Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why do we (book) blog?

The Reading Ape has recently written a whole host of posts* about why do we blog, what's the purpose of book blogging, where is book blogging going and if you haven't already, you need to start reading those entries because they are fantastic. Most recently he's posed Eight Questions about the State and Future of Book Blogging and figured I like my opinions so I'll post my responses. And I'll post them on my in own blog rather than the comments for a couple reasons: it's what everyone else is doing (blogging peer pressure!), I don't want to have this giant comment with a lot of my rambling taking up his blog space, and then selfishly I can have another post up here and thus (maybe) drive more traffic here. So there you go: blogging is a lot like high school. Please don't ask me to finish that analogy though. I'm done intro-rambling, so now onto the questions

1. What does book blogging do best?
Book blogging offers a casual way to review and discuss books, without the pretentious trappings of some of the established reviewers in publications like NYTimes or academic papers. Not to say either of those are bad or should be done away with, but they already have their place and book blogging is the amateur's response to wanting something different.

2. If you write a book blog, why do you?
I started my blog after I complained one too many times to Boyfriend that my English degree was being wasted and he suggest I start writing. He'd been suggesting I write some fiction for awhile, but that seemed so daunting after not writing anything other than emails for so long. He suggested a blog and I like books so I went with that. I started the blog initially as a means to drive discussion about books, like a reading group online but that never really worked out so I moved into discussing bookish things and discuss/reviewing books as I'm reading them.

3. What do you think the future of book blogging is?
Book blogging seems to be growing and certain blogs gaining the popularity/legitimacy (whichever publisher's go for) to have author's reaching out to blogs for book reviews. I'm sure this means more blogs will be taken over by publishing houses or just in general become "respected" reviewers, like those I mentioned in question 1. Essentially becoming traditional media instead of social media. But enough blogs, even those very popular ones with lots of quality reviews, will remain within the social sphere. At least I hope this will be the case. Awesome blogs, please don't leave me with the I-post-nothing-but-memes crowd.

4. What do your favorite book bloggers do?
My favorite blogs have well thought out, engaging, interesting posts that are either reviews or a discussion about some book-related topic. Some do take part in the memes (they can be fun) but they don't make it the primary point of their blog. And because they're a blog, the tone is conversational, it's casual and my favorites are usually funny or at least make me smile. If I read a book review from one of my favorite bloggers, I feel like I'm getting a book recommendation from a friend instead of a reviewer. 

5. If you could tell all book bloggers one thing, what would it be?
When you post things that you don't care about because you think it will get you more traffic, your readers can tell. And then they'll leave and you'll have a bunch of readers that are following you because of stuff you don't even care about. Quit it. Write about what you care about in a way that will reach the audience you want and ignore the followers number.

6. If you could change one thing about book blogging, what would it be?
Book blogging is so diverse, I don't know that there's anything I'd change about it overall. I don't read the reviews that just consist of "ZOMG I loved this book sooooooo much and you should go out and read it right now kthxbai" but I suppose other people do so I won't start wishing those away. I don't like the all-memes, all-the-time blogs, but again, they have an audience so if that's what they want, go for it. There are quality book blogs out there, even if I have to do some searching to find them and I'm happy that you can find pretty much any genre or tone you want. 

7. How do you think book blogging fits into the reading landscape?
For me personally, blogging has expanded what I read. I've challenged myself more than I think I would if I wasn't blogging, reading classics alongside Christopher Moore and Bill Bryson. There are so many different reading challenges out there that I'm not necessarily taking part of, but plenty of people seem to that open up new works that may have gone untouched if the reader wasn't given this little push from the blogging world.

8. What about your own book blogging would you like to do better/differently?
I want to improve my own reviewing or discussion topics. I want to dig deeper into the text of a book and put more time into the posts I write. Sometimes I rush through posts and I'm sure they could use another editing pass or two before I thrust them upon the public. I like posting a couple times a week and I'm also lazy, hence the superficiality of some of the posts.  

If you have have opinions on these questions, and I'm sure you do, you should post your answers and head over to The Reading Ape to let him know.

*Rhymes make me giggle.

The title of this post gets the song "Why Rock?" by The Aquabats stuck in my head, which is why I chose it. Why do we blog? (Blog!) Why not? I think I need more sleep. Or coffee.

Updated to make easier to match question with the answer.

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Red, you knocked it out of the park when you said, "...I feel like I'm getting a book recommendation from a friend." That's how I've come across some of my favorite books. So, what's the difference between a friend giving me a copy of "Water For Elephants" and saying I've got to read it, and a book blogger praising "The Book Thief?" There is none. Had it not been for the recommendations of friends ("in person" ones or blogging ones) I'd have missed many treasures. When you get familiar with a particular blog, you begin to know whether you can trust the blogger's opinion. If you do, you will continue to follow it. If not, you move on. Great post, and I think I steal the idea for a post on The Curious Reader!
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
#4 — YES. Especially the latter part about recommendations. If it's someone you like from their posts, and respect intellectually, when they then recommend a book, you're more likely to take it seriously (esp. since you're pretty sure they don't have any kind of agenda, unlike some professional reviewers).
1 reply · active 722 weeks ago
You know, this question seems to crop up once or twice a year in different formats. We book bloggers are a fickle and self-conscious bunch - we always seem to be concerned with why and how we blog.

I like your comment about the obviousness of posts that only attempt to garner more traffic. This is the most difficult and upsetting aspect of an otherwise enjoyable field - the balance of "well, I want to be read at all costs" and "well, I want to maintain my integrity". It's unfortunately easy to fall on the wrong side of the line...
6 replies · active 721 weeks ago
You know, oddly enough I'm never really this intro-spective about book blogging. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Maybe I should reflect more and ask myself some deeper questions about my blog and why I do it. But basically I blog because it's fun and I like it and I can share my bookish thoughts with the universe, instead of my friends & family who get kind of sick of it after a while.

Good post :) I'll check out The Reading Ape.
1 reply · active 721 weeks ago
These are some great observations, Alley. I think your statement "If I read a book review from one of my favorite bloggers, I feel like I'm getting a book recommendation from a friend instead of a reviewer." is spot on. It's why I'm more interested in those book blogger's reviews that I trust than I am in reading every NYT Sunday review.
1 reply · active 721 weeks ago
What a wonderful post. I wish I can express my thoughts like you do.
I really only started blogging because I wanted to throw away my file box of book quotes. I wanted to remember the author's actual words, because good prose move me ( and because mine is pretty lame). I suppose, I can keep my blog private, just my own, right?... but along the way, a new world opened up, I've read new genres, met virtual friends and enjoyed the bliss of book discussions like this one.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Five is great advice. The reason my posts are fiery and full of passion is because I write about things I care about. The content can be hard to come up with, but at least when I post you can tell I want to do it.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Your response to #5 is my favorite of all the responses that I've read. So well said and so true.
Red, this is one of the best reflections I've read about this whole why do we blog business. I like what you said about being able to tell when bloggers post about something they don't care about. And you are right, too, about focusing too much on acquiring followers. Good stuff.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
These are great responses to all questions! I like what you say about reviews being casual and conversational, but also well thought out. Also appreciated what you said about writing what you care about. I agree with some of the commenters that unfortunately, the posts I care about get the least interest from readers. It's frustrating when you put a lot of energy and emotion into something but it's the quickie reviews that get comments. But maybe the trick is not to feel like the number of comments indicate the success of your post? I know my non-blogger friends read and never comment.
Happy Memorial Day weekend! By the way I finally read A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore and loved it. Thanks for the recommendation.
1 reply · active 721 weeks ago
During my extended blogging absence I was actually pondering many of these same questions, how odd! Maybe I should take these questions then and also post them on my blog, now that I've returned, though I don't even know if I have answers for all the questions.

And also, hello Red! Missed ya!
1 reply · active 721 weeks ago

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