Thursday, January 26, 2017

Reading Guilt

I posted back in December about social justice reads because the world is terrifying and I want to learn all that I can. And that is still a goal and still something I want to focus on. But I also realized I need to make sure I don't burn myself out.
Burn out and become this cat
The other day I finished It's Up to the Women and was looking for the next book to read, going through my list of books I already own and I thought I'd start a book that is just for entertainment, John Dies at the End by David Wong. And then I started to feel guilty that I was reading something that didn't address notions of racism or sexism or classism*. It's not a social justice read, is what I'm saying and can I afford to just ignore this and put my head in the sand? Is that what I'm doing here?

Then I say to myself "shut up". I mean, I say it with love, but still. Reading a book for entertainment is fine and beating myself up over it is stupid and if I get too frustrated I'll end up not doing anything.

For whatever reason, I didn't feel this same guilt when it came to rereading (or in my case, relistening) to Harry Potter. Maybe because I listened to the first book with my mom during a car ride, so then it wasn't my choice. (Or I mean, it was, kinda. We chose it together when we were deciding what to listen to during the trip.) Of course, then I listened to the next book. And then started the third, and haven't felt any guilt over those. Maybe cos I'm listening instead of reading (audiobooks ftw!)? Or maybe because it's Harry Potter and it's about fighting their own battles? Or maybe because it's Harry Potter and I'm never going to feel guilty about rereading those? (Plus relistening to the Oh Witch Please episodes, of course).

So I'm going to continue to read social justice books. Obviously. And I'm going to read books that are just for entertainment. Especially if they are books that are already sitting on my shelves.
I realize I sort of answered my own concerns in this post. But writing this helped, if only to remind myself to calm down and not worry so much if I'm doing the right kind of reading.

How's your reading going so far?

*I should say that's not the overt purpose of the story, at least not from what I can see. Perhaps the concepts will be there in a more subtle form.

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These kinds of ideas swirl around my head a lot too. Often someone will say to me "you shouldn't feel guilty about what you read". But, for me anyway, that's missing the point. Because it's not really (for me) a guilt about the books, but something bigger, because I actually do want to change the world, but to change the world, I have to change some things about myself, and the guilt comes in because saying that I want to/plan to and then making choices that work against that instead (sticking with old habits, not growing)...well, it's insincere. (Or, lies! *cough* Alternative facts ha.) However, I also think it's important to find a balance between nourishing yourself (which is what helps us believe change is possible) and stretching yourself. And I, too, find great comfort and a kind of security in rereading old favourites. I'm rereading Naomi Novik's Temeraire series right now. (If you think you don't like dragons, Temeraire will prove you wrong! Hee) Keep on keeping on, Alley. You're doin' great!
1 reply · active 424 weeks ago
Thank you! And yes exactly! I want to learn more and grow and do better and help with all these terrible things happening, and reading is obviously a way I try to do that, so I've found when I pick up a book that does not help me with those things, I feel like I'm letting myself down. I don't feel this way about stupid TV shows, which I watch guilt free.

Harry Potter has helped though. There's no guilt there. Maybe cos they're fighting Voldemorte and I am like "Yes, I can RELATE to this".
Sometimes you need entertainment. The world is a scary place and if all we do is worry, our brains will explode. At least mine will. I think finding entertaining reads that also have a good message is a good goal. Have you read The Sun Is Also A Star by Nicola Yoon? So good. Also, I think there's something about Hunger Games style books that have a poor character rising up to take on those in power.
1 reply · active 424 weeks ago
Yeah I'm trying to find that balance to keep the brains from exploding. Right now, John Dies at the End is really just entertaining and really, no message at all.

I haven't read The Sun is Also a Star but putting it on my list now!
Both IS good. I read a bunch of social justice fiction at the start of this month, and it was excellent, and just now I finished a super fun YA fantasy adventure novel that was also excellent, and I have more of each of those two types of things in my bedroom heap o' library books. LIVING MY BEST LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFE.
1 reply · active 424 weeks ago
We NEEEEED both. I need both, for sure, and I need to remember that I need both and not beat myself up. Also just do more actual activisty things and then I'll be fine reading whatever.

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