someone who's only read the first ten pages, DOES he resolve his problem with his wife? TELL ME.
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
OK if that's as far as you made it, I can see why you put it down. But if you get past that stuff, it gets better.

To answer your question: Happy endings for all!! (hehehe)
Ha, I love only thinking of problems while you're actually thinking about the book! I was like that with 1Q84- while I was reading it I was just like 'this is the BEST THING EVER' and then I was writing about it and thinking 'well, that was weird... and what was that about?!'

ANYWAY! This sounds quite good, that job sounds terrible (the book one, not yours...) and also, Walter, bleurgh! If he's an alpha male, give me a beta guy any day.
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
I feel bad being "I liked this book but..." BUT at the same time, this isn't a book that I loved so much I want to do nothing but gush about. Plus I sorta adding the Jesse Eisenberg picture, wrote the short summary and got distracted. Or something because I stared at the page forever and had trouble coming up with something to say.

I think the real life constantly monitoring for stories looks awful in the real world as well. however his office scenes were some of the funniest. Sort of Office-esque cos he has his own Dwight.
I read this book earlier in the year and wasn't impressed. I didn't realize how under-developed some of the characters were until you mentioned it. My main gripe was how Tom didn't really seem to have a spine or take any action. You can read my review here ( to see what I didn't like about it. I wouldn't re-read it but it was fun and entertaining.
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
Thanks for linking to your review! After I finish reading a book I always want to be able to find everyone else's reviews. There needs to be an easy way to find those.

I didn't mind Tom being spineless (cos of the whole beta-male thing) but I did think he took more action than you thought he did. Though some things def did fall into his lap.
Oooh! For once, I know how to help. Google has a custom search just for book blogs. If you type google custom search book blogs into your browser, you can find reviews by book. :)
I have to say that I've read several reviews of Domestic Violets, but yours is the first that makes me want to read the book. :) Thanks!
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
Huzzah! That is amazing and I plan on checking this out. Thanks for the tip! And I'm glad my review makes you want to read this book. Hopefully if you do read it you enjoy it and I didn't lead you astray.
I loved this book too :) I really loved his battles with his office nemesis, whose name is escaping me at the moment. But those parts of the book just cracked me up. And I think you hit the nail on the head - this book felt honest. For some reason I really liked the main character, even when he was majorly screwing up. I was able to just kind of ignore those things b/c Tom seemed like a real guy, I guess.

I really hope that Matthew Norman writes more books. I'd totally read more of his stuff.
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
Yes! His battles with Greg were great. I sorta wanted more of them, although I suppose the story wouldn't have worked if they spent too much time in the office.

I'm hoping Norman writes some more. This one was so much fun I'd love to see what else he could do
I have this one on my TBR shelf. I'm looking forward to it. I enjoyed your take on it!

On another note, I have nominated you and your blog for a Liebster blog award. Check out my post about it here. Don't feel any pressure to do anything, but I do enjoy your blog!
1 reply · active 671 weeks ago
I hope you enjoy this book when you get to it. And thank you for the nomination!! I'm blushing :)
Thank you for sharing your great ideas!

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