Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Reading Through the Years: 2013-2017

Alright, we've seen how things look this last month, last quarter, last year and now it's time for some totals over the last 4 years. Don't you just love an infographic? (Cos clearly I do).

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Your map in particular is inspiring - I need to read around the world more!
1 reply · active 374 weeks ago
Seeing so much of the map in black makes me realize I need to get more worldly reading! Though filling out that map is the one part of the infographic that is truly a pain.
Your infographics continue to amaze me! I'd love to know what your source is for the world map one, as I think that seeing my reading mapped out like that would be what I need to nudge my reading in a more international direction.

I'm curious to know if your reading of POC authors has increased steadily over the last few years because you were paying attention to that, or if maybe you were already diversifying your reading from the get-go without realizing you were doing it...
1 reply · active 374 weeks ago
Thank ya!

For the map, Piktochart has a map icon and you can fill in a number and color for each country. Unfortunately it doesn't automate the color gradient based on the number so that was sort of manual (and prob not all that accurate) but whatever. Pretty.

POC authors have definitely increased due to an effort to read more. BUT I have noticed this last year, while I still keep an eye out, I've had to do less "searching outside my comfort zone" for them. So that's nice
Congrats on some impressive reading years. It's been cool to see some of your numbers rise over the years as you continued to focus on reading habits which are tough to shift, given the way that the publishing industry privileges some stories over many others.

Does the tool you use make the calculations for you, or do you have that figured out and then determine how to display the information? I'm always so intrigued when it's an automatic process, as anything I've used required all the math be done separately. And, well, math.
3 replies · active 374 weeks ago
Thank ya!

I have a Google Sheet set up with lots of calculations so I enter data onto one sheet and all the calculations are automatic. I am a big excel nerd so if you want a similar tracking sheet I am HAPPY to set one up for you
Oh, wow, that's cool: you're doing it all in Excel! I've tracked my reading there for about 12 years now, and I did go back at some point to key in the reading years before then (but most of the columns for those were only title/author/month read - so the potential to make that data useful would take some working up whereas the recent years have 26 columns). I was just thinking this summer (when I was revamping the site) that I should do more with the sheet and you've inspired me to spiff things up and see what I can do. I'll let you know if I run into trouble or get frustrated, k? Now I'm just dumb excited about this. *sighs*

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