Friday, December 2, 2011

November Reading Wrap Up

November is over and now I can finally agree to all of the Christmas music, commercials, specials that have been on the air since for a couple months anyway, because no one consults me on these matters. November being over also means it's time for my reading wrap-up.

So you know how the last couple wrap ups I was all "oh man you guys, I didn't do any reading cos the DVR was really filling up"?* I owned this month! Even with Zone One taking up lots of time, I still managed to outdo myself the last few months. Thanksgiving can take a lot of credit for this since I had a decent amount of travel time (planes & trains) in which to read, plus I had lots of time to read while visiting my dad. In between playing with the cats and dogs that is. I win. Well I win in terms of sheer volume. You can continue your disappointment in my lack of female authors read. 

Number of books read
On Writing by Stephen King
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
How I Became a Famous Novelist by Steve Hely

Total pages read

Percentage of fiction read

Percentage of female authors
0%  whoops

Percentage of white authors

Percentage of US authors

Percentage of ebooks

Percentage of re-reads

Books written by decade
1990s - 29%
2000s - 43%
2010s - 29%

I should probably read some more variety of books. OK, I know I should. And I'll work on that. Probably in 2012.

*It's cool if your answer is "No, I skip these posts." They're super navel-gazey so I understand.