Another friend of ours decided to join in and thus we're doing our own version of this Margin Scribbling. We won't be reading Dan Brown* and we'll be doing a slightly different breakdown. The three of us live in different states so we can't just do a book club type deal. And I'm the only one cool enough (ahahahahaha) to have a book blog, so we can't do our gif-filled style readalong. Hence this, which I have titled The Great (Marginalia) Game because, again, see how cool I am (ahahahahaha) and also I'm a Sherlock nerd so of course I needed to shove a reference in there, even if it makes no sense whatsoever.
While we're at it let's throw this in as well |
I assume this is going to take the better part of a year to finish, especially considering how long it takes me to get to the post office (even though the post office is RIGHT THERE and I really have no excuse). But I AM EXCITED FOR THIS.
Enough to get over how much I do not like writing in books. I will be writing in pencil though because baby steps.
So expect random posts about this, which I'm sure will be ridiculous.
*At least not for the first book, although if things go well I'm all for trying this with Inferno.