Friday, October 28, 2011

Shakespeare and Fitness

I'm not a huge exercise fan, mostly because I'm very lazy. So I kind of need to trick myself into exercising. Luckily, I'm fairly easy to fool. A few years ago I got a Wii and the next year I got EA Active, one of those workout games. I'm embarrassed to say how much a video game, even if it is an exercise one, kicks my ass.

One of the exercises that always destroyed me was squat holds. You have to hold a squat for 40 seconds, all while the "trainer" in the game keeps repeating "hold your squat" and you really just want to throw things at her, but then you remember if you do that you'll just damage your own TV. So it's all very frustrating and I've never been able to actually hold it for the full time. Until the other day when I figured the key to this was ignoring the timer and blocking the trainer lady out.

Normally it's very easy for me to get lost in my own thoughts, but apparently I can only do that if I'm supposed to be paying attention to something. If I'm trying to block something out I suddenly get super focused on whatever I'm trying to ignore. I was trying to think of something I could focus on but nothing was coming to me. I was at a loss for anything and then, right as the countdown began, I started reciting (in my head) the final soliloquy from Midsummer. ("If we shadows have offended,/Think but this; and all is mended..."). Apparently this takes me 40 seconds to recite and it also marked the only time I've been able to actually complete this squat hold. Take that annoying trainer lady, who seems really smug normally when you stand up before you're supposed to and she has to tell you to squat again.

So first I've got Harry Potter audiobooks and running (which is going, although still fairly sporadic) and now I have squats and Shakespeare. And that phrase might be my favorite thing I have written on this blog.

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Hey, whatever works! :)
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
That's what I figure. As long as it gets me moving, it works!
I just recently made a similar discovery for myself. I dislike exercise and I am not fond of audiobooks. BUT! Put the two together and taadaa we have a winning combination. I love it when things work out like that. Shakespeare would actually be a really great accompaniment to exercise, too, because he's got such a rhythmic cadence to his words. Perfect!
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
I've never been a fan of audiobooks and still don't listen to them unless I'm exercising. But they are great for zoning out of something mindless like running.

Also, squat holds suck. I find it helps to yell shit at the tv trainer. "YOU DON'T OWN ME BUT I WILL CONTINUE DOING THIS ANYWAY."
2 replies · active 697 weeks ago
Admittidly I wanted to write this because I thought of photoshopping Shakespeare's head onto someone exercising and it was hilarious. Don't worry, I'll only post things here if there is some bookish connection, however tenuous that may be.
I still hurl a lot of curses at the trainer during the other exercises. I hope the neighbors can't hear me.
Dude, as you well know, I'm the last person who should yell at people for posting on things other than books. So CARRY ON AS YOU WOULD WISH.

And it is an excellent photoshop job, madam.
That is a great idea. Shakespeare and Squats could be the next exercise craze!
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Haha I can see the exercise videos now. Sweating to Macbeth will be next.
Haha that is so funny! I'm glad you found something that helps you hold a 40 second squat. That sounds brutal.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Haha anything to distract from the actual exercise
Am I the only one here who is impressed that you know the concluding soliloquy from Midsummer? Well done and well played, madame.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Haha thank you! I nerdily have a few different speeches and whatnot memorized from Shakespeare.
Yeah, like Emily, I was pretty damned impressed that you had that soliloquy memorized! Hey, whatever works! Have a great weekend! Cheers! Chris
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Thank you!! I have some nerdy things memorized and I'm glad this one could help me out, even if it was in some random non-lit related way.
Squats and Shakespeare. That's a winner.
1 reply · active 697 weeks ago
Haha I hope the trend catches on.

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