Sunday, September 9, 2012

Expert lady asks: Is he ready to get married?

The other day I was in a crappy mood. The E train had all sorts of delays* that made me miss 2 of my other trains, which means that I was getting on the LIRR at the time I'm normally already home. Which meant instead of the lovely grilled chicken Caesar salad I was planning on making, I wanted Chinese food. It's my go-to "I'm in a bad mood and want comfort food" option. On our way back from picking up the food, there's a segment on the radio about "How to tell if he's ready for marriage".

I want to again repeat, I was already in a bad mood. It was subsiding because 1) I was done with the commute and there was Chinese food sitting in the back seat and 2) Cracked apparently knew I was about to have a crappy day so put out a column about things that will restore your faith in humanity that kept me from stabbing anyone on the train. But despite that, I wasn't in a unicorns and rainbows and sunshine place.

Right at the start of this thing I'm annoyed. If he's ready for marriage? Cos the woman just is? That's her natural state of being? The guy needs to be talked into it by the woman. I hate you, lady who came up with this list. So she gives the clues that aren't that interesting and frankly, if you need to be told them, you probably need this expert since one of the tips is "He changes the topic whenever you bring up marriage". But the thing that extra annoyed me, was her closing remarks afterwards.

She said roughly "If you've been together for a year and there's still no talk of marriage then he doesn't want to marry you. After a year, what more is there to learn?"
Boyfriend+ looked at me and started laughing as I let out a string of expletives, because I'm super eloquent when annoyed and tired.

Boyfriend+ and I have been together for almost 8 years and just got engaged a month (or so) ago. Now, I know this is longer than most people so I'm not suggesting EVERYONE needs to do that. But what more is there to learn after 1 year of being with someone? Just one year? I still had loads to learn. And at the 1 year mark we were still in college. I was all kinds of not ready for any sort of marriage then. And I was the one holding things back. When we told my mom about the engagement she hugged Boyfriend+ first. Twice. When I feigned annoyance at this she said "I figured you were the one who was holding out anyway." at which point I had to go "well...yeah..."

Some couples know after a few months that they are not only meant for each other but meant for marriage. Because you need to be ready for both. And sometimes those things don't happen at the same time.  So shut up expert lady.

To everyone that guessed my first wedding post would be a complaint, YOU WIN. You should get a cookie or something. I should also point out that this is my first post cos we haven't actually done anything for the wedding yet. But hopefully I'll have a post about the ring up in a couple weeks! So see, there will be happier posts.

*I get emails, text messages AND follow the subway on Twitter so I can see about these delays. Of course, most of the time I hear about the delays long after I've already gotten on the ill-fated subway car. And I have no service when I'm there so it means after I've already missed all my trains and I come out of the subway do I finally get a bunch of messages about these delays. Which makes me want to throttle the MTA that much more.

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Ugh, that's so obnoxious. I especially hate how women are all like, when is he going to propose? When is it going to happen? When when when is HE going to do this thing that I WANT? If you want something so bad, go out and get it. If you're going to sit back and wait for him to take the reins now, how is it going to be when you are actually married? ARGH. My husband and I made a mutual decision after lots of talking and a period of "pre-engagement" (AKA knowing we would get married but not sharing that info or starting plan) and I must say, it was so much better that way.
2 replies · active 652 weeks ago
All these marriage/relationship/parenting experts seem to never account for individual temperament with their one-size-fits-all "solutions". Like those compatibility quizzes you see in magazines. Hubby and I would fail every one of them, and yet, we've been happily married these 9 years. And we dated for 4 years before marriage.
2 replies · active 652 weeks ago
Ha. I bet this stupid woman isn't even married. Or several times divorced, which obviously makes her the expert here.

Also, god I love the Community gifs.
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
I am so with you! We got married after eight years together because it was the right time. We had finished our education, initial periods in our jobs so it was the time that was right for us to get married. Everyone takes different paths.
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
Ri-diculous. I dated the husband for 5 years before we got married. A year is not a lot of time to get to know someone, and especially not enough time to figure out who you are as a pair. On the bright side, Chinese food.
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
This is the best. You should post irritated wedding things all the time. All the time!

...but I am sorry that lady's an idiot. Think about how difficult her life must be.
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
What more do you need to know after a year?! ONE YEAR IS BASICALLY NO TIME! This woman is clearly an asshole.

Fun aside: I was thinking about that chinese food throughout the whole post, and now I want some. Was it good, at least?!
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
Ugh that is just so ridiculous and irritating. I hate these stupid relationship tests/advice columns. Especially when they just assume that women are always trying to convince men to marry them. Just... ugh.
Congratulations on your engagement by the way :)
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
There is almost NEVER a time when getting married after only a year is a good idea. I've been married almost 2 years after dating for 4, and sometimes I wonder who the hell this guy in my bed is. Seriously though...who is this guy?

Get ready for the people who will insist that your first year of marriage will be the worst and hardest and most miserable year of your life. They're a cheery bunch, those people.
1 reply · active 652 weeks ago
Ahhh, I would have wanted to punch that radio segment in the throat. ESPECIALLY the "After 1 year what else have you got to learn" thing. EVERYTHING! That whole first year is all happy and flirty and infatuated with each other-ness, you don't get to experience the harder relationship stuff until later. UGHHH. That lady is the kind of thinking that's responsible for such a ridiculously high divorce rate.

ANYWAYS I'm with you on the anger, but yay for you and your honeyman being cooler and getting engaged now rather than right away. And can't wait to see more more wedding-ish posts!!
1 reply · active 651 weeks ago
Oh my god. My boyfriend and I dated for a year before moving in together. Now we've been together 8 years and last year, he proposed after we had agreed that we wanted to get married. Now, of course, we have to deal with our families expectations about weddings since neither of us want to do the traditional princess wedding in a church and to them, that's what a wedding is...
3 replies · active 650 weeks ago

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