Heeeeey everyone. I'm sorry I've been MIA this past week. Assuming you noticed.That's a little egotistical of me, thinking OF COURSE you've noticed my absence. Actually some of you may realize I was missing as I'm just now getting around to reading blogs and thus you're getting comments on things from last week. ANYWAY, I have been places that are not home, and thus I was not here.
Boyfriend+ and I went down to South Carolina last week to visit my dad and see Charleston. I typically only make it down there for Thanksgiving and Boyfriend+ had never been since he's normally working during the holiday because sports, sports, sports. It was nice to get to show him the house AND we got to use the pool. We ate lots of good food which is always fun and the main reason I vacation. The weather was nice but hot and other than some glitches getting down there, it was a good time.
Those glitches getting down there though. That sucked. Enough that Boyfriend+ put together an infographic because nerd. Would you like to see? Even if you don't want to, my blog
If you're flying out of JFK, assume that every single person in the tri-state area will also be traveling at the same time, and also they've never flown before so the whole security process will be a new and exciting experience for them.
To explain the pilot outing us thing. So we were supposed to have a 2 hour layover. Except with all of those delays, we were going to be landing about 2 minutes AFTER our connecting flight, which does not do us much good. We asked the flight attendant for our options since the pilot was still doing pilot stuff and we didn't know when we'd actually be leaving. She told us we could get off and try to find a different flight from JFK so we asked to do that. I don't know how many other people asked the attendant the same thing, but not long after that the pilot got on and made an announcement about how we were ready to push off but someone now wanted to get off the plane so we're going to be delayed even further. So then lots of people around us started grumbling and THANKS A LOT, JERK. There was extra grumbling when we got up, but a BUNCH of people also got off with us since people were missing meetings connections so at least we weren't the only ones.
Before any of the mechanical problems and missed connections happened, JB told us they were going to be sending our bags right to our final destination, which was PERFECT. Except then they didn't do that at all and instead sent it to our connecting city. The one where we didn't go there cos we were going to miss the connection. Our bags missed the connection. THEN because my dad lives in the middle of no where, South Carolina, they were outside of the bag delivery area and told us they'd normally FedEx them overnight, which means out of our 4 1/2 day trip, we'd be without our bags for 2 days. There were some sad looks and they agreed to make an exception. And then the dogs swarmed the car when it came to deliver the bags and I bet they won't deliver out there again, even though the dogs are SUPER FRIENDLY AND THEY JUST WANTED TO SAY HI. Of course, I'm hoping that my bags don't get lost again, so hopefully this won't be an issue.
So I also didn't get a chance to do the minireadathon that was yesterday (except I'm writing this on Sunday, so today. But I'm going to post this on Monday, so yesterday. Time travel is confusing.) I was sort of around but we had to do all of the I've-been-away-and-need-to-get-back-to-reality-even-though-reality-is-lame and do things like buy food and do the mountains of laundry that have been accumulating. But I am going through and reading everyone's mini-readathon posts and please know, I am very jealous of your good times.
I will be around more this week and will hopefully have reviews to post and maybe I'll even finish Native Son (I will not).
Monday, July 29, 2013
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Comments by IntenseDebate
I have been places!
vacation time|
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readingrambo 112p · 606 weeks ago
(p.s. did you go to Hyman's? because damn. also that one place Oprah recommended that had amazing mashed potatoes because THEY WERE SO GOOD I GOT SOME TO GO)
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
I did not eat at Hyman's but I did giggle every time I saw an ad for the place. I DID eat a place called Lizard's Thicket which I love a lot. It's sorta like a Boston Market (pick a meat + sides) but for southern food.
YES to another minireadathon!
etudesque 73p · 606 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
Join the next mini-readathon!! They're fun and not as intense as those 24 hour ones which I couldn't do
etudesque 73p · 606 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
Andi · 606 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
Jennifer · 606 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
This is the second time my luggage has been lost. Both times I got it back unharmed, nothing missing, but it sucks every time. Back to carry on only!
Tikabelle 87p · 606 weeks ago
Next minireadathon in... 5-ish months. Maybe 6. IDK.
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
Boyfriend+ made sure to mention the awesome JB people to JB customer service. Because while all this shitty stuff happened, the JB people that helped us were so nice
Kayleigh_M 92p · 606 weeks ago
But also yay for time away spending time away and getting to be in a pool and stuff. That's always good, airport trouble aside.
And of course we noticed your absence!
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
Meg · 606 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
Kayleigh vW · 606 weeks ago
What Red Read 121p · 606 weeks ago
briefraser 73p · 605 weeks ago
ANYWAY, this post made me think about a news special I just watched about credit cards. And they were talking about how most people don't use any of the benefits associated with said credit cards. Now, obviously, the benefits differ depending on which credit card you have and what level it is (gold, silver, etc), but they were saying that a lot of credit card companies have insurance for DELAYED baggage! (Which I did not know, so I'm assuming no one else knows this either!). They said if your baggage is delayed for 6 hours or more (and not even lost, just delayed), some credit cards will give you $500 to replace your essentials. Crazy, huh?
So, I know this does not help you in the slightest right now, but something worth knowing/looking into for the future! :) Glad you had a good time though! I've always wanted to go to Charleston.
What Red Read 121p · 605 weeks ago
I did not know that about most credit cards. I wonder if AmEx has something like that. They do all sorts of helpful things that make me think I should probably get one of those.