Thursday, September 4, 2014

As you can see, this plan provides many opportunities for me to die in a fiery explosion

At first I was sitting down looking at this blank page trying to come up with excuses to not write a review and not that I don't LIKE writing reviews but they certainly take more effort than NOT writing a review so. Yeah. But then I realized I have no idea what book I'm supposed to be reviewing next because I am so far behind with that, so I skimmed through my past posts and HEY it turns out the next one up is Andy Weir's The Martian and YES, I am ready to review this.

Holy shit, I loved this book.

I feel like I heard a few people talking about this book, but naturally now I can't remember most of them. Except for Sarah's review which was the point where I said "Hmm yes, perhaps I'll put this on my TBR list." And then I was flying to the West Coast and needed to make sure I had enough to read for all of the plane rides and this one was probably slightly on sale, so I snagged a Kindle copy and was ready. No, actually, I was not ready. I expected to enjoy the book (I wouldn't have picked it up otherwise) but I didn't expect to looooooove the book. I didn't expect to smack Tom in the shoulder every few minutes to say "OH MAN, THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD JUST READ THIS PART". I didn't expect to laugh out loud so many times.

Why don't I back up and actually tell you about the book? Sound like a plan?

Mark Watney is the only man on Mars. By accident. He certainly wasn't supposed to be the only person on Mars. It was never the plan to just leave him there. But then a big dust storm hits the area Mark and his fellow astronauts are working, causing mass chaos (as dust storms are wont to do, especially on other planets) including making everyone think Mark is dead. Probably because it looked like he'd been impaled and none of his vitals were showing up. The others face a tough decision to leave him behind in order to get away. GOOD NEWS! Mark isn't dead! Bad news! Everyone thinks he is so now he's the only person on Mars and no one knows he's alive and out there and he doesn't have infinity food and there are NO good bodegas on Mars so...

Mark is pretty smart. I mean, he is an astronaut and all so those guys tend to know some things. Most of the book is entries from Mark's journal, which is great cos a lot of them start with "Almost killed myself again yesterday. Whoops." And then he proceeds to tell you what happened and how he figured out a solution. I realize now writing this that sounds like it could be very boring or very tech-heavy and it's NOT. Not to say I understood every science-y thing said but I never got bogged down or overwhelmed or lost. Mark is pretty clear as to "This is the problem. These are some solutions. These are considerations for each of those. And go."

Mark is funny. Having seen some of the quotes from the book, I knew there would be humor but I didn't realize so much of the book would be funny or that it would work so well. And really, you need the humor because the other thing the book has in spades is SUSPENSE. I mean, you spend a lot of time going "Holy shit, is he going to die up there? Will anyone realize he's there? And even if they do, how the hell are they going to get him back? Man, Mars really seems to want to murder anyone that walks on its face."

The book is funny and touching and suspenseful just sooooooo so so good. I don't know exactly who the best audience for this book is. Everyone? Possibly everyone.

Gif rating:

Title quote from page 29, location 491

Weir, Andy. The Martian. Broadway Books, 2014. Kindle.

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This sounds so good. And now that the movie is being made I clearly need to move it closer to the top of my TBR list. Maybe I will take a page out of your book and download the ebook to my Kobo, for I will have some travels coming up soonish.
1 reply · active 550 weeks ago
I am behind getting this as an ebook because then it's easy to highlight all of the great lines and then go back to them later and be like "Yes, good. I should read this again." Cos that maaaay have been a bit what I did while writing this review.

Really, really hope the movie keeps the humor
I will probably read this and also maybe send it to my dad because IS A SPACE SCIENTIST and would probably appreciate it more.
1 reply · active 550 weeks ago
Apparently the science in it is supposed to be pretty accurate. I have no idea if it's super accurate, semi-accurate, or just full on magic but it seemed real to me. Perhaps your dad could answer that.
Sarah, I think it was your review that made me decide to buy and read this book RIGHT NOW. Isn't it amazing? I'm not science-brained at all but I was so impressed by how well researched it seemed to be, and the humour - I guess you'd have to be a good-natured person to be stuck in a spaceship with just a handful of other people without killing each other. Now I want to go and read it all over again!
I *literally* just posted my Martian review and then looked slightly to the right of it and saw the link to YOUR Martian review. Our minds are melded.

"I didn't expect to smack Tom in the shoulder every few minutes to say 'OH MAN, THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD JUST READ THIS PART'"

YES THIS. I was halfway through the book when I forcefully placed it in Angel's hands and made him read just the first chapter and then tried to make him talk to me about it, but he was like, "I ONLY READ THE FIRST CHAPTER. Calm down geez."

And I'm realizing that I said many of the same things you said, so obviously we're in complete agreement on the important topic of how great this book is.
2 replies · active 550 weeks ago
Great, great minds, you and I. I originally thought you had already read the book but when I went to your site looking for the review I saw you were reading it now and got excited to see your review. So YAY.

So for our honeymoon that we went on with a bunch of people, we got books for everyone coming with us. I had originally planned on getting my one friend a different book and as soon as I finished this I went 'Oh wait, NOPE must get him this. Immediately."
That is THE best idea to buy everyone a book. How great are you guys.
Must. Follow. Gif rating.
I loved your review soooo much. When I watched Gravity, I felt a suffocating terror for Sandra Bullock (well, her character, you know what I mean), so I hope that this doesn't happen to me when I read it. What wins me over with this book is the fact that you mention that it IS funny, so I'll have to be next in line to read this one!
3 replies · active 531 weeks ago
I haven't seen Gravity (yet but I will! Probably! Like awhile from now and then I won't have anyone to talk to about it) but this book has enough humor in it that while there ARE very tense moments and you're really worried for the guy, there's enough humor to ease that.
Soooo I finally read this book. You're completely right - the humor and suspense balance each other so well that I was rooting for him because I somehow knew that he was going to think his way out of those terrible situations! SO GOOD.
YAY, I'm glad you read and enjoyed! I mean, it's near impossible to NOT enjoy it BECAUSE THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD
My husband loved this book, but thought it might be a little too technical for my taste... sounds like you didn't think so! At the moment I'm torn between Wool, Lock In, The Humans, and a few others, so I kinda don't need more books to read! But now I feel like I should get this one.
1 reply · active 550 weeks ago
I was worried about this being too technical. Sarah had mentioned that Mark explains the technical stuff in a way that's clear, but she is into physics and science and that stuff so I was like "well how will it be for me who merely knows OF these things?" But really, I never got bogged down. It was great. And I mean, you can never have TOO many books so you might as well add this to your pile :)
I really want to read this already! I got the audiobook and it suuuuucks. I got 2 minutes in and had to stop it, the reader was such a monotonous bore. But I went on the library website and stuck my name down on the waiting list. Those four other people better hurry the heck up!
1 reply · active 550 weeks ago
That is sad about the audiobook but something that also worries me about them. Or at least why I'm so wary cos a bad reader can RUIN a good book. And this story is NOT a monotonous bore!!

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