Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Hunger Games movie: I have thoughts

I saw The Hunger Games this weekend and I have thoughts! I wasn't planning on writing them down but then I left this long comment on Laura's post about the movie so I thought maybe I should write my own. But instead of a coherent post I'll just bullet point out things I loved.

*Spoilers so you should probably have already seen the movie. Or at least read the book*
Jennifer Lawrence made me like Katniss. As you may remember, I wasn't exactly enamored with Katniss from the book. Maybe because the book is from her point of view and it's a bad idea to spend that much time in the mind of a sixteen year old. But I thought book Katniss was whiny and oblivious and I wanted to smack her several times. JL Katniss was never whiny. She was brave and strong but still terrified, which is the exact reaction you should have in such a situation.

I loved District 11's reaction after Rue's death. Yes, I missed District 11 sending Katniss the bread after she covers Rue's body with flowers. However, I liked the riot a lot more. This wouldn't have worked in the book because the book was from Katniss's point of view and she couldn't see anyone's reactions. But seeing the people of District 11 riot after Rue's death shows you just how dangerous to the Capital Katniss's actions were.

On the topic of Rue's death, all the stuff about the race and how because Rue is black in the movie (and book people) that her death was less painful. Those people can go fuck themselves because seriously, that was so much more heart-wrenching in the movie. Maybe because you don't have to see this innocent little girl when you're reading. And Collins doesn't really describe her in detail until she and Katniss join up. But in the movie it's brought home exactly how young she is. And how sweet and childish she looks in her dress during the interviews. In the book I thought Rue's death was manipulative, just a chance for Katniss to feel a death and for the reader to feel the loss of a character that doesn't mean too much. But in the movie, just seeing this little girl, brings to the forefront the brutality of the games.

Cato's lines right before he dies. I like the Careers. They're made to be these enemies and in the arena they are a force but they lose their lives while they train for these games. Not only if they lose the game but they lose their entire childhood training to be killers. The movie gives a moment of insight into the Career Cato. He's bloodied and he's holding Peeta in a choke hold while Katniss aims her bow at him. He tells her if she shoots him, he'll just take Peeta down with him into the pack of wolf things below them. He says he'll have no problem killing Peeta. He can do it again, it's what he was trained to do. It's all he knows. And you can hear the shame in his voice when he's saying this. How he knows what he is, how he hates what he does but it's what he does. In those moments you get the feeling that he hates the games as much as everyone else in the Districts.

In the book we see the story from Katniss's point of view and hear her thoughts. We don't have that with the movie so they have the TV announcers fill in the holes. Not only does this mean more Stanley Tucci (yay!) but it also means you get to see how the Game is portrayed as entertainment. It really brings to light how callous the Games are. I've seen sports announcers display more pain at a missed free throw than these announcers display when announcing the death of a tribute. While reading the book you can forget that this is all entertainment but the movie doesn't let you forget.

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But Rue was too groomed and it irritated me (and the book makes it obvious she's black, so those people can shut it).

But YES to District 11's reaction. HOW can you not be sobbing in the theater at that point.

Oh, that was a better movie than book.
3 replies · active 675 weeks ago
Too groomed when? In the actual games or before?

District 11's reaction was AMAZING. And finally someone reacting to the brutality of the game. I mean I get this has been happening for YEARS and the capital has everyone under their thumb and you kind of have to go with it but it was nice to see someone finally snap.
YES in the actual games. She looked like a kid from a Gap commercial. I was all up on this on facebook, madam.
I'm so bad at keeping up with Facebook. That's all people I went to high school with that I don't talk to anymore.

Yeah, they did all look a little well fed (as Ben mentioned) and clean for running around crazy arena trying to survive. However I was paying way too much attention to "How can you kill her, she's so little?!?!" to notice this stuff at the time.
Given the way the games went even if Rue spent the whole time in the trees and never teamed up with Katniss she probably would have been killed eventually. But I didn't think of it as she got involved with Katniss and that got her killed, so that does add another level of guilt to Katniss losing her. And now Rue's death is even sadder.
You're oh so right! (Except that I already liked Katniss in the books but I can see your point and JL's performance WAS amazing.)
In a way I liked the movie even more than the book because seeing all the things which are in fact unbelievable - kids killing each other- made it all so real and it made poor Rue's death almost unbearable. In the book you can pretend that she is as "grown-up" as the others but the film makes it absolutely clear from the beginning that she's just a little girl.
Rue is nothing but a child and I wanted to hug her all the time, knowing that she doesn't have the slightest chance to survive.

Oh and I loved and was shocked at the same time by how full of sensationalism the games were portrayed in the movie. They presented the whole massacre like a talent show or something.
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
It's so true! When I read the book I mostly just pictured Rue as short instead of short-because-she's-a-little-kid. Hell even that little kid that Cato kills in the Cornucopia was heart breaking and I have no idea who that kid is.

I think that sensationalism around the games was a big thing to not have in the book. However, you couldn't really have it AND have the book be from Katniss's point of view, so I get why it's not there. But it was so much better to see how messed up these games really are and how people are watching. Well the Capital watching. I also liked how you see the people in the District's watching but they never look like they're watching for entertainment.

I LOVED District 11's reaction- it gave me goosebumps because I was just like omg amazing, even though my sister ruined it by going 'that didn't happen in the book' but as you say, we couldn't have known even if it did because how would Katniss know about it?

Fun story- I cried a little bit when Rue died (I'm not a huge crier in movies, unless it's The Green Mile/a bad day..) but because I'm starting to get hayfever-y, the little bit of crying made my eyes hurt, which made them water extra, so my sister thought I was like weeping! Not that that would have been a bad thing, but I really wasn't!
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
Did you tell your sister that seeing the District riot was a million times better than Katniss getting some bread? Cos I'm going to go ahead and assume it did happen, except one person stayed out of the riots long enough to send her the bread. But yes, there were still riots cos how could you watch Rue's death (and Katniss's burial) and NOT riot??

Pretty much everything with Rue had be bawling because she's so little and tragic!!
I like how you pointed that out about Cato! I noticed that but didn't think to formulate it correctly.
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
I was so happy to see they gave Cato a little bit of depth there. I feel so bad for the Careers. and I mean Cato was saying all the things that with a different tone could make him sound like such an enemy: "I'm ready to die for this. I can kill again. It's what I know to do." But he says it with so much pain and shame and you get this feeling that he never wanted to do any of this, but he was never given a choice so he went with it.
I only knew Jennifer Lawrence as this snarky, curvy blond girl with soft features from X-Men, and the Katniss in my head was a fierce brunette with an agile physique sharpened by the necessity of years of hunting, so I didn't know if the actress could pull that off... but she did! I really loved her as Katniss. I definitely agree that movie!Katniss is waaay better, since the movie doesn't explicitly voice her inner teenage angst all the time like the book does.
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
Less teenage angst = much better Katniss. She can have all that same teenage angst but as long as I don't have to read it (and keep rolling my eyes at it) I'm happy.
Agreed, and also other things! I love the way they created the physical world of the Hunger Games, especially District 12 and the Hob. So gritty and dusty, it was just how I'd imagined it. But, we couldn't see it! That style of shakey shake shake cinematography just wrecked it for me. If you want to go for realism and make it seem like there's really a person there holding a camera (which doesn't make any sense to me for the scenes inside the arena), have a person actually hold the camera like a professional. The people filming must have had to consciously shake that sucker. Or they had a wicked cold and were sneezing constantly. Maybe they were just going for disorienting and pukey. If so, hey, job done.

Which is to say, I am conflicted. I loved most everything else about the movie: the acting was great all around and the deviations from the book were smart. But that camerawork. Rough.

Is that just a style thing that I didn't get? Did you mind it?
2 replies · active 674 weeks ago
I think because I knew of the shaky camera going into it, it didn't bother me so much. I heard about it because someone else was complaining that they hated that, so you're def not alone disliking it. And also yes, no reason to make it seem like someone is in the action shooting it when there's not supposed to be a film crew following them around like that. If anything it should have been extra smooth, to make it more like what the Districts would have seen watching the game.
I completely agree with you Kayleigh. In fact, I might be the person that Ally refers to as complaining about this. :] It's so unnecessary and makes no sense. Why would a cameraperson have been following Katniss around as she went to the forest BEFORE being picked?!
Yes! I agree with so much of this, including the aspects that I missed because I was so seasick while watching the movie. I'm glad you liked Cato's lines at the end - I thought you would based on your comments about the Careers in the book.
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
I'm pretty sure it was you that brought up the crazy camera stuff. You should check out "if the Hunger Games was 10 Times shorter and 100% more honest" because it is amazing and it brings up the ridiculous camera work
Haven't see it yet so I scanned your post. I am excited that Jennifer Lawrence is playing Katniss because she's a great actress (unlike some of the casting decisions in other YA to film ...*coughKristenStewart*). Looking forward to this one.
1 reply · active 673 weeks ago
Jennifer Lawrence is fantastic. She is able to convey so much with just a quick expression, unlike someone else who just picks one look and sticks with it.

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