Hey look! I have managed to actually read the assigned chapters AND get a post out in time. Good for me. Thank you Alice for hosting and I will do a better job with my posting.
So when the first section left off, we just learned that George's wife, that he didn't bother to talk to for three years after he ran "ran out for a pack of smokes" and disappeared to Australia, is dead. But what about the new Lady Audley and her seeekrit. Could these story lines be connected??
Probably, but we still don't know yet.
George faints after reading the very coincidental obituary and his buddy Robert takes care of him. I know last week there was some worry that Robert was this book's Dickchard, but I think we're safe there. Unfortunately, I think George might be our Dickchard.
After finding out the news that his wife that, again, he hadn't bothered to talk to in the last few years after just walking out, is dead he goes to find his father-in-law and his son. And then he is UPSET and CONFUSED that his young son whom he hasn't seen in years doesn't instantly love him. Upset enough that he decides to give the kid to his friend Robert (what?) and go back to Australia. I don't know why dumping the kid on his friend is the answer. I don't know why he can't just leave the kid with his grandfather, whom the kid seems to love. Or, you know, why he has to plan Abandonment: The Sequel so quickly after coming back. Probably because he's an ass.
The rest of the section was pretty much a bunch of near misses where George alllllllllllllmost meets Lucy except he doesn't because she doesn't want to suddenly or it's getting late or she's very tired. Meanwhile Robert has seen her for like two seconds and is IN LOVE WITH HIS AUNT and his cousin Alicia (who super wants Rob but we're ignoring that because cousins, even if Braddon is all into it) tells him to not be French or something like that. So that was pretty great.
During one of these near misses Lucy leaves the house and makes sure to lock all of the doors to her room and WHYYY is she keeping things locked there? Alicia takes Rob and George through the house but is all sad they can't go into her chambers because that's where the good pictures are, including a picture of Lucy. BUT DON'T WORRY there's a secret passage way into her rooms. Rob and George go in, they look at the painting aaaannnndd....nothing. Or at least we don't get a moment where George announces that Lucy = Helen. He does however stare at the painting for awhile and then drop a glove. Alicia tells Rob and George that the painter is able to see something in Lucy's character that she's hiding and Rob tells Alicia to stop being so German and I'm not really sure what he means, but it does mean I get to use this gif
Lucy comes back and finds out people were in her room that she specifically locked and she's...really fine with it. That was anticlimactic. Huh. Alright.
There's a big storm and George runs away and is all upset so SOMETHING is going on. Lucy gets angry at Alicia's dog and demonstrates this by shaking "her yellow curls at the angry animal, and defied him maliciously" so. I bet that showed the dog.
Why was George so taken by Lucy's photo?
Why is Lucy locking her bedroom and yet she doesn't care when people wander in?
Is Robert going to get with his aunt or cousin? Why are these the options?
What's going to happen with George's son?
Is Phoebe going to blackmail Lucy yet?
Is Alicia going to stab Lucy in her sleep?
What is Lucy's deal?
Title quote from page 32, location 622
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth. Lady Audley's Secret. Amazon Digital Services. Originally published 1862.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
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Grief is so selfish
Lady Audley's Secret|Mary Elizabeth Braddon|readalong|
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Chrisbookarama 89p · 566 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 566 weeks ago
readingrambo 112p · 566 weeks ago
Ooh probably. Ugh.
I posted a link in my comments sectionnnn that explains the German thing a bit. You know those Germans.
What Red Read 121p · 566 weeks ago
Meg · 566 weeks ago
I'm pretty sure George intended to leave his son with the grandfather and have Robert be his guardian or whatsit...just to check in on him every now and again. Not that this is MUCH better, but y'know. In the end, though, George just went on a yearlong vacation and not back to Australia after all, and he's been visiting his boy. And people aren't giving him ANY credit, poor George. He is truly not that bright, but I do think everything he's done has been done with only the best intentions.
And if George recognized Helen in Lucy's portrait (I'm sure he did), he really didn't let it show at the time, did he? I expected him to gasp or faint again or something, but he just stood there looking at it calmly and then forgot one of his gloves.
What Red Read 121p · 566 weeks ago
Why DIDN'T George let on if he recognized Lucy/Helen's picture? What's HE hiding?
Laura · 566 weeks ago
I feel conflicted about George because I am SO PISSED with him for leaving his wife and child, but at the same time, the book wants me to feel bad for him and I dooooo. He is GRIEVING, man. So, there's that. But I still definitely don't really understand why he can't look after his son, so.
What Red Read 121p · 566 weeks ago
I'm still annoyed at George. First for abandoning everyone in the first place and then just not letting anyone know. And it's not like he left them saying "Screw you guys, I'm off to Australia" he just...left so they were probably all worried about him. Well, not they, since his son was too young to know him. And then he comes back and is all sad his kid doesn't love him and ugh, shut up George. I feel bad that he was so excited to see his wife and then that rug got pulled out from under him (OR DID IT??) but everything after that...blaaah.
Although if Lucy DID/DOES end up pushing him down that ominous well, I'll feel a little bad for him. He didn't deserve that.
jennysbooks 89p · 565 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 565 weeks ago
@BlondeBookGirl · 565 weeks ago
I was highly disappointed by the 'George looking at the painting' bit. I expected some kind of high emotion and expostulation and FUCKING HELL THAT'S MY WIFE-age, but... no. He just sits there until Robert thinks he's dozed off? Really? And Lady Audley doesn't give a shit either? REALLY?
Bonus points for creative use of random GIFs. I love it when that happens. :D
What Red Read 121p · 565 weeks ago
No one's reactions were what I wanted. That whole scene with George seeing the painting and then Lady Audley finding out they went into her locked rooms were just met with NOTHING.
Chelsea · 565 weeks ago
Speaking of shady ways, MEB had me again! I was waiting for the huge, George-sees-the-painting-and-the-mystery-comes-to-light thing and then... *crickets* because boring and just dropped a glove? What is this, gender-bender Cinderella (although that would be awesome)?!
Let's just get to the part where we push everyone evil down that creepy well and Georgie and Rob can go on living in their very bromancy romance.
What Red Read 121p · 565 weeks ago
I had to re-read the glove-dropping scene a couple times cos I was SURE there would be some big GASP REVEAL happening. And nuthin.
I think George might be down that well. Poor George.