Monday, December 19, 2011

It wasn't like a man; it was like some damned Juggernaut

I had big plans for the weekend to get some reviews written. Big plans I say. Then I got distracted by things like Christmas shopping and college basketball games (which I don't especially care about but nontheless attend because I'm a good girlfriend and also we went to a bar afterwards so win) and eating way too much food and seeing the Jesse Eisenberg play Asuncion because I have a real case of geek love. What I'm saying is, no reviews were written.

Back on December 3rd I took part in a last minute readathon and I've decided to be all ambitious and write up separate reviews for each of the books I read that day. There's only 3 of them so this shouldn't take me too long but that would assume less procrastination on my part. So I'm just now getting to the first review, that of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.

I've had this book forever and I've never read it. I assume it was on a sales table (that's how I make my impulse buys) and I figured this was something I would like and then I never read it. Whoops. It's always in interesting experience, to read a book with a story you know so well. And this isn't like Frankenstein, where the movie has created a Frankenstein character so different from the literary original. Stevenson's Jekyll and Hyde is pretty much the story you're already familiar with: a doctor (Jekyll) has found a way to separate out all of his evil and dark impulses into a different creation (Mr. Hyde). Here's the problem with a story that's so well know. That whole Jekyll and Hyde are actually the same person thing is the twist. Kinda messes with the story build up when you already know the twist. Especially if you don't know going into the story that that's the twist.

So knowing that little twist does take something away from the original story, but there's plenty to keep it interesting. Once you get into the swing of the language, it's a creepy story. In what I assume is a Victorian thing (but really I have no idea), the story is told from an outsider's point of view. Here it's Dr. Jekyll's friend and lawyer Gabriel Utterson who hears about Hyde causing some mayhem and then paying for the expenses with a check from Jekyll. Curious, he starts investigating the connection between the two men, and you the reader could investigate this with him except for the whole knowing they're the same guy thing. Given I already knew this, I would have preferred the story to be from Jekyll's/Hyde's POV. Hard to fault Stevenson for this of course but still. It just means the story doesn't stand up quite as well as Dracula or Frankenstein.

There are "other stories" included in my book but I didn't read them because I wanted to move on during the readathon. Maybe some day. Given my past track record with the book, I'd say it'll be another 10 or so years. Or maybe next time I do a readathon.

Title quote from page 8

Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories. Barnes & Noble Books, 2005. Originally published 1886.

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You know what disappointed me about J&H? I only flipped through it in high school because I was into the musical, and then I found out there WAS no prostitute character to balance the virginal fiancee. Boooooo.
4 replies · active 690 weeks ago
OK I clearly read this in a haze cos there's a virginal fiancee?
...oh. Maybe the musical made her up too. I thought he was engaged to someone in the book. By 'flipped through' I really meant 'quickly skimmed.'
I don't remember any lady characters (another strike against the story) but honestly, they could have been there and I was so zoned out on cold meds I missed them. But the story really could have used a prostitute (I assume there was a heart of gold) and a virginal fiancee
Musicals make everything better. True story.
There are literally no women in this book except for, I think, a maid. Boo (also I think I wrote an essay about that fact once... Not sure). And yeah, cause everyone knows the twist, it's kind of a bit of a let down that that's the whole point of the story! But I think it's all very suspensy and good anyway!

Also, I LOVE JESSE EISENBERG!!! That's all.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Yay for Jesse Eisenberg love!! He's so twitchy in the play and so unlikeable but in a very fun way.

I wish J&H had some ladies in it. It would have benefitted from a female perspective. Or even just something to up the stakes for Jekyll's transformations
I've got this one on a list to read for a challenge in 2012 .... so will be coming back again to read your review, and probably link it in when I get around to reading & posting. :)
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Aww thank you! I hope you enjoy it. It's a good story but knowing the twist already means there's less suspense
I think you hit the nail on the head - this would be so much better if you didn't know that they were the same person. When you do know that - there's no real tension or build up to the Big Announcement. I still enjoyed it, but I think I epxected something a little different - something a bit more monster like.
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
Yes, I did think Hyde would be more evil. Especially in that opening scene where the "super awful thing he does" is knock a little girl over. I mean, that wasn't nice of him to walk into her and then not stop and help her, but that wasn't the monster I was expecting. Or maybe I'm not as super in-tune with the subtleties of Victorian language
I'll be reading this for the Extraordinary Gentlemen challenge. I'm looking forward to digging into the old classic horror books -- they are usually so different than everything you've heard about them. Just finished Dracula. Happy holidays!
1 reply · active 690 weeks ago
I can't wait to see your thoughts on it for your challenge! This one is more similar to the pop culture interpretation of it, certainly more than Dracula or Frankenstein.

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