Saturday, February 14, 2015

Adventures in house selling

As I've mentioned, we are in the process of selling our home so that we may move from one side of NYC to the other (Long Island to NJ, unfortunately not actually in the city). Instead of spending this time writing a book review, like I should be doing, I decided I would tell you about what this has been like. This won't be book related at all, but could maybe help at least partly explain why I've been struggling to get an actual post out.
Me, trying to be coherent
When I first told my friends who had recently sold their own house that we were going to be going through this whole process, they laughed and said "It's all the stress of buying with none of the fun parts! Enjoy!"And then we drank.

Keeping the house clean has been the biggest pain so far. It's not that we're living in a house soon to be featured on hoarders or anything, but just keeping stuff "Open House" ready is a lot of work and involves me misplacing a lot of things as they end up shoved into whatever drawer happens to be closest. Of course, things are even more difficult when someone forgets to tell you people are going to be showing up until they're a couple hours away. I think that affected my subconscious more than I thought.

I had a dream the other day that someone was showing up to see the house ANY MINUTE and omg everything was a mess and there were a bunch of strange people over and they kept making things worse. Just before I woke up, I'm pretty sure I had decided to murder all these mess makers and I felt very relieved because now these people would stop making a mess and also, you don't have to worry about selling a house when you're in jail for murder!
Silver lining! Thanks subconscious, I take it you're worried about all this house stuff. Conscious hasn't been nearly has worried.

I've been watching...really the exact same amount of HGTV buying and selling homes shows I've always watched. But I'm paying slightly more attention right now. During a recent episode Tom and I were talking about what we'd do if we got a very low offer. At what point would we counter back with the list rate and at what point do we not counter back at all? We came up with a number and I sort of laughed cos man, that is low. Like, pretty much $100k under asking (and we're not exactly in a million dollar mansion over here). Someone won't actually go that low.

Someone went that low.
Actually, because it happened a day or two after that conversation, and they hit the EXACT number we said was too low to even consider, I assumed it was a joke. Tom texted me to say we got an offer, told me the amount, to which I replied "Counter back higher! 5 over asking! Obviously." Because I'm GREAT at negotiations. When he didn't respond right away, I wondered what's up. Finally he texted back saying "[Our agent] says she's sorry and embarrassed" to which I replied "OH wait, you were serious?"

So that's currently where we are. I'll probably follow this up with future posts, should something entertaining* happen. Now if you'll excuse me. I need to go clean the house. Again.

*Entertaining subject to interpretation.

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Oh, Alley. THat's just horrible! I can't imagine how much pressure it would be to always keep your house in a state of Open House Ready, or Open House Ready Minus Two Hours. So stressful! It's no wonder you're having dreams about murdering people.

Good luck finding all of your misplaced things that have gotten jammed in random drawers for the last few months, and make sure you always have a bottle of wine (or other adult beverage of choice) on hand to drink when things start looking rough.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
It was very lucky that day people were coming for that surprise visit I happened to be working from home a could get the house cleaned up. I'm just glad people aren't looking in drawers and whatnot, because they are a disaster of random items. I'm sure once we move and get unpacked we'll manage to find everything. And probably some new things. So that'll be fun!

And don't worry, there are many adult beverage options around here. They are necessary.
I promise I'm not enjoying your torment, but I couldn't help picturing the Cat in the Hat and Things 1 and 2 running around your house and messing things up and then being murdered by you. Ahahaha what a delightful image!
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
HaHA it's too bad Seuss didn't write a book about selling a house cos I'm pretty sure that would have been the plot.
Solid incoherency GIF.

Yeah, this sounds Not Great At All. But most importantly, ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO BE ABLE TO HANG OUT IN LATE MARCH. Oh I do hope so.

I really wanted to find this particular Absolutely Fabulous GIF about Eddy wanting clean surfaces but it doesn't appear to exist, so just....imagine that was linked here.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Yes we will ABSOLUTELY be able to hang out in late March!!! And it will be amazing. I wonder if there will be another surprise parade
Awww, I hope you get a ton of offers soon so you won't have to be in constant open-house-mode anymore!
PS: You use the best gifs ever.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Aww thank ya! A ton of offers would be nice. One (real) offer would be nice too.
Soooo not jealous of you right now. Tom and I might be moving (just to a new house, staying in the same area) and it is a nightmare to find a house that's suitable for two people (but not an apartment. I live in Brisbane, if I want to live in an apartment I'll move to NYC thank you very much mr realtor) but doesn't cost a fortune. I can't even imagine how much worse it would be if I were also trying to sell my place and keep it fancy and clean. Gross.

But don't worry, you aren't the only one stuffing random things into drawers to make the place tidy. At least you have a legit excuse though!
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
I can't get Tom to agree to a house. We've got a townhouse/co-op now and he doesn't want to be responsible for all of the outside stuff (landscaping, roof, foundation, etc.) Not that I can blame him. But it is severely limiting our options.

The top drawer of our dresser has become a fun catch-all spot. And some reusable grocery bags, which are filled with stuff like bills and then shoved in a closet. Yup, we've got a real system down.

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