I haven't finished Jane Eyre yet. Actually, I'm only 36% of the way done (yeah Kindle!) but I wanted to get my initial thoughts out there. Jane's just made it to Thornfield, but I've lost reading steam since she got there. I really liked the early chapters of Jane at Mrs. Reed's and Jane at Lowood. I had assumed I'd get a story of a kid who is good and perfect and obedient and yet is constantly berated and tormented and you feel nothing but pity for her. Thankfully that's not what Bronte provides. Jane is certainly mistreated by Mrs. Reed and her kids but she's not meek and mild, just a character to pity. When Mrs. Reed tells her kids Jane is "not worthy of notice" and that they shouldn't associate with her, Jane yells down "They are not fit to associate with me" (location 431). That's not a meek kid, that's not a kid you just pity. When she finds out she's going to leave Mrs. Reed's and go to Lowood school, Jane lets Mrs. Reed have it
I am not deceitful: if I were, I should say I loved you; but I declare I do not love you: I dislike you worst of anybody in the world except John Reed...I am glad you are no relation of mine: I will never call you aunt again as long as I live. I will never come to see you when I am grown up; and if anyone asks me how I liked you, and how you treated me, I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and that you treated me with miserable cruelty. (location 604-611)*A few spoilers below. I already knew most of this before reading and it hasn't ruined the story for me, but if you're worried*
I miss that spark from Jane because so far while at Thornfield it hasn't shown itself. She's been kind and good and not taken advantage of but she's just kind of bland right now. There's a crazy lady, laughing maniacally and setting people on fire, and Jane's just very eh. She's trying to figure out what's going on, but so far she's been so quiet. Plus Rochester is kind of an ass and not in the fun way Darcy was so I don't get why he's supposed to be the great love interest.
I wish there was another Helen Burns, Jane's friend from Lowood, at Thornfield. I couldn't help but think of Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series when I read her character. Something about the daydreaming while being punished for whatever small infraction she had committed and not getting angry at anyone. Knowing death was on her heels made her more forgiving, more relaxed and she dealt with it in a way that was years beyond her age. Perhaps I dislike the chapters after her death because I miss her. I'm holding that against subsequent chapters and should probably just get over it.
*Spoilers contained. You're safe now*
Here's to hoping things pick up in the story. So many people list this among their favorite, desert island reads, so I'm sure there is something of substance and intrigue here to latch on to.
*Wikipedia just told me Austen is part of the Regency era and Bronte isn't but I think of them as one in the same.
Title quote from location 1992
Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Kindle edition, 2010. Originally published 1847
Vicky B · 724 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
Sarah · 724 weeks ago
And, I also don't like Mr. Rochester. He just likes to talk AT Jane, not WITH her. Jerk.
I hope that the book picks up for you and you end up enjoying it, but I really didn't like it. I feel like a freak.
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
Stephanie · 724 weeks ago
in my head rochester sounds like gaston from 'disney's beautiful and the beast'...it makes the book quite hilarious...
i've also been told i should read the wide sargasso sea which is the story of rochester's wife...
have fun reading the rest of the book...
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
Kerry · 724 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
Jennifer · 724 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
Brenna · 724 weeks ago
I think the book will pick back up for you, just give it a little :)
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
I plan on sticking with the book and it was all going so well at first. I'm just hoping Jane does...something. Anything.
Bibliophiliac · 724 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
Tony · 724 weeks ago
I actually do own a paperback copy of Jane Eyre, though. So you never know...
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
llevinso · 724 weeks ago
And yes, the Brontes are completely different from Austen because they are all much darker. I love the gothic tinge to the romance that Charlotte adds into Jane Eyre.
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
I wonder if this is a reflection of what my expectations are. I was expecting (hoping) for someone closer to a Lizzie Bennet and after reading the childhood chapters, I really thought that's what I would get. And now, not so much.
Vanessa · 724 weeks ago
you and I seem to have very compatible book/author tastes so I love seeing what you're reading!
What Red Read 121p · 724 weeks ago
If you haven't read either and you can't wait to start Jane Eyre, I say go that way! I'm sure you'll catch a bunch of jokes in The Eyre Affair that I missed because I wasn't already intimately familiar with the story of Jane Eyre.