Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Reading agenda

I feel like most of us (us being those who read my blog and yes, we are an us. Welcome.) have a TBR pile. Whether it's an actual, physical pile or just a list kept somewhere, you probably have a basic idea of what to read next. Or at least something to dip into. But how do you decide what's next?

I realize this isn't a new question. Hell, I've probably asked it before. But I was thinking about it today so you're getting asked about it again.

1. Do you make a set list of books and the order you'll read them and stick to that?
2. Do you scan through your TBR pile and pick the book that looks most appealing right then?
3. Do you not even bother with your pile and just whatever book you recently heard about/acquired?
4. Do you do something entirely different I haven't considered here?

Typically I'm somewhere between 2 and 3. I have a small actual TBR pile. As in those books I have in front of me, either physical or ebooks. Most of my TBR is a general Goodreads list with books I've heard of that I want to make sure I don't forget about, but I haven't actually picked up. I try to stick to 2 and go through my pile and pick something there. But I seem to have a problem where if I don't read a book RIGHT AWAY I lose interest. It doesn't have anything to do with the book itself, so much as there's ALWAYS a new book and if someone is talking up this new book I'll want to go for that one even if I have a whole TBR pile just waiting for me.

I never come up with a set list of "I will read X and then Y and then Z" because I know I won't listen to me.
I'm a brat.

I was thinking about this because I realized there's another factor I use to determine what I'm going to read next. Am I doing a readalong? Because see, with a readalong, for those of you that don't know (and really, you should try them because they are fun) you're reading certain chapters together with a group and then writing a post for those chapters. But you don't want to read ahead of the assigned pages so what do you do when you've finished your week's readalong pages but still have another hour of commuting left?

A lot of the time when I'm taking part in a readalong I've picked up a Kindle copy of the book. Which means that whatever I'm reading along side this readalong book needs to be a Kindle book as well. Well, it doesn't NEED to be. But I'm not carrying my Kindle and a physical book around with me. So if I want to read something else, I tend to go ebooks.

I have a couple physical books I want to get to (Gone Girl [finally], In The Miso Soup) but thus far have been sticking to ebooks (The Blue Blazes, Rosemary's Baby). Not a bad thing, and I'm not cursing the readalong or anything. Just another random factor I noticed in determining my next read.

What factors do you consider when picking your next book?

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Has Gone Girl somehow not been spoiled for you?

"I never come up with a set list of "I will read X and then Y and then Z" because I know I won't listen to me."

I come up with a list and THEN don't listen to me. And I know I won't. But I do this anyway. Mostly I just grab whatever's on my floor. Which is why I'm in the middle of something moronic like ten books right now.
1 reply · active 565 weeks ago
It has not! Not entirely. I have ideas but nothing concrete so good enough for me.

Isn't being in the middle of 10 books a sort of low number for you?
The only books I read in any kind of order are the ones I am reviewing for Shelf Awareness, because they have deadlines (and I read them in the order of the deadlines every time a new batch of books arrives). Other than that, I pretty much go with something between 2 and 3, except "scanning my TBR list" is generally more like "staring mutely at my bookshelves" and/or "glaring at my list of e-galleys on a screen."

And like Alice, that system/lack of system generally leaves me in the middle of some absurd number of books at any one time. Right now I think it's 8.
2 replies · active 564 weeks ago
I have so much trouble starting multiple books. How do you keep everything straight?

I do a lot of the "staring mutely at my bookshelves" thing. If there's nothing on my bookshelf them it because "staring mutely at my Goodreads 'To-Read' list"
I'm not sure how I keep everything straight, honestly... I've never really thought about it. I do try not to read books in the same time period/by the same author/on the same subject at the same time, so maybe that helps?
I'm always impressed by your lack of that many physical books you haven't read. One day I aspire to be you, just as soon as I finish all 250 or so of the books I own but haven't read (I'm also always astounded when people describe it as a TBR pile. Because, I mean, that pile would FALL OVER, man).

I am really bad at choosing which book to read next, so I often choose the one I've just bought/have heard about recently. I used to think that doing challenges would help me read the books I own, but that worked about as well as writing a list of the books I'm going to read next and sticking to it.

I would say this though: At any given time, I usually have one ebook, one non-fiction, and one fiction book on the go. The fiction book always gets read the fastest, because that's how I roll, then I'm reading the same non-fiction for about a month. JE NE REGRETTE RIEN.
1 reply · active 565 weeks ago
I think knowing I had that many unread books would stress me out.

Is the ebook you usually have going at any time a toss up between whether it's fiction or non? Or are you usually doing 2 fiction, 1 non-fiction at any given time?
It depends for me. I have so many unread E- and physical books, but if I've just heard about a book that sounds amazing (like I did with Boy, Snow, Bird off Emily's rec) I might move that straight up to the top of the line, or if I go to the library I'll prioritise library reads. I have a stack of books that are my "really, really, really must and want to reads" but then it all depends what I feel like when I finish a book and go to pick up another. I feel sorry for some of the books I bought 2-3 years ago that I thought would be immediate reads but somehow I never got around to actually reading.

I have no system is what I'm saying, basically.
1 reply · active 565 weeks ago
I def feel sorry for some of the books I have sitting around. I'm like "I really do want to read you book. I promise. I wasn't lying when I bought you."
I usually check out a whole bunch of books and then take them home and read a few chapters of each one. And then I know which ones I will probably enjoy the most. But, yeah, making a plan for my future reading is a big fail because I always rebel. It's like I am a rebellious teenager and my past self is my overprotective parents.
1 reply · active 565 weeks ago
Ah, that's smart, the whole reading a few chapters thing. I'm glad I'm not the only rebellious teen when it comes to picking out books. Or really trying to decide to do anything ahead of time.
If I have actual purchased books then I pick one of those depending on my mood and what I've just read (unless they are all non-fiction/short story collections, which I prefer to read in little bits here and there rather than all at once)... I don't have piles and piles of unread books (I currently have 7 or 8), so I don't have a massive range to choose from, so if there is nothing to suit my mood I will look through the hundreds of samples I have on my e-reader and see if I fancy anything from there. That's also what I do when I run out of books that I actually own.

As soon as I try to make a plan for what to read I am likely to start doing anything else other than reading, even if I'm excited about reading the books. Something in me really hates being told what to do, even if it's me who is doing the telling!
1 reply · active 565 weeks ago
I'm glad we're all pain-in-the-ass-teenagers at heart.
I'm being strict with myself regarding my to-read pile this year: I'm not to add more books to the pile than I take off by reading. I think that's actually doing me good because I'm only buying/borrowing books if I REALLY want them, rather than "Ooh, might like to read that at some point." I tend to go just by what I'm in the mood for at the time, though for the current Bout of Books readathon I narrowed it down to a shortlist of 7 books.
1 reply · active 565 weeks ago
That's smart. I try to keep to that "Don't buy more books until you've read what you have" rule. But then I'll get to the point where I DON'T have any books and then I go through this period of time where I'll buy a bunch of books because "Hey, remember when I didn't have any? Yeah"
Great piece of work. Thanks for share.

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