Speaking of house stuff, we're still unpacking things. I thought we were pretty much done till all of a sudden I realized there were a bunch of books I couldn't find.
Stiff. How To Be A Woman. Where'd You Go, Bernadette? Where did you go indeed? TURNS OUT they were in various boxes still in my mom's basement. I guess I should have been tipped off that something was amiss when we unloaded the books and they fit on the shelves. Things were double stacked at the old house AND we threw out 2 bookshelves (or like 1 1/2, if you consider it was one normal sized one and one little one). There are some built-ins at the new place, but not that many. So now I have a few more boxes of some of my FAVORITE books and no idea where to put them. But that is a problem for future me. Current me is just going to worry about my August stats, and I dunno what was going on but I did a lot of reading this month. Some good (Graveyard Book, I love you), some not so good (Intern's Handbook...) So let's take a look
Stiff. How To Be A Woman. Where'd You Go, Bernadette? Where did you go indeed? TURNS OUT they were in various boxes still in my mom's basement. I guess I should have been tipped off that something was amiss when we unloaded the books and they fit on the shelves. Things were double stacked at the old house AND we threw out 2 bookshelves (or like 1 1/2, if you consider it was one normal sized one and one little one). There are some built-ins at the new place, but not that many. So now I have a few more boxes of some of my FAVORITE books and no idea where to put them. But that is a problem for future me. Current me is just going to worry about my August stats, and I dunno what was going on but I did a lot of reading this month. Some good (Graveyard Book, I love you), some not so good (Intern's Handbook...) So let's take a look
Number of books read
Still Life with Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen
Bird Box by Josh Malerman
The Intern's Handbook by Shane Kuhn
Modern Love by Aziz Ansari and Eric Klinenberg
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion
A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson
Number of pages read
Percentage of female authors
14% - which is the lowest share all year
Percentage of white authors
86% - still not great but also still not 100% so...small victories
Percentage of US authors
Book formats
ebook - 43%
paperback - 57%
I actually also finished up WWZ audiobook again. But I've quit counting that one towards the stats. I should probably give another audiobook a try
Percentage of rereads
14% - gotta do my in-prep-for-the-movie rereads
Percentage of review books
0% but I sure did get some...intriguing requests this month
Books by decade
1990s - 14%
2000s - 14%
2010s - 71%
Books by genre
Fantasy - 14%
Horror - 14%
Humor - 14%
Literary Fiction - 14%
Sociology - 14%
Thriller - 14%
Travelogue - 14%
Well, I guess I can't say I'm stuck reading the same genres over and over
Resolution books
57% - whaaaaaaa??
Alright, let's see what counts
Modern Love - not white!
The Graveyard Book - not US!
The Rosie Effect - also not US!
A Walk in the Woods - written before 2000! I mean, barely before but STILL COUNTS!
July and August were my most successful months, at least in regards to amount read. I'm pretty sure I can't sustain this level of reading BUT WE SHALL SEE!
July and August were my most successful months, at least in regards to amount read. I'm pretty sure I can't sustain this level of reading BUT WE SHALL SEE!
Lindsey · 497 weeks ago
I'm glad you found the rest of your books!
What Red Read 121p · 497 weeks ago
glynis · 497 weeks ago
ALSO: Is Bird Box good? HOW GOOD IS IT?
What Red Read 121p · 497 weeks ago
Bird Box was so creepy. Sort of a low level dread throughout the whole thing
Bloggin' 'bout Books · 497 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 497 weeks ago
readingrambo 112p · 497 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 497 weeks ago
etudesque 73p · 497 weeks ago
I love how you have sooooo many books that you don't even miss entire boxes of them. Nice, haha. Your post reminded me that I really need to get around to reading The Graveyard Book!
What Red Read 121p · 497 weeks ago
@readingtheend · 497 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 497 weeks ago
Also one book is still missing. I think Stiff may have ended up packed separately cos it was sitting by it's lonesome (rather than on a shelf) and then became one of those 'last-items packed" things. So it's...somewhere. Of course that's the book I told a friend I'd lend them so naturally it's the missing one.