Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thoughts on Wilkie Collins or how I'm already behind on this readalong

This is my first time doing a readalong and I'm already behind. I come into work and was checking blogs and saw Alice had up a lil post about Wilkie Collins. And I thought nothing of it cos I figured it was just the intro this month (and the readalong) starting. And then another person had a post about the guy (and his giant forehead). And another. And another. And then I realized shit, I already missed the first post. And I was so proud I remembered to buy the book.

I wish I could say that even though this post is a day late, don't worry it's super awesome because I have great thoughts about the guy. Except I have none of those. I know nothing about the guy. Or the book. I signed up because this book (apparently) fulfills one of the categories for the Smooth Criminals reading challenge. And also I've wanted to do one of Alice's readalongs but she kept picking books I had just read.

I thought maybe I should learn about the guy and write a well thought out post. But I read everyone else's posts and I got the gist: BFF with Dickens, a bully made Wilkie tell him stories (which sounds like the plot of an animated movie), he has a name that sounds like a Mother Goose character, and he has a HUUUGE forehead.
Don't look directly at it
So I got the important things down. Also the episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where the gang finds a dumpster baby is on and how can you turn away from that?

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"a bully made Wilkie tell him stories" LIKE ARABIAN NIGHTS.

This was a quality post. Also I haven't seen It's Always Sunny and I keep meaning to. Dangit.
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
I will now picture Wilkie Collins in a Jasmin outfit, cos I have no idea what Scheherazade wore but I am well-versed in Disney movies.

You must see Always Sunny! It is wonderful. They found a baby in the dumpster and decided the best thing to do was to make it a child star, because who has happier lives than child stars? No one, that's who!
Bwahaha, DB > Wilkie Collins. I never read The Woman in White but I did enjoy The Moonstone, though it also made me angry. Good luck catching up!
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
DB so much > than WC. I haven't read any of this guy before so I'm keeping my fingers crossed about The Woman in White.
*applauds you finally being involved in a readalong* *gets excited and flappy* *cries at the huge scary forehead for the 50th time*
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
Don't look directly at it! I'm pretty sure it's like looking at an eclipse. You have to do with through a hole in a paper plate.
Hurray! (My phone tried to change that to "bureau." I kind of wish I had let it.) Bureau! I forgot we both had this book listed for Smooth Criminals. It's so convenient! And I've been putting it off because it's one of the longer ones I chose. So here comes this read-along to kick me in the butt. The Internet book community at its finest.
3 replies · active 675 weeks ago
Bureau! I probably saw you list this for the Smooth Criminals challenge and thought "That Meg knows what she's talking about and also, I have no idea another book for this category."

The mass market paperback of this book is 800 pages??? I did not know this is that long because I have done NO research into this book and I bought it on my Kindle so I have no book weight to measure. I should start reading faster...
Omg can bureau be a thing?


How amazing is it that Wilkie Collins's initials are WC?! That's pretty much the most important thing about him!
And really, his hairdresser is either blind or completely untalented. Has he never heard anything of concealing flaws? *chrm forehead chrm*
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
He could use some lessons from Donald Trumps hair dresser. He could give him a comb forward that would hide that thing.
I know absolutely nothing at all about Wilkie Collins but I do know that that is a fantastic It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - I'd be watching that too!
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
Tanning Salon Employee: Let me get this straight. You want to put your baby into a tanning bed.
Mac: That's correct.
Tanning Salon Employee: I'm sorry, that's against the law.
Mac: Look pal, we are well aware of the law, ok? We don't want to jam you up here, we just want to put him in there for a couple of minutes.
Dee: Just to get a base...
Mac: Just to get a base.
whoa - when I read about the bully, I immediately envisioned wilkie being this hapless scheherazade... but honestly, what kind of bully does that?!
1 reply · active 675 weeks ago
That was by far my favorite fact about the guy. And the way I understood it, the bully was bullying him into telling stories. Which is the least threatening bully ever. I think Wilkie made the whole thing up

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