Monday, April 16, 2012

Why he should have been so discomposed by a trifle I cannot say - but he was seriously discomposed

Before I get to anything about the next part of the book, look what I found!
By Adam Mazur
Every time I read anything about Miriam/Marian this is what I pictured. And it was wonderful. Clever girl, indeed.

Now, to The Woman in White. Gilmore's narrative comes first but isn't that interesting. The only things you learn are a) Laura is posed to get just a boatload of money b) Sir Percival Glyde has written an agreement that gives him all the money on Laura's death instead of Laura's family, which is typical and c) Mr. Fairlie is even more awful/amazingly narcissistic than I previously believed and let's Percy get away with his plan because eh, whatever; he'll prob die first anyway. Gilmore's narrative is short which is good because that means we get to Miriam the Velociraptor's section quicker! 

So much happens! Finally there's some action. Well pseudo action. And there's a new Italian guy who, granted, is no Professor Pesca, but he is still entertaining in a very ominous sort of way. Marian, Laura (now Lady Glyde, which sounds like a classy porn name), Sir Percival Glyde, and Count & Countess Fosco are all hanging out at Sir Percival's home and Percy is living up to Anne's warning letter of him. He's being a real asshole to Laura and Marian, although Fosco seems able to keep him under control. 

Fosco is an interesting character. On the surface he seems to be looking out for Marian and Laura. He comes to their rescue a couple times when Percy goes all nuts, he trains animals like mice and birds, he loves sweets. These don't usually make for an intimidating presence. But Marian doesn't trust him. And his wife, who used to be loud and obnoxious is very quiet and subservient now. How'd he do that?  He seems to be spying on Marian as she tries to discover what's going on with Sir Percival and the Woman in White, but at the same time he seems to have a plausible explanation for everything he does. Very creepy.

I am finally starting to get on Laura's side with this section and it was all based on the scene where Sir Percival tries to get her to sign something without letting her read what it is she's signing. And Laura stands up to him! Who saw that coming?? Marian has to convince her a couple times she's right to not sign something without knowing what it is but still, Laura stood up for herself. She's still boring but at least she's not weak anymore. She even throws the pen down when insulted. That is more action than I thought possible from her. Go Laura. 

But really, it's the end of this section that made me go I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! Sir Percival definitely has a secret. He was trying to get to Laura's money (hence the document he wouldn't let her read) AND there's also a secret that he thinks Laura and Walter know about. The Woman in White knows his secret. I want to know! I was on the edge of my seat, literally gasping (and getting weird looks) while Miriam the Velociraptor sneaked onto the roof to eavesdrop on Sir Percival and Count Fosco's conversation. The tension! Will she get caught? Who knew she really was such a badass? Do you see why I can't help but picture her as a velociraptor. Although it just made me think "If she was a velociraptor, she would have bit his head off by now. It would have been shorter story sure BUT still awesome." And that post script at the end of her diary??? I wasn't sure if I was supposed to read that since I think it's past where we read (although Alice fixed that yesterday) but I couldn't help it and all I can say is dun Dun DUUUN!!!

I know I'm gushing but she's the best and here are some quotes to back that up
"I banged the door after me, and I hope I shattered Mr. Fairlie's nervous system for the rest of the day."
"Being, however, nothing but a woman, condemned to patience, propriety, and petticoats for life, I must respect the house-keeper's opinions, and try to compose myself in some feeble and feminine way."
"I remember the time, Countess, when you advocated the Rights of Women and freedom of female opinion was one of them."

One last quote that made me laugh when I read it:
"Even baldness, when it is only baldness over the forehead (as in his case), is rather becoming than not in a man, for it heightens the head and adds to the intelligence of the face"
Oh Collins, first you talk about how Marian's little forehead makes her so ugly and then you go into detail about how a big forehead makes a guy look smart. Your insecurities are showing sir.

Title quote from location 3230/page 146

Collins, Wilkie. The Woman in White. Amazon Books, 2006. Originally published 1860

Comments (11)

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Aahahaha I didn't pick up on the forehead thing.

ALSO, how badass are Marian's tracking skills? SHE IS A VICTORIAN LADY and she can track people in the woods. Love.

(also I'm glad we all no longer dislike Laura)
1 reply · active 673 weeks ago
That forehead comment was one of my favorites. Wilkie, stop trying to convince people giant foreheads are sexy.

Yeah I'm good with Laura now. What with her standing up to Percy and clandestine meetings with Anne. Good for her!
Fosco is veeery interesting, but he's also EVIL. Although he's possibly not as evil as Sir Percival, depending on what his secret is, which, when there was blood from the dog, I totally thought was that he murdered all his wives like in The Bloody Chamber.

Yay for Laura being more interesting- like Alice, I enjoy no one disliking Laura, if only because it makes me feel a tiny bit sad seeing everyone say that Laura's really boring. Stupid name sharing.

Also, GIlmore YAWN. Basically. At least he's had a stroke or whatever now, so I doubt he'll be part of the story again...
2 replies · active 673 weeks ago
GILMOOOOOOORE! *weeps uncontrollably*
You're right, he was way too worried about that blood spot in the boat house. Someone was murdered there. Or injured there. Something other than the dog. I think Percival is definitely evil and dangerous but Fosco moreso because he can control himself.

Awww don't feel bad about Lady Glyde (gross name) being lame in the first part!! But yeah, I hate when you share a name with a less that super-amazing character. but now Laura is being less boring and weak so hooray!
I am DELIGHTED by that Victorian raptor. DElighted.

I love how much crap Percival gives Fosco about his love of sweets. Percival: DRINK BRANDY AND WATER LIKE A MAN. Fosco: No thank you, I'll just have my sugar water if you please.
1 reply · active 673 weeks ago
And I love that Fosco is so unfazed by Percy being crazy about, well everything. He's secure with his sugar water. And his mice. And his suggesting the murder of Laura.
I noted the forehead quote, too! Wilkie is such a rascal!

The Victorian Velociraptor is fantastic. Now I'm going to keep picturing her like that!

Also, your point about Lady Glyde reminds me of this game we used to play in middle school: you took your pet's name and the name of the street you lived on, and put them together to get your Porn Star Name. Mine was Moonlight Beech, which I always thought was quite poetic.
1 reply · active 673 weeks ago
I like that Wilkie tries to be all sly about his pro-giant forehead stance. You're not fooling anyone Wilkie!

That is a poetic porn star name! My would be Misty Springhill, which sorta sounds like the stripper that works the afternoon shift.
Fosco is more dangerous because he knows how to control people but appear to be the sanest person. Percival is scary but too obvious in his need to control that an outsider could spot his maliciousness easily.

Love the Victorian raptor picture.
1 reply · active 673 weeks ago
You're right. Percival might go off on someone. He's more loose cannon-y so who knows what he might do in the heat of the moment, but Fosco knows how to cause damage while keeping himself clean.

I believe the Victorian Velociraptor captures the spirit of Marian/Miriam nicely. Now all I need is a picture of her taking down Fosco and Percy

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