Wednesday, May 16, 2012

(Belated) Blogging Anniversary

I was going to write a post about my blog's anniversary. I saw a few people writing their own because apparently May is the month for starting a blog. I missed my blog's birthday last year, but I was going to pay attention this time around. And then I realized I should probably check when that first post went out. Turns out it was May 8th.


At least I'm consistent. I'll remember to bring this up to Boyfriend next time I forget some important date.

Anyway it (was recently) my blogging anniversary. I've been doing this for 2 years now and it's been wonderful.  Boyfriend talked me into starting a blog because I was bugging him about not really using my English degree and blah blah blah. So he gets a lot of credit for this. Which he reminds me about whenever I start going on (and on) about blogging.

What Red Read started just as an opportunity to write about books since it was the only topic I could think of where I wouldn't run out of stuff to say. So I wrote and wrote. At first it was just to myself and for myself. Then slowly I began to find other book bloggers. And other book bloggers found me. I read books I would have never previously considered that were recommended by bloggers I would now consider friends. I've joined two reading challenges. I've participated in a readathon and a readalong. This blog has become a lot more to me than just a chance for me to record the thoughts about the books I'm reading.

One of my favorite things about this blog has been the people I've met. Or "met" I suppose since I haven't actually met any of these people in person. I'm sure if it hadn't been for the people below (and more that I've inevitably left off because, look, I missed my own blog birthday. I'm not good with memory) I would have given up blogging at some point. Now I can't imagine doing anything of the sort. So in no particular order, here are some awesome bloggers that you should check out if you aren't already familiar with them

Alice from Reading Rambo
Laura from Devouring Texts
Brenna from Literary Musings
Ben from Dead End Follies
Greg from The New Dork Review
Jennifer from Soy Chai Bookshelf
Meg from The Terrible Desire
Sarah from Sarah Says Read
Sarah from Sarah Reads Too Much
Pete from What You Read
Beth from Bookworm Meets Bookworm
Kerry from Entomology of a Bookworm
Rayna from Libereading

Happy 2nd blog birthday to me and thank you fellow book bloggers for being awesome and making me love it here in my corner of the internet.

Comments (34)

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Aww, happy blogging anniversaryyyy! I am glad your blog exists. And we will watch old cartoons like in my dream. Or eat stuff. One of those. I guess both are possible.
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Awww, I feel all special! And happy anniversary to you and your blog, may you live happily ever after ;). WE WILL ALL MEET ONE DAY AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS!
3 replies · active 669 weeks ago
Congratulations on 2 years! Apparently we made our blogs within days of each other - I had no idea! I love the community aspect as well - the sharing of ideas and recommendations and whatnot is what really makes the book blogging community.
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Happy blogoversery! I'm coming up for 2 years too - I know it's in August but I really should check the date as like you, I missed it last year.
3 replies · active 669 weeks ago
My boyfriend does the same thing! He got me into it (I actually remember scoffing when he said he was starting a blog & suggesting I should try it out). Look at us now! Happy anniversary!!! I enjoy reading your reviews so just keep on keepin' on. Thanks for including me in the list - I'm honored! :)
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Happy blogoversary! Thanks for adding me to your list :)

I should really check and see when my blogoversary is...
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Happy Blogiversary!

I missed my blogging anniversary too....Just realized it (mine's April) and am wondering if I should go ahead and post about it.
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
HAPPY HAPPY! Yours is one of the first blogs I started reading when I first started reading book blogs, and you still inspire me daily. Cheers, fellow literate redhead! And thanks for giving my little baby blog a nod (I think it's barely 6 months old now!).
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Happy Blogging to you too! Thank you for the mention. I love your blog, and love your take on things (even if I am usually pretty terrible at commenting on them). I'm not sure when my blogging anniversary is... I usually keep it vague, like "March".
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Happy Blogiversary! And thanks for the list of other bloggers! I've just found a ton of cool new blogs to follow! Wishing you many more years of blogging! :)
1 reply · active 669 weeks ago
Happy Blogversary!
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
A veryyyy happy blogiversary to you!!!! Cheers to many more years of book blogging.
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago
Happy blogging anniversary and thanks for the mention. Even though I haven't been to active recently over at mine, I've still been reading and I'm glad you're still going!
1 reply · active 668 weeks ago

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