Sunday, July 22, 2012

I'm baaaaaaaack

Oh, you didn't realize I was gone? Because I'm paranoid about telling the interwebs when I'm not at home. Cos if I did and then we got robbed I would never hear the end of it. Ever.

So now that you know I am back after being gone, even though you prob didn't notice, you may wonder where I was. I will tell you. I was in Seattle on vacation. And it was amazing. I had gone a few years ago and to my surprise fell in love with the city so Boyfriend and I decided to go back this year. We spent most of the time eating because we do vacations right. I had some reviews ready to post while I was gone and I managed to get online and read some blogs although my Google Reader is currently over 400 unread blogs so I'm going to try and get that under control.* So if you see a comment from me way after your blog post went out, that is why...

Anyway, here are pictures of things I did/saw.**

Oh also Boyfriend proposed so I guess calling him Boyfriend isn't entirely accurate now. He and I were brainstorming about new names because I think fiance sounds silly and makes me want to start yelling "maybe the dingo ate your baby". So we've come up with Boyfriend+. And by "we" I mean "he". But we're engaged so I get to take credit for his ideas. That's how this works, right? Also not long after accepting the proposal I told him "I'm going to marry the SHIT out of you" because I'm a romantic at heart.

In bookish news, here are the books that I need to review:
A Drink Before the War by Dennis Lehane
Darkness, Take My Hand by Dennis Lehane
The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance by Elna Baker
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

*Better than my work email which I'm afraid to look at but when I did glance at it the first day of vacation I had 192 unread emails. And I haven't seen it since so I'm going to assume Outlook has just exploded.
Update: In case you care, my work email was over 800 emails and my Outlook did sort of explode. So this morning was fun

View of Seattle from Kerry Park, where Boyfriend+ proposed
Mariners game where, oh hey, they won
Mr. Rainier which we hiked. Even though there was about 4ft of snow & warm out.
Fremont troll crawling with small children
Peacock at the zoo that posed for me
Paseo sandwich, which we had twice cos it's the best sandwich