Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Chrismahanakwanzaakah to all

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Fabulous Festivus, Exciting Kwanza, Amazing Atheist Gift-Giving Holiday or whatever you want to go with. 

I've managed to get some computer time tonight and I'm still catching up on my Google Reader for the last day or so.  It's amazing how quickly that thing can spiral out of control.  I've been travelling around* to make it to all of the family Christmases.  Thus far we've done Christmas #1 with my family.  Lots of good food, family I don't see nearly enough and, of course, gifts.  Because I'm materialistic like that.  I got that Kindle I mentioned in my last post, so I'm excited to see how reading goes on it.  I'm thinking of getting the Bill Bryson At Home book on it, since I was going to wait for it to come out in paperback but I'm incredibly impatient.  I got another Shakespeare biography, Soul of the Ages by Jonathan Bate, because I only have 4 of them and that's clearly not enough.  I also managed to nab seasons 1-3 of Mad Men and Sims3 plus a couple expansion packs so I'm set with entertainment for awhile.

Tomorrow will be Christmas with the Boyfriend's familia, which means more good food (and most likely a mix of Chinese and Puerto Rican food, which is interesting and delicious) and good people to hang out with.  I'm thinking the next few days will be as busy as the last couple have been, but next week I should have time for reading and blogging, which I know you're just holding you breath waiting for. 

Again, I wish everyone seasons greetings, happy holidays, etc etc. 

*Any potential thieves know that I own nothing of value, unless you think you can make some money off of broken Ikea furniture.  You should also keep in mind I live at the top of a 5 floor walk-up so not only will you be disappointed if you break in, you'll be tired.

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Merry Christmas to you!! Enjoy the food!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I swear I wrote something here days ago that has disappeared. Anyway thanks for he well-wishes and hope you had a great holiday!
I'm glad you got the Kindle you were hoping for!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thank ya! Did you get everything on your wishlist??
Hope you enjoyed the second Christmas celebration, too. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Kindle reading!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Second Christmas was far more hectic than Christmas eve but still a memorable time.

I did a little sample reading on the Kindle and liked it a lot more than I had anticipated. I'll hopefully read an entire book on it soon.

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