Monday, January 11, 2016

Sometimes crazy is just right

The first book signing I went to was for Jenny Lawson's Let's Pretend This Never Happened so it seemed fitting I go see her when she came to NYC for her latest book. So I got another book signed and was awkward in front of an author I like, but it's cool because Lawson and she doesn't really make you feel awkward. Probably cos her books are a bunch of ridiculous awkward stories. I also dragged a friend of mine with me because it's always easier to be awkward when there's a crowd of you. Spread the awkwardness around.
Unlike her last book which was more of a memoir, this is more a series of ridiculous stories. Ridiculous stories plus chapters regarding her mental health. It actually had less regarding mental health than I thought there would be. This itself is neither good nor bad, just an observation, especially coming out of the reading where it seemed like it would be more of a 50/50 split. Though now that I think about it, that 50/50 split thing might just be my own assumption based on the fact that she read one more serious story and one funny one, and yeah, I'm realizing that assumption was all me. I think this is why sample sizes are so important when drawing conclusions.

One of my favorite sections includes advice from her father. Should we look at some of the best bits? Of course
There will be moments when you have to be a grown-up. Those moments are tricks. Do not fall for them.Don't make the same mistakes that everyone else makes. Make wonderful mistakes. Make the kind of mistakes that make people so shocked that they have no other choice but to be a little impressed.Sometimes stunned silence is better than applause.
And of course, there's some excellent advice from Neil Gaiman when she was having trouble doing the reading for the Let's Pretend audiobook.
Pretend you're good at it.
Which is advice I first heard from her and something I try to keep in mind whenever I'm doing, well, anything. I was going to say "things that scare me" or "things I think I can't do" but that encompasses most things so "anything" covers it.

As with her last book, I couldn't help but laugh out loud while reading it. Which makes for some interesting looks on public transportation. But so worth it. Even those chapters that do deal with her mental health are laugh out loud funny, even if there is a bit of sadness behind the laughter.

If you liked Lawson's first book, or you're a fan of her blog, then you'll like this book.

Gif rating
Title quote from page 6

Lawson, Jenny. Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things. Flatiron Books, 2015.

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"Pretend you're good at it." - I need to use this more often. I'd probably be less stressed.
1 reply · active 478 weeks ago
I have found this to be especially good advice when making a presentation or making a phone call.
Oh, thank God. I pre-ordered this, then forgot I did, so I surprise-received it in the mail and i keep putting off reading it.
1 reply · active 478 weeks ago
YAY for mail surprises. this is entertaining. It's like her blog posts so it's pretty much, if you like that stuff, you'll like this. Though I think I might like Let's Pretend better.
Well, obviously I'm going to need to read this. I still haven't read LPTNH, but I did START reading it once and cried laughing within about three pages, which tells me it's aaaaall going to be okay.

"Pretend you're good at it" is FANTASTIC advice, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Maybe get it on a screensaver or something, just to remind me all the time.
1 reply · active 478 weeks ago
This is a dangerous book to read in public cos you're just that crazy person laughing maniacally to yourself. Or it's an awesome book to read in public for the same reason.
I got to photograph her here in Chicago and it was a dream come true!!! She made the sign language interpreter repeatedly sign the phrase 'horse semen' to highlight how different her events can be, and I swear the woman was beet red... but also laughing.

I've seen a lot of people who loved the first but didn't like this one, so I'm glad to see you also enjoyed it. She's both hilarious and incredibly authentic (not just a buzz word everyone's throwing around) while discussing this painful subject. And she manages to merge the two without the greater message getting lost in the shuffle.

One of my favorite funny bits was when her grandmother gave her those granny panties and she was talking about wearing them as a leotard. I think I almost peed myself. Love the GIF!
1 reply · active 478 weeks ago
THAT'S SO AWESOME!! Both the "horse semen" thing (cos of course she did that) but moreso you getting to photograph her. So cool.

I think I might like Let's Pretend better BUT I still really liked this one and of course there's the fact that, even during the sadder chapters, I can't help but crack up. And I still think about the dog treat pharmacist. I hope she finds out what was going on and provides an update.

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