Back in April I wrote a post declaring* that I was going to do my own little China Rican reading challenge in honor of the fact that I know pretty much nothing of Boyfriend's Chinese and Puerto Rican heritage. I feel like I should point out his knowledge on the topic is only slightly more developed than mine by whatever. I asked him what month he wanted and he picked June because it's warm out and that is all it takes to declare that month yours.
I never hoped to be able to find books written by China Rican authors so I settled for books written by either Chinese or Puerto Rican authors. Then I expanded it to include books written by Chinese-Americans or Puerto Ricans living in the US. Or books about those locations even if the author isn't from there. With the help of some fellow book bloggers I have a fantastic list of Chinese books, more than I'll ever get to this month but that are making it on my regular TBR list. Puerto Rican authors have been much harder to come by. I found a couple books and have them on my list but hopefully another will show up and I'll have some variety.
I'm starting with Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club because I already own it. The less money I have to spend the better. That review will be coming up shortly.
*Just writing that makes me think of The Office and "I declare BANKRUPTCY."