Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Classics Challenge peer pressure spreads beyond the blogging world

This Classics challenge thing is really spreading. I was peer pressured into joining this thing (which I'm getting really excited for) and I decided to spread the peer pressure over to a friend of mine. The problem is my friend doesn't actually have his own book blog. But that doesn't stop this challenge/peer pressure thing so I have graciously offered up some of my blog space so he can post about his Classics reads.

So let me introduce you to my friend, Paul, or as I have been referring to him while we talk about him writing about his books Paolo Redbeard (Paolo cos that's what I call him sometimes, and Redbeard cos he's also a red head. We stick together.) And here's his reading list, which is totally putting mine to shame:

Paolo Redbeard
Ok ok I'm impatient but I'll do this for reals and actually start in January and everything.

Any 19th Century Classic
The Three Musketeers (Dumas) - Gotta go lighthearted somewhere on here.

Any 20th Century Classic
Ulyss-hahahaha no, let's not even pretend.

I'll play this one by ear. Maybe The Sound and the Fury, maybe some Hemingway. And I've never read any Steinbeck. Definitely a modernist.

Reread a classic of your choice
Probably Slaughterhouse 5, for the same reason as Red, actually. I wonder if I still know how to spell Trafalmadorian. (Google says I misplaced the L. TraLfama...) Maybe Gatsby or On The Road.

A Classic Play
If I'm still on the horror kick the rest of these items are for, I'll probably read Faust (Goethe)

Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction
Never read any Lovecraft, so I'll throw in some of his stuff here. He counts as classic in my book, at least.

Classic Romance
I dunno. I just read P&P&Z, and that was enough romance for me for a while. This says something about me. I'm not sure if it's flattering or not.

Maybe Madame Bovary (Flaubert)?

A Classic translated from its original language to your native language
Probably Inferno (Dante)

Classic Award Winner
Well golly gee there's a lot of awards to choose from and a lot of books I haven't heard of. No clue. I want to sneak some Brit lit on here, so I guess I'll pull from the Man Booker? Possibly Midnight Children (Rushdie).

Or, I might cave and finally read Gravity's Rainbow (Pynchon), since it's already on my Kindle and everything.

Classic set in a country you (realistically speaking) will not visit during your lifetime
Thanks to Red, I've settled on, appropriately enough, "My Name is Red" (Orhan Pamuk). Takes place in 16th century Istanbul, which if I remember correctly, sets it concurrently with the American Revolution.

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Oooh, nice job with the peer pressure -- it's always more fun with friends -- and I do love Paolo's possibilities. Can't wait to see how you both do and what you think of your reads!
1 reply · active 694 weeks ago
I'm glad I could convince even more people to join in! I planned on borrowing a few books from him for the challenge, so I figured since he clearly is a classics fan himself, he should get in on the fun.
Good call on the Ulysses, Paolo. I wasted a lot of valuable reading time with that one.
2 replies · active 694 weeks ago
I should post a picture of my copy some day. The first 80-odd pages are dogeared, and the rest of the book is nearly pristine.
Please do! You can post it on your 20th century post. "This is why I'm not posting about Ulysses right now..."
Sounds like a good list! I'm thinking about a different classics challenge for 2012, one that's a little more flexible. But I like the different genres. I definitely plan on reading Dumas next year, just not sure whether it should be Three Musketeers or Count of Monte Cristo.

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