Friday, January 20, 2012

More excuses for not posting more

I feel like I have so many excuses posts. I should make it a label. But this is a good excuse you guys, I swear!

You unwrap houses, right?
Boyfriend and I bought a place. Well, more specifically we finally closed on a place. If all of those Property Virgins/My First Place shows are to be believed, you've "bought" the place when the seller accepts your offer. If that's the case, Boyfriend and I bought a place in October and I am way late telling everyone. But this last week in particular has been a flurry of half-assed packing (which will turn into whirlwind of frantic last-minute packing next week), signing roughly a bajillion pieces of paper, writing checks for amounts that make me cry, and all that jazz. You'd think I'd be at least used to the moving part, since for the better part of the decade I've moved about once a year, but I manage to block out anything I learn from the earlier moves. Other than "Gah! Moving is le suck. Just throw everything into a box. We'll worry about it later."

So I haven't posted much lately or even played around on Twitter as much as I want to, but I swear stuff is coming! I have some reviews for you PLUS my buddy Paul/Paolo has a post for the Classics Reading Challenge that he sent me and hopefully you guys will appreciate his awesomeness without noticing how much it eclipses my own.

Reviews to come*
The Solitude of Prime Numbers by Paolo Giordano
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare (this one is already written! I just need to actually post it...)
Shakespeare: The World as Stage by Bill Bryson

Comments (19)

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Congrats to y'all! Very excited for you, and can't wait to see pics (hint, hint). :D
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
I'll post a couple as soon as we're all moved in and things are no longer a crazy mess. Well at least not a crazy from moving mess.
Congrats to you both! Hope you are very happy there :)
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
WOW that's so great! I'm super jealous of you! Congratulations, and that is an excellent and fully acceptable excuse! I hope it has a library!
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Thank ya! I will find space for the books, even if it's at the expense of a dining table. I'll eat on my lap.
Woo-hoo, CONGRATS! Buying a house, that is some very exciting, very grown up stuff right there! I hope your new home is filled with love, laughter, and happiness! (Excuse the sap, please.)
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Aww thank you! I have apparently fooled many people into thinking I'm a real adult and letting me buy a house. :)
Wow, how exciting! You sort of need me though- I actually LOVE packing! And also unpacking! And figuring out where things should go and oh the fun! Ok, I'm done being a packing nerd now... But still, exciting, and also YAY THINGS TO COME!
2 replies · active 685 weeks ago
You love packing? And unpacking? Oh man, I do need you. I spend my time packing going "what is all this crap? Who needs all of this?" Of course I still pack it all up instead of throwing things away.
I do! And I love throwing things away! See, when I said I wanted to be a professional organiser on twitter, I wasn't kidding!
Ugh. I HATE moving. Mostly. I cuss myself out for having so many junk and then curse my books for weighing so much. But congrats on the house closing. I want pics.
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
We've run out of packing boxes and at least 80% of the ones filled are filled with books. I swear they don't seem to take up that much space on the shelves but once they have to be boxed up they expand.

I'll get some pics posted as soon as things are at least somewhat moved and unpacked
What exciting news! Looking forward to house pics and book reviews once life has had time to settle a little.
1 reply · active 685 weeks ago
Thank you! I should have some reviews up this week (hopefully) and I'll have some pictures once things are less chaotic.
Congratulations and good luck with the move! I'm amazed you're posting anything at all. Very exciting!
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Thank you! We finally got the move part done so we're at the unpacking stage. Hopefully I'll be able to start reading again soon (and thus posting some more).
I somehow missed this, so, CONGRATULATIONS ON BUYING A PLACE YAYYYY!! That's so grown-up and whatnot. You have to post pictures when you're all settled in.
1 reply · active 684 weeks ago
Aww thank you! I have fooled so many people into thinking I'm an adult. If any of them could see the current mess of the place they would probably think otherwise.

I will make sure to post some pictures as soon as we're not being overrun by boxes. Or when I don't have something better to post.

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